La fertilización nitro-potásica en rendimiento de un clon promisorio de camote pulpa morada (Ipomoea batatas L.) en Costa Central
Coaquira Incacari, Roberto
El experimento se realizó entre enero - agosto de 2010, en campo "libres uno" de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. El material genético fue un clon de camote de pulpa morada; los objetivos fueron: determinar la respuesta de camote a las aplicaciones de nitrógeno y potasio; determinar la interacción de nitrógeno y potasio en el rendimiento; Los factores en estudio fueron: dosis de nitrógeno; dosis de potasio y momentos de aplicación. El diseño estadístico fue Diseño Bloque completo al Azar con arreglo factorial 2Nx3Kx3M con 4 bloques; y 18 tratamientos. Resultando el porcentaje de prendimiento de 94 por ciento; el peso de área foliar/planta; peso de raíz reservante/planta y numero de raíces resevantes/planta; los efectos principales nitrógenos, potasio y momento de aplicación no mostro, significación estadística; ni para las interacciones de primer y segundo orden en las seis evaluación realizadas. Por lo tanto se concluye que con ninguna de las variables estudiadas se obtuvo respuesta a los factores estudiados. También no se encontró efecto de las interacciones de primer y segundo orden en las variables estudiadas.
The experiment was conducted between January - August 2010, in the "free one" field of the National Agrarian University La Molina. The genetic material was a purple pulp sweet potato clone; the objectives were: to determine the sweet potato response to nitrogen and potassium applications; determine the interaction of nitrogen and potassium in performance; The factors under study were: nitrogen dose; Potassium dose and moments of application. The statistical design was Random Complete Block Design with 2Nx3Kx3M factorial arrangement with 4 blocks; and 18 treatments. The percentage of yield being 94 percent; the weight of leaf area / plant; reserve root weight / plant and number of resecting roots / plant; the main effects nitrogen, potassium and time of application did not show, statistical significance; nor for the first and second order interactions in the six evaluations carried out. Therefore, it is concluded that with none of the variables studied, a response to the factors studied was obtained. There was also no effect of first and second order interactions on the variables studied.
The experiment was conducted between January - August 2010, in the "free one" field of the National Agrarian University La Molina. The genetic material was a purple pulp sweet potato clone; the objectives were: to determine the sweet potato response to nitrogen and potassium applications; determine the interaction of nitrogen and potassium in performance; The factors under study were: nitrogen dose; Potassium dose and moments of application. The statistical design was Random Complete Block Design with 2Nx3Kx3M factorial arrangement with 4 blocks; and 18 treatments. The percentage of yield being 94 percent; the weight of leaf area / plant; reserve root weight / plant and number of resecting roots / plant; the main effects nitrogen, potassium and time of application did not show, statistical significance; nor for the first and second order interactions in the six evaluations carried out. Therefore, it is concluded that with none of the variables studied, a response to the factors studied was obtained. There was also no effect of first and second order interactions on the variables studied.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Agrícola
Ipomoea batatas; Clones; Abonos nitrogenados; Abonos potásicos; Abonos NP; Dosis de aplicación; Etapas de desarrollo de la planta; Respuesta de la planta; Experimentación en campo; Rendimiento de cultivos; Evaluación; Costa; Perú; Camote morado; Costa central
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