Influencia de la descarga orgánica de un efluente acuícola sobre los macroinvertebrados bentónicos del río Auquiscocha, Carhuaz, Áncash
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Ita Vargas, Rosario Cecilia
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto de la descarga orgánica de un efluente acuícola sobre los macroinvertebrados bentónicos (MIB) que habitan el río Auquiscocha (Carhuaz, Áncash). El muestreo fue mensual, entre septiembre y noviembre de 2023, en cuatro estaciones: referencial (AUQ-01), posterior al efluente (AUQ-02) y aguas abajo a 300 y 600 m de la piscigranja (AUQ-03 y AUQ-04); la metodología contempló: medir parámetros físico-químicos (PFQ), colectar e identificar MIB (hasta el nivel de familia), estimar indicadores productivos de la piscigranja y concentración de fosfato y amonio del efluente. Los PFQ cumplieron con los niveles establecidos en el ECA-Agua categoría 4 a excepción del valor de pH (6.33 en AUQ-04 en noviembre) y concentración de fosfato (>0.05 mg/L en estaciones posteriores a la piscigranja los tres meses). El Índice Biótico Andino (IBA) permitió valorar la calidad de agua como “muy buena” en AUQ-01, “moderada” en AUQ-02 y “buena” en AUQ-03 y AUQ-04. El análisis de la estructura de la comunidad identificó que el punto AUQ-02 presentó diferencias significativas (p-valor < 0.05) en comparación a las otras estaciones debido en mayor medida a la subclase Oligochaeta y los órdenes Diptera y Trichoptera. Las pruebas de correlación mostraron una fuerte relación (R2 > 0.7) entre parámetros comunitarios y la concentración de fosfato, biomasa y alimento estimado. La concentración de fosfatos fue directamente proporcional (DP) a la abundancia e inversamente proporcional (IP) a la riqueza e índices de Simpson, Shannon y Pielou, por el contrario, la biomasa y el alimento fueron IP a la abundancia y DP a los índices de Simpson, Shannon y Pielou. Se concluyó que los cambios en la estructura comunitaria de MIB estuvieron significativamente influenciados por el efluente, en mayor medida en la estación AUQ-02, donde la subclase Oligochaeta fue predominante, lo que indicaría un manejo poco eficiente del efluente; la calidad del agua mejora aguas abajo pero no igual condiciones previas.
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the organic discharge of an aquaculture effluent on the benthic macroinvertebrates (MIB) that inhabit the Auquiscocha River (Carhuaz, Áncash). The sampling was monthly between September and November 2023 in four stations: reference before the fish farm (AUQ-01), after the effluent (AUQ-02) and downstream at 300 and 600 m from the fish farm (AUQ- 03 and AUQ-04); The methodology included: measuring physicochemical parameters, collecting MIB and identifying them down to the family level, estimating productive indicators of the fish farm and estimating the phosphate and ammonium concentration of the effluent. The physicochemical parameters met the levels established in the ECA-Water category 4 with the exception of the pH value (6.33 in AUQ-04 in November) and phosphate concentration (>0.05 mg/L in stations after the fish farm for the three months). The Andean Biotic Index (IBA) allowed the water quality to be assessed as “very good” in AUQ-01, “moderate” in AUQ-02 and “good” in AUQ-03 and AUQ-04. The analysis of the community structure identified that the AUQ-02 point presented significant differences (p-value < 0.05) compared to the other stations due to a greater extent to the subclass Oligochaeta and the orders Diptera and Trichoptera. The correlation tests showed a strong relationship (R2 > 0.7) between community parameters and the concentration of phosphate, biomass and estimated food. The concentration of phosphates was directly proportional (DP) to the abundance and inversely proportional (IP) to the richness and the Simpson, Shannon and Pielou indices, on the contrary, biomass and food were IP to abundance and DP to the Simpson, Shannon and Pielou indices. It was concluded that the changes in the community structure of MIB were significantly influenced by the effluent, to a greater extent in the AUQ-02 station, where the Oligochaeta subclass was predominant, which would indicate inefficient management of the effluent; Water quality improves downstream but not the same as previous conditions.
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the organic discharge of an aquaculture effluent on the benthic macroinvertebrates (MIB) that inhabit the Auquiscocha River (Carhuaz, Áncash). The sampling was monthly between September and November 2023 in four stations: reference before the fish farm (AUQ-01), after the effluent (AUQ-02) and downstream at 300 and 600 m from the fish farm (AUQ- 03 and AUQ-04); The methodology included: measuring physicochemical parameters, collecting MIB and identifying them down to the family level, estimating productive indicators of the fish farm and estimating the phosphate and ammonium concentration of the effluent. The physicochemical parameters met the levels established in the ECA-Water category 4 with the exception of the pH value (6.33 in AUQ-04 in November) and phosphate concentration (>0.05 mg/L in stations after the fish farm for the three months). The Andean Biotic Index (IBA) allowed the water quality to be assessed as “very good” in AUQ-01, “moderate” in AUQ-02 and “good” in AUQ-03 and AUQ-04. The analysis of the community structure identified that the AUQ-02 point presented significant differences (p-value < 0.05) compared to the other stations due to a greater extent to the subclass Oligochaeta and the orders Diptera and Trichoptera. The correlation tests showed a strong relationship (R2 > 0.7) between community parameters and the concentration of phosphate, biomass and estimated food. The concentration of phosphates was directly proportional (DP) to the abundance and inversely proportional (IP) to the richness and the Simpson, Shannon and Pielou indices, on the contrary, biomass and food were IP to abundance and DP to the Simpson, Shannon and Pielou indices. It was concluded that the changes in the community structure of MIB were significantly influenced by the effluent, to a greater extent in the AUQ-02 station, where the Oligochaeta subclass was predominant, which would indicate inefficient management of the effluent; Water quality improves downstream but not the same as previous conditions.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento
Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
Macroinvertebrados bentónico
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