Análisis de la rentabilidad en el algodón peruano: el caso de la fibra larga y extralarga, en Ica y Piura
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Hudson Okumura, Ciro
El algodón (Gossypium) es el producto agrícola no alimentario más importante del mundo. Este se cultiva principalmente por su fibra y semillas. Los principales países productores son China, India, EE. UU., Brasil y Pakistán, que en conjunto representan al 80% de la producción mundial. En el caso de Perú, las variedades más importantes de algodón son la Pima, Tangüis, Del cerro Áspero, entre otros. La producción nacional se nutre de un 57.8% de la producción de Ica, mientras que Áncash, Piura, Lambayeque y Lima aportan, en conjunto, el 27.9% (información oficial al 2021). Finalmente, cabe precisar que el 100% de la producción de algodón en Ica corresponde a la variedad Tangüis, y en el caso de Piura, toda su producción es exclusiva de la variedad Pima. De acuerdo con lo anterior, el objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar la rentabilidad y riesgo en la producción de algodón en las regiones Ica y Piura. La metodología contempla el uso de información secundaria, para aplicar el análisis probabilístico sobre la rentabilidad económica. Los resultados indican que Piura presenta niveles de rentabilidad por hectárea superiores respecto de Ica: S/. 10715,6 vs S/. 116,3. Además, se han identificado a las principales variables riesgosas en torno a esta actividad, las cuales son: el rendimiento por hectárea, el precio en chacra, y en menor medida, los costos de mano de obra, fertilizantes y agua. Por tanto, se recomienda ampliar el ámbito de investigación a las demás regiones productoras del Perú para generar información relevante para la toma de decisiones respecto de la rentabilidad y riesgo en el algodón peruano, de acuerdo con el tipo de variedad cultivado.
Cotton (Gossypium) is the world's most important non-food agricultural commodity. It is grown mainly for its fiber and seeds. The main producing countries are China, India, USA, Brazil and Pakistan, which together account for 80% of world production. In the case of Peru, the most important varieties of cotton are Pima, Tangüis, Del Cerro Áspero, among others. National production is nourished by 57.8% of Ica's production, while Ancash, Piura, Lambayeque and Lima together contribute 27.9% (official information as of 2021). Finally, it should be noted that 100% of Ica's cotton production corresponds to the Tangüis variety, and in the case of Piura, all of its production is exclusively of the Pima variety. Accordingly, the objective of this research was to compare profitability and risk in cotton production in the Ica and Piura regions. The methodology contemplates the use of secondary information to apply the probabilistic analysis on economic profitability. The results indicate that Piura has higher profitability levels per hectare than Ica: S/. 10715.6 vs. S/. 116.3. In addition, the main risk variables for this activity have been identified, which are: yield per hectare, farm gate price, and to a lesser extent, labor, fertilizer and water costs. Therefore, it is recommended to extend the scope of research to other producing regions of Peru in order to generate relevant information for decision making regarding profitability and risk in Peruvian cotton, according to the type of variety grown.
Cotton (Gossypium) is the world's most important non-food agricultural commodity. It is grown mainly for its fiber and seeds. The main producing countries are China, India, USA, Brazil and Pakistan, which together account for 80% of world production. In the case of Peru, the most important varieties of cotton are Pima, Tangüis, Del Cerro Áspero, among others. National production is nourished by 57.8% of Ica's production, while Ancash, Piura, Lambayeque and Lima together contribute 27.9% (official information as of 2021). Finally, it should be noted that 100% of Ica's cotton production corresponds to the Tangüis variety, and in the case of Piura, all of its production is exclusively of the Pima variety. Accordingly, the objective of this research was to compare profitability and risk in cotton production in the Ica and Piura regions. The methodology contemplates the use of secondary information to apply the probabilistic analysis on economic profitability. The results indicate that Piura has higher profitability levels per hectare than Ica: S/. 10715.6 vs. S/. 116.3. In addition, the main risk variables for this activity have been identified, which are: yield per hectare, farm gate price, and to a lesser extent, labor, fertilizer and water costs. Therefore, it is recommended to extend the scope of research to other producing regions of Peru in order to generate relevant information for decision making regarding profitability and risk in Peruvian cotton, according to the type of variety grown.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación.
Departamento Académico de Economía y Planificación
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