Resistencia al cizallamiento en la línea de cola de juntas encoladas de residuos de dos especies tropicales
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Ferreyra Chuman, Sara Abigail
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La industria forestal maderera produce residuos a lo largo de toda la cadena productiva. Principalmente, estos residuos se destinan al uso de leña o simplemente se descartan como desperdicios; sin embargo, es importante destacar que pueden aprovecharse eficientemente en la fabricación de productos de mayor valor agregado (PMVA), como son los paneles encolados lateralmente, conocidos como Edge Glue Panels (EGP) en inglés, a fin de maximizar la utilización de los residuos disponibles. En este estudio, se evaluó la resistencia al cizallamiento de juntas encoladas, utilizando residuos de Caryocar glabrum (Aublet) Persoon y Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer, obtenidos de una industria de segunda transformación, con el propósito de emplearlos en la fabricación de paneles EGP. Se evaluaron las características anatómicas (diámetro tangencial de poros y frecuencia de poros), físicas (contenido de humedad, densidad y variación dimensional) y químicas (extractivos totales, pH y cenizas) de los residuos de las especies maderables. Del mismo modo, se analizó la viscosidad, contenido de sólidos y pH de los adhesivos acetato de polivinilo (PVA) y emulsión polimérica de isocianato (EPI). Se elaboraron juntas encoladas lateralmente para cada especie y su combinación, utilizando gramajes de 120, 150 y 180 g/m2 , bajo una presión específica de 0,8 MPa. Posteriormente, se llevaron a cabo los ensayos de cizallamiento en la línea de cola, aplicando pretratamientos para uso en ambiente seco y húmedo, siguiendo los estándares establecidos por la norma UNE-EN 13354. Los resultados indican que los residuos de las especies estudiadas presentan características anatómicas, físicas y químicas adecuadas para su utilización en la fabricación de paneles EGP para uso no estructural. Además, se encontró que las juntas encoladas con EPI presentan valores de resistencia al cizallamiento superiores a las juntas encoladas con PVA, obteniendo una mayor efectividad con pretratamiento en ambiente seco y manteniendo los estándares establecidos por la norma UNE-EN 13353.
The timber industry generates waste throughout the entire production chain. Primarily, these residues are either used as firewood or simply discarded as waste. However, it's important to highlight that they can be efficiently utilized in the manufacturing of higher value-added products (HVAP), such as Edge Glue Panels (EGP), in order to maximize the utilization of available waste. In this study, the shear strength of glued joints was evaluated using residues from Caryocar glabrum (Aublet) Persoon and Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer, obtained from a secondary transformation industry, with the purpose of using them in EGP panel production. The anatomical (tangential pore diameter and pore frequency), physical (moisture content, density, and dimensional variation), and chemical characteristics (total extractives, pH, and ash content) of the timber species residues were assessed. Likewise, the viscosity, solids content, and pH of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and isocyanate polymer emulsion (EPI) adhesives were analyzed. Side glued joints were prepared for each species and their combination using grammages of 120, 150, and 180 g/m2 , under a specific pressure of 0.8 MPa. Subsequently, shear tests were carried out on the glue line, applying pre-treatments for use in dry and humid environments, following the standards established by UNE-EN 13354. The results indicate that the residues from the studied species exhibit anatomical, physical, and chemical characteristics suitable for their use in manufacturing EGP panels for non-structural purposes. Additionally, it was found that joints glued with EPI exhibit higher shear strength values than joints glued with PVA, achieving greater effectiveness with pre-treatment in dry conditions while maintaining the standards established by UNE-EN 13353.
The timber industry generates waste throughout the entire production chain. Primarily, these residues are either used as firewood or simply discarded as waste. However, it's important to highlight that they can be efficiently utilized in the manufacturing of higher value-added products (HVAP), such as Edge Glue Panels (EGP), in order to maximize the utilization of available waste. In this study, the shear strength of glued joints was evaluated using residues from Caryocar glabrum (Aublet) Persoon and Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer, obtained from a secondary transformation industry, with the purpose of using them in EGP panel production. The anatomical (tangential pore diameter and pore frequency), physical (moisture content, density, and dimensional variation), and chemical characteristics (total extractives, pH, and ash content) of the timber species residues were assessed. Likewise, the viscosity, solids content, and pH of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and isocyanate polymer emulsion (EPI) adhesives were analyzed. Side glued joints were prepared for each species and their combination using grammages of 120, 150, and 180 g/m2 , under a specific pressure of 0.8 MPa. Subsequently, shear tests were carried out on the glue line, applying pre-treatments for use in dry and humid environments, following the standards established by UNE-EN 13354. The results indicate that the residues from the studied species exhibit anatomical, physical, and chemical characteristics suitable for their use in manufacturing EGP panels for non-structural purposes. Additionally, it was found that joints glued with EPI exhibit higher shear strength values than joints glued with PVA, achieving greater effectiveness with pre-treatment in dry conditions while maintaining the standards established by UNE-EN 13353.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias Forestales
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