Conocimiento y compromiso de la sociedad peruana con la agricultura sustentable
Salazar Palacios, Jorge Aurelio
Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivos específicos (i) Determinar el estado del conocimiento de los profesionales que trabajan en los diversos ámbitos de la agricultura respecto a la agricultura sustentable en el Perú y (ii) Determinar el compromiso de dichos profesionales con la agricultura sustentable. Para ello, se realizó una investigación no experimental, de tipo exploratoria, con encuestas estructuradas, vía internet, desde un formulario hecho en la aplicación Google Drive. Se realizaron 173 encuestas a profesionales de las ciencias agrarias, ambientales, biológicas, sociales, o económicas, pertenecientes a diferentes regiones del país. De acuerdo a los resultados, la mayoría de encuestados manifestó entender la agricultura sustentable (94.22 por ciento), conocer sobre sus tres dimensiones (92.03 por ciento), y la posibilidad de evaluarla (99 por ciento), prefiriendo para esto una metodología que use indicadores (95.06 por ciento). Sin embargo, se encontró una inclinación hacia el cuidado del medio ambiente (41.72 por ciento algo de acuerdo y 39.26 por ciento totalmente de acuerdo), estando en total desacuerdo con priorizar el desarrollo económico (77.91 por ciento), desconociendo el concepto integral y holístico de la agricultura sustentable. Faltó mayor claridad, para diferenciar el concepto de agricultura sustentable de otras como, agricultura orgánica, agricultura ecológica, agricultura biodinámica y agricultura de precisión, un porcentaje importante las consideran sinónimos (54.60 por ciento). También, se reportó la necesidad de fomentar la agricultura sustentable en el Perú, declarándose que debe trabajarse conjuntamente (61.96 por ciento), tanto para mayor capacitación, como para mayor investigación, y para el cambio de paradigma sobre los objetivos de la agricultura, destacando este último con el 27 por ciento. Además, la mayoría manifestó la necesidad de que los productos de la agricultura sustentable deben certificarse (90.18 por ciento) y pagar un valor por encima del promedio del mercado (90.80 por ciento), con la finalidad de apoyar la adopción de una agricultura más racional (79.33 por ciento); asimismo, el 47.26 por ciento de los encuestados estaría dispuesto a pagar hasta un 10 por ciento más que el precio del mercado.
This research work had as specific objectives (i) Determine the state of knowledge of professionals working in the various fields of agriculture regarding sustainable agriculture and (ii) Determine the commitment of these professionals to sustainable agriculture. For this, a non-experimental investigation was carried out, at an exploratory type, with structured surveys, via the Internet, from a form made in the Google Drive application. 173 surveys were conducted with professionals from the agrarian, environmental, biological, social, or economic sciences, belonging to different regions of the country. According to the results, the majority of respondents said they understand sustainable agriculture (94.22 percent), know about its three dimensions (92.03 percent), and the possibility of evaluating it (99 percent), preferring for this a methodology that uses indicators (95.06 percent). However, an inclination towards caring for the environment was found (41.72 percent some agreement and 39.26 percent totally agree), with total disagreement with prioritizing economic development (77.91 percent), ignoring the integral and holistic concept of sustainable agriculture. Greater clarity was lacking, to differentiate the concept of sustainable agriculture from others such as organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, biodynamic agriculture and precision agriculture, a significant percentage consider them synonyms (54.60 percent). Also, the need to promote sustainable agriculture in Peru was reported, declaring that it should work together (61.96 percent), both for greater training, as for more research, and for the paradigm shift on the objectives of agriculture, highlighting the latter with 27 per cent. In addition, most expressed the need for sustainable agriculture products to be certified (90.18 percent) and to pay a value above the market average (90.80 percent), in order to support the adoption of a more rational agriculture (79.33 percent); likewise, 47.26 percent of respondents would be willing to pay up to 10 percent more than the market price.
This research work had as specific objectives (i) Determine the state of knowledge of professionals working in the various fields of agriculture regarding sustainable agriculture and (ii) Determine the commitment of these professionals to sustainable agriculture. For this, a non-experimental investigation was carried out, at an exploratory type, with structured surveys, via the Internet, from a form made in the Google Drive application. 173 surveys were conducted with professionals from the agrarian, environmental, biological, social, or economic sciences, belonging to different regions of the country. According to the results, the majority of respondents said they understand sustainable agriculture (94.22 percent), know about its three dimensions (92.03 percent), and the possibility of evaluating it (99 percent), preferring for this a methodology that uses indicators (95.06 percent). However, an inclination towards caring for the environment was found (41.72 percent some agreement and 39.26 percent totally agree), with total disagreement with prioritizing economic development (77.91 percent), ignoring the integral and holistic concept of sustainable agriculture. Greater clarity was lacking, to differentiate the concept of sustainable agriculture from others such as organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, biodynamic agriculture and precision agriculture, a significant percentage consider them synonyms (54.60 percent). Also, the need to promote sustainable agriculture in Peru was reported, declaring that it should work together (61.96 percent), both for greater training, as for more research, and for the paradigm shift on the objectives of agriculture, highlighting the latter with 27 per cent. In addition, most expressed the need for sustainable agriculture products to be certified (90.18 percent) and to pay a value above the market average (90.80 percent), in order to support the adoption of a more rational agriculture (79.33 percent); likewise, 47.26 percent of respondents would be willing to pay up to 10 percent more than the market price.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Agricultura Sustentable
Palabras clave
Agricultura; Sostenibilidad; Conocimiento; Legislación; Perú
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