Comportamiento de frijol voluble (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) introducido en condiciones de costa central
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Yraula Cruces, Virginia Geraldina
La investigación se llevó a cabo en condiciones de campo abierto en la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Se evaluó el comportamiento agronómico de catorce líneas MBC introducidas del Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) y al frijol CANARIO, BLANCO MOLINERO y PL-VI-1-3 como testigos. La siembra del cultivo fue en los meses de octubre a enero del 2020, empleando un diseño de bloques completos al azar con diecisiete tratamientos y tres repeticiones. Se evaluaron los caracteres morfo agronómicos, las características de grano y de la vaina, los componentes de rendimiento de grano y el rendimiento, así como también las principales etapas fenológicas. Las líneas MBC no presentaron la altura, el número de ramas y nudos típico del hábito de crecimiento tipo IV. La línea MBC 89 (12) supera en el número de vaina a los testigos BLANCO MOLINERO y PL VI-1-3. El color del grano blancuzco, hilium blanco, brillo intermedio, curvatura de vaina ligeramente curvado y forma ovalada fueron lo más predominante. El número de semillas, la línea MBC 84 tuvo un número de cinco semillas al igual que el testigo BLANCO MOLINERO. Las líneas MBC 90 y MBC 103 superaron en el peso de 100 semillas a los testigos CANARIO y BLANCO MOLINERO y las líneas MBC 64, MBC 89 (12) y MBC 75 superaron en peso al testigo PL VI-1-3. La variedad CANARIO y PL VI-1-3 tuvieron un rendimiento superior a las líneas promisorias, no obstante, las líneas MBC 52 y MBC 89(12) superaron en rendimiento a la variedad BLANCO MOLINERO. El testigo CANARIO fue la variedad más precoz en cuanto a días de floración, madurez fisiológica y madurez de cosecha. Sin embargo, hay otras líneas promisorias que, si fueron más precoces que los otros dos testigos.
The research was carried out under open field conditions at the National Agrarian University La Molina. The agronomic performance of fourteen MBC lines introduced from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and CANARIO, BLANCO MOLINERO and PL-VI-1-3 beans as controls was evaluated. The crop was sown in the months of October to January 2020, using a randomized complete block design with seventeen treatments and three repetitions. The morpho-agronomic characters, grain and pod characteristics, grain yield components and yield, as well as the main phenological stages were evaluated. The MBC lines did not present the height, number of branches and nodes typical of the type IV growth habit. The MBC 89 (12) line exceeds the BLANCO MOLINERO and PL VI-1-3 controls in the number of pods. The most predominant characteristics were the whitish grain color, white hilium, intermediate shine, slightly curved pod curvature and oval shape. In terms of seed number, the MBC 84 line had a number of five seeds, as did the BLANCO MOLINERO control. The MBC 90 and MBC 103 lines had a weight of 100 seeds higher than the CANARIO and BLANCO MOLINERO controls, and the MBC 64, MBC 89 (12) and MBC 75 lines had a weight higher than the PL VI-1-3 control. The CANARIO and PL VI-1-3 varieties had a higher yield than the promising lines, however, the MBC 52 and MBC 89 (12) lines had a higher yield than the BLANCO MOLINERO variety. The CANARIO control was the earliest variety in terms of days to flowering, physiological maturity and harvest maturity. However, there are other promising lines that were earlier than the other two controls.
The research was carried out under open field conditions at the National Agrarian University La Molina. The agronomic performance of fourteen MBC lines introduced from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and CANARIO, BLANCO MOLINERO and PL-VI-1-3 beans as controls was evaluated. The crop was sown in the months of October to January 2020, using a randomized complete block design with seventeen treatments and three repetitions. The morpho-agronomic characters, grain and pod characteristics, grain yield components and yield, as well as the main phenological stages were evaluated. The MBC lines did not present the height, number of branches and nodes typical of the type IV growth habit. The MBC 89 (12) line exceeds the BLANCO MOLINERO and PL VI-1-3 controls in the number of pods. The most predominant characteristics were the whitish grain color, white hilium, intermediate shine, slightly curved pod curvature and oval shape. In terms of seed number, the MBC 84 line had a number of five seeds, as did the BLANCO MOLINERO control. The MBC 90 and MBC 103 lines had a weight of 100 seeds higher than the CANARIO and BLANCO MOLINERO controls, and the MBC 64, MBC 89 (12) and MBC 75 lines had a weight higher than the PL VI-1-3 control. The CANARIO and PL VI-1-3 varieties had a higher yield than the promising lines, however, the MBC 52 and MBC 89 (12) lines had a higher yield than the BLANCO MOLINERO variety. The CANARIO control was the earliest variety in terms of days to flowering, physiological maturity and harvest maturity. However, there are other promising lines that were earlier than the other two controls.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento
Académico de Fitotecnia
Palabras clave
Frijoles volubles
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