Elaboración de pan sin gluten utilizando harina de cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule), arroz (Oryza sativa) y almidón de maíz (Zea mays)
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Alberco Laymito, Caroly Isabel
Actualmente el desarrollo de panes sin gluten en el mercado tiene bajo volumen, miga seca, y se endurecen rápidamente, el cual es necesario mejorar las formulaciones tradicionales. Por ello, la investigación tuvo como objetivo elaborar panes sin gluten utilizando harina de cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule), harina de arroz (Oryza sativa) y almidón de maíz (Zea mays), la evaluación de la interacción de las mismas por medio de las variables respuestas, asimismo se diseñaron las formulaciones de los panes sin gluten con la ayuda del Diseño flexible de optimización para acomodar modelos personalizados del software Design Expert. Se analizó las propiedades reológicas como dureza, cohesividad, elasticidad, masticabilidad en las migas de los panes, la firmeza, cohesividad, consistencia e índice de viscosidad en el batido de los panes; las propiedades viscoamilográficas como la viscosidad pico, viscosidad mínima, breakdown, setback, viscosidad final; volumen específico; valores de colorimetría (L*, a*, b*); estructura alveolar, como variables de calidad más aceptados sensorialmente. Se optimizó de acuerdo a las variables respuesta con el mínimo de dureza y densidad alveolar, y máximo de volumen específico y luminosidad. Por último, se desarrolló la caracterización del pan óptimo sin gluten, en el cual se encontró los valores experimentales del pan óptimo en el rango predicho por el diseño de optimización y se prosiguió a realizar el análisis físicoquímico, dentro de ello la humedad y la actividad de agua y finalmente la composición proximal.
Currently the development of gluten-free breads in the market have low volume, dry crumb, and harden quickly, which is necessary improvements in traditional formulations. Therefore, the research aimed to make gluten-free bread using cañihua flour (Chenopodium pallidicaule), rice flour (Oryza sativa) and corn starch (Zea mays), evaluating their interaction through the variables responses, gluten-free breads were also formulated with the Desing Expert software. Rheological properties such as texture, cohesiveness, elasticity, chewiness in bread crumbs, firmness, cohesiveness, consistency and viscosity index in bread dough were analyzed; viscoamylographic properties such as peak viscosity, minimum viscosity, breakdown, setback, final viscosity; specific volume; colorimetry parameters (L*, a*, b*); alveolar structure, as more sensorially accepted quality parameters. It was optimized according to the response variables with the minimum of hardness and alveolar density, and maximum of specific volume and luminosity. Finally, the characterization of the optimal gluten-free bread was developed, in which the experimental values of the optimal bread were found in the range predicted by the software and analyzed from a physical-chemical point of view (moisture and water activity) and composition proximal.
Currently the development of gluten-free breads in the market have low volume, dry crumb, and harden quickly, which is necessary improvements in traditional formulations. Therefore, the research aimed to make gluten-free bread using cañihua flour (Chenopodium pallidicaule), rice flour (Oryza sativa) and corn starch (Zea mays), evaluating their interaction through the variables responses, gluten-free breads were also formulated with the Desing Expert software. Rheological properties such as texture, cohesiveness, elasticity, chewiness in bread crumbs, firmness, cohesiveness, consistency and viscosity index in bread dough were analyzed; viscoamylographic properties such as peak viscosity, minimum viscosity, breakdown, setback, final viscosity; specific volume; colorimetry parameters (L*, a*, b*); alveolar structure, as more sensorially accepted quality parameters. It was optimized according to the response variables with the minimum of hardness and alveolar density, and maximum of specific volume and luminosity. Finally, the characterization of the optimal gluten-free bread was developed, in which the experimental values of the optimal bread were found in the range predicted by the software and analyzed from a physical-chemical point of view (moisture and water activity) and composition proximal.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Alimentos preparados; Almidón de maíz; Chenopodium pallidicaule; Evaluación; Gluten; Harina de cañihua; Harinas de cereales
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