Impacto del sistema de gestión de datos para el control de órdenes de compra en un proyecto minero periodo 2019
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Aliaga Cuadros, Cynthia Scarley
La incorporación de nuevos sistemas de información e inteligencia comercial en los procesos de las empresas a generado la mejora en las formas de trabajo. El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional basado en las directrices de la Resolución N° 0083-2022-CU UNALM tiene como objetivo principal, presentar el impacto del sistema de gestión de datos para el control de las órdenes de compra del proyecto minero Sistema de bombeo de agua recuperada en el periodo 2019, la situación inicial de las órdenes de compra en agosto del 2019 se evidenció en la primera etapa, en la segunda etapa, luego de los resultados de la situación inicial, se decidió implementar un sistema de información de gestión de datos bajo la metodología estructurada del sistema de información basándose en sus 03 actividades principales: entrada, procesamiento y salida, incluyendo como herramienta el Power Bi y presentar la situación final de las órdenes de compras en diciembre del 2019, finalmente en la etapa 3, se analiza el impacto de la implementación entre la primera y segunda etapa. Se concluyó que la implementación de un sistema de gestión de datos tiene un impacto positivo en el control de las órdenes de compra del proyecto ya que, al brindar la información de una manera visual, didáctica y en tiempo real de la información, se toman las decisiones correspondientes por los involucrados para evitar impactos de tiempo, costo y alcance en el proyecto.
The incorporation of new information and business intelligence systems in business processes has generated an improvement in the ways of work. The current work of professional sufficiency based on guidelines from Resolution No. 0083-2022-CU-UNALM has as its main aim to present the impact of the data management system for the control of purchase orders of the mining project Recycled water pumping system for the period of 2019; in the first stage, the initial situation of the purchase orders in August 2019 was displayed; in the second stage, after the results of the initial situation, it was decided to implement a data management information system under the structured methodology of the information system through its 03 main activities: input, processing and output, incorporating Power BI as a tool and presenting the final situation of purchase orders in December 2019; finally, in stage three, the impact of the implementation between the first and second stage is analyzed. It was concluded that the implementation of a data management system has a positive impact on the control of the purchase orders of the project given that by providing the information in a visual, didactic way and in real-time, the corresponding decisions are taken by those involved to avoid impacts in time, cost and scope on the project.
The incorporation of new information and business intelligence systems in business processes has generated an improvement in the ways of work. The current work of professional sufficiency based on guidelines from Resolution No. 0083-2022-CU-UNALM has as its main aim to present the impact of the data management system for the control of purchase orders of the mining project Recycled water pumping system for the period of 2019; in the first stage, the initial situation of the purchase orders in August 2019 was displayed; in the second stage, after the results of the initial situation, it was decided to implement a data management information system under the structured methodology of the information system through its 03 main activities: input, processing and output, incorporating Power BI as a tool and presenting the final situation of purchase orders in December 2019; finally, in stage three, the impact of the implementation between the first and second stage is analyzed. It was concluded that the implementation of a data management system has a positive impact on the control of the purchase orders of the project given that by providing the information in a visual, didactic way and in real-time, the corresponding decisions are taken by those involved to avoid impacts in time, cost and scope on the project.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión Empresarial
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