Evaluación de la influencia de la Ptar en la parte baja de la Intercuenca del río Moquegua
Hancco Chire, Cynthia Joseline
En el presente trabajo se evaluó la influencia de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales - Moquegua, en adelante PTAR Moquegua, en la parte baja de la Intercuenca del Río Moquegua. El objetivo principal del presente estudio es determinar el efecto del vertimiento de aguas residuales de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales en la parte baja de la intercuenca del río Moquegua. Los objetivos específicos son: determinar el índice de calidad del agua del río Moquegua, por efecto de la descarga de la PTAR Moquegua; evaluar la calidad del agua del río Moquegua en función de su salinidad y sodicidad; elaborar el mapa de cobertura vegetal y cultivos agrícolas de la cuenca Ilo - Moquegua. Se inició con el establecimiento de un programa de monitoreo en 4 puntos: M01 (100 m aguas arriba del punto de vertimiento), M02 (100m aguas abajo del punto de vertimiento), M03 (efluente de entrada de la PTAR), M04 (efluente de salida de la PTAR), los monitoreos en campo fueron realizados en los meses de abril, agosto y diciembre de 2016. Con los datos obtenidos del monitoreo de las estaciones M03, M04, y los subíndices del ICA-NSF, se calculó el Índice de Calidad del Agua, es así que la calidad de agua del Río Moquegua antes y después del efluente de la PTAR Moquegua durante los meses de agosto de 2014 hasta abril de 2015, se encontraban dentro de las categorías de ICA-NSF como media y buena para el uso agrícola. Mientras que para los meses de abril 2016 a diciembre 2016 la calidad de agua antes y después del efluente de la PTAR Moquegua es considerada dentro de la categoría de ICANSF como buena para el uso agrícola. Como análisis estadístico se realizó el análisis de componentes principales, donde el parámetro DBO5 tiene relación con los parámetros pH y sólidos suspendidos totales, está relación se mantuvo para los resultados obtenidos en las estaciones M02 y M04. Se calculó la relación de adsorción sodio ajustada a partir de los datos obtenidos de las estaciones M03 y M04, tomando en cuenta la Clasificación USLS (U.S. Salinity Laboratory), las estaciones M03 y M04 ha de corresponder a agua de salinidad alta, para riego de suelos con buen drenaje, con contenido bajo o medio en sodio. Se elaboró un mapa de cobertura vegetal y cultivos agrícolas, haciendo uso del programa ArcGis, el cual fue contrastado después mediante observación directa IN SITU, dentro de los principales cultivos agrícolas se encuentra: vid, palta, alfalfa, damasco, pacay, manzana, entre otros. Como resultado de la evaluación de la influencia de la PTAR Moquegua en la parte baja de la intercuenca del río Moquegua, podemos decir que la influencia de la PTAR Moquegua es positiva, ya que no ha afectado a la calidad de agua del Río Moquegua, siendo considerada como buena para el uso agrícola, a pesar de la salinidad.
In the present work the influence of the Wastewater Treatment Plant - Moquegua, hereinafter WWTP Moquegua, in the lower part of the Moquegua River Interbasin was evaluated. The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of the discharge of residual waters from the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the lower part of the Moquegua river basin. The specific objectives are: to determine the water quality index of the Moquegua River, by effect of the discharge of the Moquegua WWTP; to evaluate the quality of the water of the Moquegua river based on its salinity and sodicity; to prepare the map of vegetation cover and agricultural crops of the Ilo - Moquegua basin. It started with the establishment of a monitoring program at 4 points: M01 (100 m upstream from the dumping point), M02 (100m downstream from the dumping point), M03 (inlet effluent from the WWTP), M04 (effluent output from the WWTP), the field monitoring was carried out in April, August and December 2016. With the data obtained from the monitoring of stations M03, M04, and the sub-indices of the ICA-NSF, the Index was calculated Water Quality, so the water quality of the Moquegua River before and after the effluent of the Moquegua WWTP during the months of August 2014 to April 2015, were within the ICA-NSF categories as medium and good for agricultural use. While for the months of April 2016 to December 2016 the quality of water before and after the effluent from the Moquegua WWTP is considered within the category of ICA-NSF as good for agricultural use. As a statistical analysis, the principal components analysis was performed, where the BOD5 parameter is related to the pH and total suspended solids parameters, this relationship was maintained for the results obtained at stations M02 and M04. The adjusted sodium adsorption ratio was calculated from the data obtained from stations M03 and M04, taking into account the USLS Classification (US Salinity Laboratory), stations M03 and M04 must correspond to high salinity water, for irrigation of well drained soils with low or medium sodium content. A map of vegetation cover and agricultural crops was prepared, using the ArcGis program, which was later verified by direct observation IN SITU, among the main agricultural crops are: vine, avocado, alfalfa, apricot, pacay, apple, among others. As a result of the evaluation of the influence of the Moquegua WWTP in the lower part of the Moquegua river basin, we can say that the influence of the Moquegua WWTP is positive, since it has not affected the water quality of the Moquegua River, being considered good for agricultural use, despite the salinity
In the present work the influence of the Wastewater Treatment Plant - Moquegua, hereinafter WWTP Moquegua, in the lower part of the Moquegua River Interbasin was evaluated. The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of the discharge of residual waters from the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the lower part of the Moquegua river basin. The specific objectives are: to determine the water quality index of the Moquegua River, by effect of the discharge of the Moquegua WWTP; to evaluate the quality of the water of the Moquegua river based on its salinity and sodicity; to prepare the map of vegetation cover and agricultural crops of the Ilo - Moquegua basin. It started with the establishment of a monitoring program at 4 points: M01 (100 m upstream from the dumping point), M02 (100m downstream from the dumping point), M03 (inlet effluent from the WWTP), M04 (effluent output from the WWTP), the field monitoring was carried out in April, August and December 2016. With the data obtained from the monitoring of stations M03, M04, and the sub-indices of the ICA-NSF, the Index was calculated Water Quality, so the water quality of the Moquegua River before and after the effluent of the Moquegua WWTP during the months of August 2014 to April 2015, were within the ICA-NSF categories as medium and good for agricultural use. While for the months of April 2016 to December 2016 the quality of water before and after the effluent from the Moquegua WWTP is considered within the category of ICA-NSF as good for agricultural use. As a statistical analysis, the principal components analysis was performed, where the BOD5 parameter is related to the pH and total suspended solids parameters, this relationship was maintained for the results obtained at stations M02 and M04. The adjusted sodium adsorption ratio was calculated from the data obtained from stations M03 and M04, taking into account the USLS Classification (US Salinity Laboratory), stations M03 and M04 must correspond to high salinity water, for irrigation of well drained soils with low or medium sodium content. A map of vegetation cover and agricultural crops was prepared, using the ArcGis program, which was later verified by direct observation IN SITU, among the main agricultural crops are: vine, avocado, alfalfa, apricot, pacay, apple, among others. As a result of the evaluation of the influence of the Moquegua WWTP in the lower part of the Moquegua river basin, we can say that the influence of the Moquegua WWTP is positive, since it has not affected the water quality of the Moquegua River, being considered good for agricultural use, despite the salinity
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Gestión Integral de Cuencas Hidrográficas
Cuencas hidrográficas; Evacuación de aguas residuales; Influencia; Análisis; Evaluación; Perú; Cuenca Baja del Río Moquegua; Intercuenca Río Moquegua
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