Implementación metodológica TPM en planta Cajamarquilla - Molitalia
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Luchini Luis, Benjamín Gerson
En el Perú, durante los últimos 10 años se ha visto el incremento sustancial del consumo de alimentos para mascotas, esto es en consecuencia al incremento de población de mascotas, principalmente perros y gatos, siendo estos últimos los que tienen una proyección de crecimiento mayor. Molitalia detectó el desabastecimiento de dicho mercado y adquirió el negocio de fabricación de alimentos para mascotas, para lo cual se edificó una planta ubicada en Lurigancho-Chosica (Cajamarquilla). En vista de que la oferta no cubre la demanda y tras obtener un valor de 60% en la medición de EGE (Eficiencia Global de Equipos), se pudo concluir que las detenciones no planificadas fue el motivo principal de no cubrir la demanda. En este punto la alta dirección decide la implementación de una metodología de mejor continua que se centre en reducir los tiempos de paradas no planificadas por fallas mecánicas. La implementación de TPM (Mantenimiento Total Productivo) se llevó a cabo desde noviembre de 2020 hasta junio de 2021, mediante la aplicación de doce pasos que permiten asegurar la correcta implementación. Se formó un grupo multidisciplinario que estuvo a cargo el proceso de implementación logrando incrementar el EGE a 78%, asimismo se llegó a implementar los pilares de Mantenimiento Autónomo, Mantenimiento Planificado, Mejora Focalizada y Educación y Entrenamiento. Se obtuvo beneficios tanto económicos como en la mejora de la forma de trabajo en planta.
In Peru, during the last 10 years there has been a substantial increase in the consumption of pet food, this is because of the increase in the population of pets, mainly dogs and cats, the latter being the ones with a higher growth projection. Molitalia detected the shortage of said market and acquired the pet food manufacturing business, for which a plant was built located in Lurigancho - Chosica (Cajamarquilla). Given that the supply does not cover the demand and after obtaining a value of 60% in the EGE (Global Equipment Efficiency) measurement, it could be concluded that the unplanned stoppages were the main reason for not covering the demand. At this point, senior management decides to implement a continuous best methodology that focuses mainly on reducing unplanned downtime due to mechanical failures. The implementation of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) was carried out from November 2020 to June 2021, through the application of twelve steps that allow to ensure the correct implementation. A multidisciplinary group was formed that oversaw the implementation process, managing to increase the EGE to 78%, and the pillars of Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, Focused Improvement, and Education and Training were also implemented. Both economic benefits were obtained as well as in the improvement of the way of working in the plant.
In Peru, during the last 10 years there has been a substantial increase in the consumption of pet food, this is because of the increase in the population of pets, mainly dogs and cats, the latter being the ones with a higher growth projection. Molitalia detected the shortage of said market and acquired the pet food manufacturing business, for which a plant was built located in Lurigancho - Chosica (Cajamarquilla). Given that the supply does not cover the demand and after obtaining a value of 60% in the EGE (Global Equipment Efficiency) measurement, it could be concluded that the unplanned stoppages were the main reason for not covering the demand. At this point, senior management decides to implement a continuous best methodology that focuses mainly on reducing unplanned downtime due to mechanical failures. The implementation of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) was carried out from November 2020 to June 2021, through the application of twelve steps that allow to ensure the correct implementation. A multidisciplinary group was formed that oversaw the implementation process, managing to increase the EGE to 78%, and the pillars of Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, Focused Improvement, and Education and Training were also implemented. Both economic benefits were obtained as well as in the improvement of the way of working in the plant.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Animales domésticos; Alimentos para animales; Producción de alimentos para animales; Empresas industriales; Demanda de consumo; Oferta y demanda; Evaluación
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