Manejo de plantas ornamentales de espacios exteriores en tres centros comerciales de Lima
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Espino Rueda, Linda Ivette
El presente estudio se enfocó en el manejo de plantas ornamentales de exterior en tres centros comerciales de Lima. Los objetivos planteados fueron evaluar las labores de manejo realizadas, analizar el control de plagas y enfermedades, seleccionar las especies adecuadas y evaluar la gestión del personal encargado del mantenimiento, además de conocer los principales factores que influyen en el desarrollo de las plantas en lugares de gran afluencia y como dar solución a posibles problemáticas que se presenten. Los resultados revelaron que las labores de poda, riego, fertilización y control fitosanitario fueron efectivas en el mantenimiento de las plantas. La gestión del personal, incluyendo el control de asistencias, los cronogramas de trabajo y la supervisión de labores, fue adecuada logrando conseguir las metas propuestas para conseguir el mantenimiento de todas las plantas. Por otro lado, se observó que las plantas al encontrarse en lugares con alta exposición sufren constantemente de daños provocados que afectan su desarrollo, lo cual se resuelve con el cambio de plantas o de especies más resistentes. En conclusión, el manejo de plantas ornamentales en centros comerciales requiere de un enfoque integral que considere aspectos técnicos y de gestión, lo cual contribuye a mantener su desarrollo adecuado y un ambiente atractivo y saludable en estos espacios.
This study focused on the management of outdoor ornamental plants in three shopping centers in Lima. The objectives were to evaluate the management tasks performed, analyze the control of pests and diseases, select the appropriate species, and evaluate the management of the maintenance personnel, as well as to determine the main factors that influence the development of the plants in high traffic areas and how to solve possible problems that may arise. The results revealed that pruning, irrigation, fertilization and phytosanitary control were effective in plant maintenance. Personnel management, including attendance control, work schedules and work supervision, was adequate and achieved the proposed goals for the maintenance of all the plants. On the other hand, it was observed that the plants, being in places with high exposure, constantly suffer damages that affect their development, which is solved by changing plants or more resistant species. In conclusion, the management of ornamental plants in shopping centers requires an integral approach that considers technical and management aspects, which contributes to maintaining their adequate development and an attractive and healthy environment in these spaces.
This study focused on the management of outdoor ornamental plants in three shopping centers in Lima. The objectives were to evaluate the management tasks performed, analyze the control of pests and diseases, select the appropriate species, and evaluate the management of the maintenance personnel, as well as to determine the main factors that influence the development of the plants in high traffic areas and how to solve possible problems that may arise. The results revealed that pruning, irrigation, fertilization and phytosanitary control were effective in plant maintenance. Personnel management, including attendance control, work schedules and work supervision, was adequate and achieved the proposed goals for the maintenance of all the plants. On the other hand, it was observed that the plants, being in places with high exposure, constantly suffer damages that affect their development, which is solved by changing plants or more resistant species. In conclusion, the management of ornamental plants in shopping centers requires an integral approach that considers technical and management aspects, which contributes to maintaining their adequate development and an attractive and healthy environment in these spaces.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Horticultura
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