Identificación de la condición del comportamiento seguro que limita la sostenibilidad en la aplicación del Colpa (5S) en una empresa minera
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Estrada Tijero, Ana Jimena
La industria minera representa un sector significativo en nuestro país, muchas empresas en ella han tenido éxito gracias a la implantación de sistemas basados en la mejora continua, siempre encaminados a potenciar una cultura de orden, limpieza, regulación y mejorar el clima de trabajo, como es el caso de la metodología COLPA, el cual a su vez tiene como propósito disminuir en la medida de lo posible todos aquellos factores que representan retrasos, riesgos y peligros en las labores diarias. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar las razones por las cuales la aplicación de la metodología COLPA se ve imposibilitada, para lo cual se identifican tres dimensiones clave: SABE (conocimiento), PUEDE (capacidad) y QUIERE (voluntad o disposición). Con el fin de alcanzar este objetivo, se llevó a cabo una exhaustiva recopilación de información, centrada en los individuos y procesos relacionados con la implementación de la metodología COLPA. Esta recopilación permitió identificar las áreas de mayor incidencia en la aplicación insatisfactoria de la metodología, así como obtener una visión integral de la cultura organizacional predominante en este ámbito. Se pudo determinar que una de las principales limitaciones que impiden la correcta aplicación de la metodología 5S (COLPA) radica en la capacidad (PUEDE), haciendo referencia a las condiciones de infraestructura, suministros y materiales de trabajo disponibles.
The mining industry occupies a very important sector in our country, many companies in it have been successful thanks to the implementation of systems based on continuous improvement, always aimed at promoting a culture of order, cleanliness, regulation and improving the work environment, as is the case of the COLPA methodology, which in turn has the purpose of reducing as far as possible all those factors that represent delays, risks and dangers in daily work. The development of this research had the objective of proposing an action plan in the implementation of the sustainability of the COLPA of COMPAÑÍA MINERA PODEROSA S.A. This will help improve order in the company, as well as cleanliness and safety in its processes. To achieve this objective, an exhaustive collection of information was conducted, focusing on individuals and processes related to the implementation of the COLPA methodology. This collection allowed the identification of areas with a higher incidence of unsatisfactory application of the methodology, as well as obtaining a comprehensive view of the prevailing organizational culture in this field. It was determined that one of the main limitations preventing the correct application of the 5S methodology (COLPA) lies in the capability (CAN), referring to the conditions of infrastructure, supplies, and available work materials.
The mining industry occupies a very important sector in our country, many companies in it have been successful thanks to the implementation of systems based on continuous improvement, always aimed at promoting a culture of order, cleanliness, regulation and improving the work environment, as is the case of the COLPA methodology, which in turn has the purpose of reducing as far as possible all those factors that represent delays, risks and dangers in daily work. The development of this research had the objective of proposing an action plan in the implementation of the sustainability of the COLPA of COMPAÑÍA MINERA PODEROSA S.A. This will help improve order in the company, as well as cleanliness and safety in its processes. To achieve this objective, an exhaustive collection of information was conducted, focusing on individuals and processes related to the implementation of the COLPA methodology. This collection allowed the identification of areas with a higher incidence of unsatisfactory application of the methodology, as well as obtaining a comprehensive view of the prevailing organizational culture in this field. It was determined that one of the main limitations preventing the correct application of the 5S methodology (COLPA) lies in the capability (CAN), referring to the conditions of infrastructure, supplies, and available work materials.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión Empresarial
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