Mineralización de abonos orgánicos elaborados a partir de residuos avícolas, en un suelo ácido en invernadero
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Camargo Cobeñas, Marcos Antonio
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La industria avícola en Perú genera importantes ingresos, pero también residuos potencialmente contaminantes, los que presentan alto contenido de nitrógeno y pueden ser usados en la fertilización de cultivos dependiendo de su mineralización en el suelo. Este estudio evaluó la velocidad de mineralización y eficiencia del nitrógeno de dos residuos avícolas: harina de sangre (HS) y lodo de flotación (DAF), y cuatro formulaciones orgánicas: F1 (60% estiércol de gallina y 40% harina de pluma), F2 (60% estiércol de gallina y 40% HS), F3 (50% estiércol de gallina, 20% HS y 30% cadáveres de pollo), y F4 (50% estiércol de gallina, 10% HS y 40% DAF), en invernadero. Un tratamiento testigo y de dosis inorgánica NPK (200-160-200 mg kg-1 ), fueron añadidos como comparativo. Las fuentes se incubaron en jarras con 0.3 kg de suelo y macetas de 3.5 kg con maíz PM-212, usando 500 mg N kg-1 de suelo. En las jarras se midieron nitrato, amonio y respiración cada 15 días durante 90 días, y en las macetas, altura de planta, pesos secos de raíces y parte aérea, y extracción de nitrógeno. Al final, se calcularon las eficiencias agronómica, fisiológica y de recuperación de nitrógeno. Se utilizó suelo ácido de Coronel Portillo (Ucayali) y un diseño completo al azar (DCA) con cuatro repeticiones. El DAF mostró la mayor tasa de mineralización seguido de la formulación 3 y la formulación 4, mayores emisiones de CO2. La fertilización inorgánica mayor altura de la planta, seguida de la formulación 3, que también tuvo el mayor peso seco de raíz y follaje. La formulación 3 presentó mayor extracción de nitrógeno y recuperación aparente, mientras que la formulación 4 mayor eficiencia fisiológica. Se concluye que las formulaciones 3 y 4 son fuentes promisorias de nitrógeno disponible para plantas en suelos ácidos.
The poultry industry in Peru generates significant income, but also potentially contaminating waste, which has a high nitrogen content and can be used in crop fertilization depending on its mineralization in the soil. This study evaluated the mineralization rate and nitrogen efficiency of two poultry residues: bloodmeal (BM) and dissolved air flotation system (DAF), and four organic formulations: F1 (60% layer manure and 40% feather meal), F2 (60% layer manure and 40% BM), F3 (50% layer manure, 20% BM, and 30% broilers’ corpses), and F4 (50% layer manure, 10% BM, and 40% DAF), in a greenhouse. A control treatment and an inorganic NPK dose (200-160-200 mg kg-1 ) were added for comparison. The sources were incubated in jars with 0.3 kg of soil and in pots of 3.5 kg with PM-212 corn, using 500 mg N kg-1 of soil. In the jars, nitrate, ammonium, and respiration were measured every 15 days for 90 days, and in the pots, plant height, dry weight of roots and aerial parts, and nitrogen extraction were determined. At the end, agronomic, physiological, and nitrogen recovery efficiencies were calculated. Acidic soil from Coronel Portillo (Ucayali) was used, and a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications was applied. DAF sludge showed the highest mineralization rate, followed by formulation 3, and formulation 4 had the highest CO2 emissions. Inorganic fertilization resulted in the greatest plant height, followed by formulation 3, which also had the highest dry weight of roots and foliage. Formulation 3 showed the highest nitrogen extraction and apparent recovery, while formulation 4 had the greatest physiological efficiency. It is concluded that formulations 3 and 4 are promising sources of available nitrogen for plants in acidic soils
The poultry industry in Peru generates significant income, but also potentially contaminating waste, which has a high nitrogen content and can be used in crop fertilization depending on its mineralization in the soil. This study evaluated the mineralization rate and nitrogen efficiency of two poultry residues: bloodmeal (BM) and dissolved air flotation system (DAF), and four organic formulations: F1 (60% layer manure and 40% feather meal), F2 (60% layer manure and 40% BM), F3 (50% layer manure, 20% BM, and 30% broilers’ corpses), and F4 (50% layer manure, 10% BM, and 40% DAF), in a greenhouse. A control treatment and an inorganic NPK dose (200-160-200 mg kg-1 ) were added for comparison. The sources were incubated in jars with 0.3 kg of soil and in pots of 3.5 kg with PM-212 corn, using 500 mg N kg-1 of soil. In the jars, nitrate, ammonium, and respiration were measured every 15 days for 90 days, and in the pots, plant height, dry weight of roots and aerial parts, and nitrogen extraction were determined. At the end, agronomic, physiological, and nitrogen recovery efficiencies were calculated. Acidic soil from Coronel Portillo (Ucayali) was used, and a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications was applied. DAF sludge showed the highest mineralization rate, followed by formulation 3, and formulation 4 had the highest CO2 emissions. Inorganic fertilization resulted in the greatest plant height, followed by formulation 3, which also had the highest dry weight of roots and foliage. Formulation 3 showed the highest nitrogen extraction and apparent recovery, while formulation 4 had the greatest physiological efficiency. It is concluded that formulations 3 and 4 are promising sources of available nitrogen for plants in acidic soils
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento
Académico de Suelos
Residuos avícolas
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