Estrategias de comercialización en la exportación de aceite de Palta de la Asociación Apropal en la provincia de Huaura, 2018
Gómez Li, Janet Patricia
El Perú ha logrado posicionarse como uno de los líderes en producción y exportación de palta (Persea americana) a nivel mundial constituyendo el sustento de muchos pequeños productores. En este marco, la presente investigación se enfocó en el objetivo de describir las estrategias de comercialización para impulsar la exportación de aceite de palta Hass de la Asociación APROPAL en la Provincia de Huaura, 2018. Para ello, se apoyó en un diseño de investigación no experimental de tipo descriptivo- prospectivo. Se estableció una metodología que abarcó tres fases: 1) Identificación de estrategias mediante un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas diseñado para el estudio y aplicado a todos los 25 productores registrados en la asociación, dicho cuestionario evalúa la intención de estrategias de integración, intensivas, diversificación y defensivas, 2) Diagnóstico interno y externo mediante la matriz FODA, EFI y EFE, 3) Diseño de una propuesta de comercialización internacional mediante el uso de FODA cruzada y las 4P: estrategias de producto, precio, plaza y promoción. Los resultados sugieren la existencia de una situación interna y externa debilitada, en la cual no se aprovecha las oportunidades, ni fortalezas internas ni se atienden las debilidades y amenazas del entorno, para poder lograr un proceso de exportación exitoso. Por tanto, se pierde la competitividad ganada en la disponibilidad de materia prima, y del crecimiento de los mercados diferenciados de productos orgánicos. Se concluyó que el establecimiento de una estrategia de tipo intensiva y diversificada-concéntrica, basada en la exportación indirecta de aceite de palta Hass hacia los nichos de mercado orgánicos de los EEUU, incidiría de forma positiva en las exportaciones.
Peru has managed to position itself as one of the leaders in the production and export of avocado (Persea americana) worldwide, constituting the livelihood of many small producers. In this framework, this research focused on the objective of describing the marketing strategies to promote the export of Hass avocado oil from the APROPAL Association in the Province of Huaura, 2018. For this, it was supported by a research design not descriptive-prospective experimental type. A methodology was established that encompassed three phases: 1) Identification of strategies through a questionnaire of closed questions designed for the study and applied to all 25 producers registered in the association, said questionnaire assesses the intention of integration, intensive, diversification and defensive, 2) Internal and external diagnosis through the SWOT, EFI and EFE matrix, 3) Design of an international marketing proposal through the use of cross SWOT and the 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion strategies. The results suggest the existence of a weakened internal and external situation, in which opportunities or internal strengths are not taken advantage of, nor are the weaknesses and threats of the environment addressed, in order to achieve a successful export process. Therefore, the competitiveness gained in the availability of raw materials and the growth of differentiated markets for organic products is lost. It was concluded that the establishment of an intensive and diversified-concentric strategy, based on the indirect export of Hass avocado oil to the organic market niches of the United States, would have a positive impact on exports.
Peru has managed to position itself as one of the leaders in the production and export of avocado (Persea americana) worldwide, constituting the livelihood of many small producers. In this framework, this research focused on the objective of describing the marketing strategies to promote the export of Hass avocado oil from the APROPAL Association in the Province of Huaura, 2018. For this, it was supported by a research design not descriptive-prospective experimental type. A methodology was established that encompassed three phases: 1) Identification of strategies through a questionnaire of closed questions designed for the study and applied to all 25 producers registered in the association, said questionnaire assesses the intention of integration, intensive, diversification and defensive, 2) Internal and external diagnosis through the SWOT, EFI and EFE matrix, 3) Design of an international marketing proposal through the use of cross SWOT and the 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion strategies. The results suggest the existence of a weakened internal and external situation, in which opportunities or internal strengths are not taken advantage of, nor are the weaknesses and threats of the environment addressed, in order to achieve a successful export process. Therefore, the competitiveness gained in the availability of raw materials and the growth of differentiated markets for organic products is lost. It was concluded that the establishment of an intensive and diversified-concentric strategy, based on the indirect export of Hass avocado oil to the organic market niches of the United States, would have a positive impact on exports.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Agronegocios
Aguacate; Aceites vegetales; Comercialización; Exportaciones; Mercados mundiales; Ventas; Mercadeo; EUA; Evaluación; Perú; Aceite de palta; Aceite extra virgen
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