Propuesta de mejora en la formulación de una premezcla saborizante para ceviche de cabrilla (Paralabrax humeralis)
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Torres Flores, Rossmery Kattery
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El trabajo de suficiencia profesional tuvo por objetivo principal realizar una propuesta de mejora a una formulación de premezcla saborizante en polvo para la preparación de ceviche de pescado que tenía baja aceptabilidad. Se desarrollaron en tres etapas. En la primera etapa se evaluó la preferencia del producto inicial a través de una prueba de aceptabilidad, luego se procedió a hacer la selección y validación de tres diferentes formulaciones con distintas cantidades de dióxido de silicio (0.2%, 0,4% y 0,6%), estas se evaluaron a través de una escala hedónica de cinco puntos, eligiendo la de mayor preferencia basándose en una comparación de medias. Luego se procedió a realizar un ajuste de pH y acidez, y se comparó con los valores de pH y acidez de un caldo de ceviche preparado de forma tradicional. Una vez obtenido el producto con los valores ajustados y con la dosis de dióxido de silicio de preferencia (0,4%), se procedió a realizar una evaluación sensorial de aceptabilidad, donde se concluyó que la fórmula mejorada fue aceptada sensorialmente, sin embargo, se mantienen las diferencias significativas versus un caldo de ceviche de pescado preparado de forma tradicional.
The main objective of the professional proficiency work was to make a proposal to improve a powdered flavoring premix formulation for the preparation of fish ceviche, which had low acceptability. Three stages were developed. In the first stage, the preference of the initial product was evaluated through an acceptability test, followed by the selection and validation of three different formulations with different amounts of silicon dioxide (0.2%, 0.44%, and 0.6%). These are evaluated on a five-point hedonic scale, with the choice of the one with the greatest preference based on a comparison of means. Then, a pH and acidity adjustment were carried out, and it was compared with the pH and acidity values of a ceviche broth prepared in a traditional way. Once the product was obtained with the adjusted values and with the preferred dose of silicon dioxide (0.4%), a sensory evaluation of acceptability was carried out, and it was concluded that the improved formulation was accepted sensorially; however, the differences remained significant versus a traditionally prepared fish ceviche broth.
The main objective of the professional proficiency work was to make a proposal to improve a powdered flavoring premix formulation for the preparation of fish ceviche, which had low acceptability. Three stages were developed. In the first stage, the preference of the initial product was evaluated through an acceptability test, followed by the selection and validation of three different formulations with different amounts of silicon dioxide (0.2%, 0.44%, and 0.6%). These are evaluated on a five-point hedonic scale, with the choice of the one with the greatest preference based on a comparison of means. Then, a pH and acidity adjustment were carried out, and it was compared with the pH and acidity values of a ceviche broth prepared in a traditional way. Once the product was obtained with the adjusted values and with the preferred dose of silicon dioxide (0.4%), a sensory evaluation of acceptability was carried out, and it was concluded that the improved formulation was accepted sensorially; however, the differences remained significant versus a traditionally prepared fish ceviche broth.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
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