Monitoreo de Conidias de Lasiodiplodia sp. en Palto 'Hass' (Persea americana Mill.) en distintas zonas de la costa del Perú
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Sandoval Requejo, Eny del Milagro
La principal variedad de palto cultivada en Perú destinada al mercado internacional es ‘Hass’, la cual ha crecido en área y producción. Uno de los principales factores que afectan al cultivo es la presencia de patógenos como Lasiodiplodia sp, presente en la región costera del país donde se produce casi en la totalidad. Muchos fundos no conocen con exactitud el momento en que se presenta una mayor presión de inóculo en la planta y los factores influyentes, originando que sus labores de prevención no se den en el momento oportuno y genere poco efecto sobre la enfermedad, con esta investigación se pretende monitorear la presencia de conidias de Lasiodiplodia sp. en el cultivo palto ‘Hass’ en distintas zonas productoras de la costa del Perú. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en cuatro huertos comerciales ubicados en Trujillo, Ica, Barranca y Cañete donde se colocaron trampas elaboradas con portaobjetos y vaselina en cancros del tercio inferior de la copa de los árboles en lotes con alta incidencia de infección. Las trampas de conidias se instalaron durante el 2019 realizándose la evaluación y recambio quincenalmente hasta finales del 2020, los datos de conteo de conidias fueron contrastados con la temperatura y humedad relativa, así como las labores de poda y aplicaciones fitosanitarias siendo recopiladas mediante encuestas realizadas a los fundos. Finalizando las evaluaciones, los resultados arrojaron distintos picos de liberaciones de conidias, presentando en todas las zonas una tendencia al aumento a partir del mes de diciembre que se extiende hasta marzo durante el crecimiento de la fruta y próximo a la cosecha, para luego reducirse significativamente después de la poda durante el crecimiento vegetativo y floración. La temperatura influyó en las liberaciones, pero no fue un factor determinante. Por otra parte, las aplicaciones de fungicidas cúpricos mitigaron las liberaciones.
The main variety of avocado grown in Peru destined for the international market is 'Hass', which has grown in area and production. One of the main factors that affect the crop is the presence of pathogens such as Lasiodiplodia sp, present in the coastal region of the country where almost all of it is produced. Many estates do not know exactly the moment in which there is a greater pressure of inoculum in the plant and the influencing factors, causing their prevention work not to occur at the right time and generating little effect on the disease, with this investigation intends to monitor the presence of conidia of Lasiodiplodia sp. in the ‘Hass’ avocado crop in different producing areas of the Peruvian coast. The trial was carried out in four commercial orchards located in Trujillo, Ica, Barranca and Cañete where traps made with slides and vaseline were placed in cankers of the lower third of the tree canopy in lots with a high incidence of infection. The conidia traps were installed during 2019, evaluating and replacing them every two weeks until the end of 2020, the conidia count data were compared with temperature and relative humidity, as well as pruning and phytosanitary applications, being collected through surveys carried out on the estates. At the end of the evaluations, the results showed different peaks of releases of conidia, presenting in all areas a tendency to increase from the month of December that extends until March during the growth of the fruit and close to the harvest, to later be significantly reduced after pruning during vegetative growth and flowering. Temperature influenced releases, but was not a determining factor. On the other hand, applications of cupric fungicides mitigated releases.
The main variety of avocado grown in Peru destined for the international market is 'Hass', which has grown in area and production. One of the main factors that affect the crop is the presence of pathogens such as Lasiodiplodia sp, present in the coastal region of the country where almost all of it is produced. Many estates do not know exactly the moment in which there is a greater pressure of inoculum in the plant and the influencing factors, causing their prevention work not to occur at the right time and generating little effect on the disease, with this investigation intends to monitor the presence of conidia of Lasiodiplodia sp. in the ‘Hass’ avocado crop in different producing areas of the Peruvian coast. The trial was carried out in four commercial orchards located in Trujillo, Ica, Barranca and Cañete where traps made with slides and vaseline were placed in cankers of the lower third of the tree canopy in lots with a high incidence of infection. The conidia traps were installed during 2019, evaluating and replacing them every two weeks until the end of 2020, the conidia count data were compared with temperature and relative humidity, as well as pruning and phytosanitary applications, being collected through surveys carried out on the estates. At the end of the evaluations, the results showed different peaks of releases of conidia, presenting in all areas a tendency to increase from the month of December that extends until March during the growth of the fruit and close to the harvest, to later be significantly reduced after pruning during vegetative growth and flowering. Temperature influenced releases, but was not a determining factor. On the other hand, applications of cupric fungicides mitigated releases.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Fitopatología
Palta; Palto Hass; Plagas de plantas; Biocontrol; Lasiodiplodia; Control biológico; Evaluación; Experimentación en laboratorio; Fungicidas; Hongos; Manchas; Perú; Plaguicidas microbianos
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