Experiencia en fertilización con roca fosfórica en sistemas de producción orgánica en suelos tropicales
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Vidal Gonzales, Gino Vitaliano
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El presente trabajo es una experiencia propia sobre la aplicación de roca fosfórica en programas de fertilización de aplicación directa sobre suelos para producción orgánica en cultivos como café y cacao en zonas tropicales de selva y explicar la respuesta del suelo, desarrollar un plan de manejo con pruebas en campo con plantas en producción y mejorar la absorción de los nutrientes, los suelos con pH ácidos tienden a tener problemas de toxicidad de aluminio y baja fertilidad impidiendo la liberación de macro y micro elementos importantes para el desarrollo de las plantas. Mi experiencia trabajando en FOSYEIKI una pequeña empresa minera de roca fosfórica en Bayoyar incluye pruebas con diferentes tratamientos como roca fosfórica en mezclas con abonos orgánicos (estiércol de gallina) en diferentes proporciones 100 gramos de RF /planta , 80 gramos de RF con 100 gramos de abono orgánico /planta,150 gramos de RF con 250 gramos de abono orgánico/planta donde se obtuvieron buenos resultados con los agricultores de café sobre todo con el tamaño de plantas , grosor de tallos, vigor y coloración de planta . Estos experimentos se realizaron en el departamento de Cajamarca provincia de San Ignacio. al desarrollar planes de fertilización lo que conllevó a investigar la reacción del suelo con el fertilizante orgánico, donde la roca fosfórica puede ayudar a mejorar las condiciones del suelo y su fertilidad.
The present work is my own experience on the application of phosphate rock in fertilization programs of direct application on soils for organic production in crops such as coffee and cocoa in tropical jungle areas and explain the response of the soil, develop a management plan with field tests with plants in production and improve the absorption of nutrients, soils with acid pH tend to have problems of aluminum toxicity and low fertility preventing the release of macro and micro elements important for the development of plants. My experience working in FOSYEIKI a small phosphate rock mining company in Bayoyar includes tests with different treatments such as phosphate rock in mixtures with organic fertilizers (chicken manure) in different proportions 100 grams of RF / plant, 80 grams of RF with 100 grams of organic fertilizer / plant, 150 grams of RF with 250 grams of organic fertilizer / plant where good results were obtained with coffee farmers especially with the size of plants, stem thickness, vigor and coloration of the plant. These experiments were carried out in the department of Cajamarca, province of San Ignacio, when developing fertilization plans, which led to investigate the reaction of the soil with organic fertilizer, where rock phosphate can help improve soil conditions and fertility.
The present work is my own experience on the application of phosphate rock in fertilization programs of direct application on soils for organic production in crops such as coffee and cocoa in tropical jungle areas and explain the response of the soil, develop a management plan with field tests with plants in production and improve the absorption of nutrients, soils with acid pH tend to have problems of aluminum toxicity and low fertility preventing the release of macro and micro elements important for the development of plants. My experience working in FOSYEIKI a small phosphate rock mining company in Bayoyar includes tests with different treatments such as phosphate rock in mixtures with organic fertilizers (chicken manure) in different proportions 100 grams of RF / plant, 80 grams of RF with 100 grams of organic fertilizer / plant, 150 grams of RF with 250 grams of organic fertilizer / plant where good results were obtained with coffee farmers especially with the size of plants, stem thickness, vigor and coloration of the plant. These experiments were carried out in the department of Cajamarca, province of San Ignacio, when developing fertilization plans, which led to investigate the reaction of the soil with organic fertilizer, where rock phosphate can help improve soil conditions and fertility.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento
Académico de Suelos
Roca fosfórica
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