Uso de residuos de madera de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden proveniente de plantaciones en la elaboración de juntas encoladas
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Ramos Mendoza, Lizzeth Yomaira
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Las plantaciones forestales instaladas y mantenidas adecuadamente, traen diversos beneficios económicos y ambientales, siendo reconocidas como una gran oportunidad de negocio y desarrollo sostenido por los sectores público y privado. Dentro de las principales especies usadas en plantaciones se encuentra el Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, cuya madera es mayormente usada como leña, uso poco rentable y de impacto ambiental negativo, siendo una mejor alternativa de uso la fabricación de productos de mayor valor agregado, tales como los tableros EGP. Estos tableros se componen de piezas de madera delgadas y cortas unidas mediante encolado lateral, permitiendo la recuperación de madera mediante el saneamiento de los residuos generando mayor rentabilidad. En esta investigación se evaluó la calidad de las juntas encoladas elaboradas con residuos de la transformación secundaria del Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden proveniente de plantaciones, utilizando tres adhesivos (PVA D3, PVA D4 y EPI) y tres gramajes (120, 150 y 180 g/m2). Los residuos de madera fueron caracterizados anatómica, física y químicamente. Para los adhesivos se determinó la viscosidad, el contenido de sólidos y pH. Las juntas fueron prensadas en frio con presión específica de 0,8 MPa durante 5 minutos con adhesivo PVA D3 y una hora con PVA D4 y EPI. Los pre tratamientos aplicados a las probetas y los ensayos de resistencia al cizallamiento, fueron realizados según lo indicado en la norma UNE-EN 13354 (2009). Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con los requisitos mínimos establecidos en la norma UNE-EN 13353 (2023) para tableros de madera maciza monocapa; concluyendo que el uso de residuos de madera de E. grandis es viable para la fabricación de tableros EGP para uso en ambiente seco, aplicando el adhesivo EPI, con los tres gramajes estudiados y para uso en ambiente húmedo, aplicando el adhesivo EPI con gramajes 150 g/m2 y 180 g/m2.
Forest plantations, properly installed and maintained, bring various economic and environmental benefits, being recognized as a great business opportunity and sustained development by the public and private sectors. Among the main species used in plantations is Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, whose wood is mostly used as firewood, an unprofitable use with a negative environmental impact, a better alternative use being the manufacture of products with greater added value, such as like EGP boards. These boards are made up of thin and short pieces of wood joined by lateral gluing, allowing the recovery of wood by cleaning up the waste, generating greater profitability. In this research, the quality of glued joints made with waste from the secondary transformation of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden from plantations was evaluated, using three adhesives (PVA D3, PVA D4 and EPI) and three weights (120, 150 and 180 g/m2). The wood waste was characterized anatomically, physically and chemically, while for the adhesives the viscosity, solids content and pH were determined. The joints were cold pressed with a specific pressure of 0.8 MPa for 5 minutes with PVA D3 adhesive and one hour with PVA D4 and EPI. The pre-treatments applied to the specimens and the shear resistance tests were carried out as indicated in the UNE-EN 13354 (2009) standard. The results obtained were compared with the minimum requirements established in the UNE-EN 13353 (2023) standard for single-layer solid wood boards; concluding that the use of E. grandis wood waste is viable for the manufacture of EGP boards for use in a dry environment, applying the EPI adhesive, with the three weights studied and for use in a humid environment, applying the EPI adhesive with weights 150 g/m2 and 180 g/m2.
Forest plantations, properly installed and maintained, bring various economic and environmental benefits, being recognized as a great business opportunity and sustained development by the public and private sectors. Among the main species used in plantations is Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, whose wood is mostly used as firewood, an unprofitable use with a negative environmental impact, a better alternative use being the manufacture of products with greater added value, such as like EGP boards. These boards are made up of thin and short pieces of wood joined by lateral gluing, allowing the recovery of wood by cleaning up the waste, generating greater profitability. In this research, the quality of glued joints made with waste from the secondary transformation of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden from plantations was evaluated, using three adhesives (PVA D3, PVA D4 and EPI) and three weights (120, 150 and 180 g/m2). The wood waste was characterized anatomically, physically and chemically, while for the adhesives the viscosity, solids content and pH were determined. The joints were cold pressed with a specific pressure of 0.8 MPa for 5 minutes with PVA D3 adhesive and one hour with PVA D4 and EPI. The pre-treatments applied to the specimens and the shear resistance tests were carried out as indicated in the UNE-EN 13354 (2009) standard. The results obtained were compared with the minimum requirements established in the UNE-EN 13353 (2023) standard for single-layer solid wood boards; concluding that the use of E. grandis wood waste is viable for the manufacture of EGP boards for use in a dry environment, applying the EPI adhesive, with the three weights studied and for use in a humid environment, applying the EPI adhesive with weights 150 g/m2 and 180 g/m2.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias Forestales
Tableros EGP
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