Mejora de los atributos sensoriales de una pasta alimenticia mediante la reformulación y rediseño
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Quintana Serrano, Victoria Isabel
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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal reformular y rediseñar una de las marcas propias de pasta para lograr la superioridad en los atributos sensoriales con respecto a uno de los competidores en la región Sur del Perú. En esta zona las pastas son sometidas a una cocción prolongada, por lo cual la pasta debe tener una fórmula y diseño (molde de la pasta) adecuado para soportar el uso que da el consumidor. Para conocer la formulación de las pastas del competidor se realizó una determinación de color, cenizas, proteínas. Se realizó además la determinación del diámetro y espesor de la pasta seca del competidor y de la marca propia. Para la evaluación de las características de la pasta cocida se realizó una evaluación sensorial de textura con un método interno, en donde se evaluaron los atributos de pastosidad (liberación de almidón) y firmeza de las variedades de fideo cortos. De los fideos que tuvieron una calidad inferior se rediseño el molde aumentando el espesor y disminuyendo el diámetro para con ello incrementar la resistencia a la sobrecocción, en cuánto a la fórmula se incrementó el nivel de gluten de la materia prima. Se realizó una prueba industrial en cada una de las variedades con la nueva fórmula y diseño de molde y la validación se realizó mediante la evaluación sensorial de textura de la pasta de producción propia versus el competidor, resultando las pastas propias superiores. Se concluye que, para la calidad de las pastas, además de la fórmula y tecnología del proceso productivo es importante tener en cuenta el diseño de los moldes para que la pasta tenga una mayor resistencia mecánica.
The main objective of the present work was to reformulate and redesign one of the own brands to achieve superiority in sensory attributes with respect to one of the competitors in the southern region of Perú. In this area, the pasta is cooked for a long time, so the pasta must have a suitable formula and design (pasta mold) to withstand the use given by the consumer. In order to know the formulation of the pasta's competitor, determination of color, ash and proteins was carried out. The determination of diameter and thickness of the competitor's dry pasta and of its own brand was also carried out. For the evaluation of the characteristics of the cooked pasta, a sensory evaluation of texture was accomplish with an internal method, the stickiness (starch release) and firmness attributes were evaluated for all the short pasta. Of the short pasta that had a lower quality than the competitor, the mold was redesigned by increasing the thickness and decreasing the diameter thereby increase the resistente to overcooking, as for the formula, the gluten level of the raw material was increased. An industrial test was carried out in each of the varieties with the new formula and mold design, the validation was carried out by means of the sensory evaluation of the texture of the own production pasta versus the competitor, resulting superior company´s own pasta. It is concluded that for the quality of the pasta, in addition to the formulation and process technology for production, it is important to consider the design of the molds so that the pasta types have greater mechanical resistance.
The main objective of the present work was to reformulate and redesign one of the own brands to achieve superiority in sensory attributes with respect to one of the competitors in the southern region of Perú. In this area, the pasta is cooked for a long time, so the pasta must have a suitable formula and design (pasta mold) to withstand the use given by the consumer. In order to know the formulation of the pasta's competitor, determination of color, ash and proteins was carried out. The determination of diameter and thickness of the competitor's dry pasta and of its own brand was also carried out. For the evaluation of the characteristics of the cooked pasta, a sensory evaluation of texture was accomplish with an internal method, the stickiness (starch release) and firmness attributes were evaluated for all the short pasta. Of the short pasta that had a lower quality than the competitor, the mold was redesigned by increasing the thickness and decreasing the diameter thereby increase the resistente to overcooking, as for the formula, the gluten level of the raw material was increased. An industrial test was carried out in each of the varieties with the new formula and mold design, the validation was carried out by means of the sensory evaluation of the texture of the own production pasta versus the competitor, resulting superior company´s own pasta. It is concluded that for the quality of the pasta, in addition to the formulation and process technology for production, it is important to consider the design of the molds so that the pasta types have greater mechanical resistance.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
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