Evaluación de la actividad hipoglucemiante de los extractos fenólicos de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) y cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen)
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Coronado Olano, Jorge
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El objetivo de la presente investigación fue extraer compuestos fenólicos de dos variedades de: quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) y dos variedades cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) mediante extractos etanólicos y técnica de extracción en fase solida (SPE). Así como cuantificación de polifenoles totales, flavonoides totales y actividad antioxidante (in-vitro), Determinar la actividad hipoglucemiante (in-vitro) en enzimas α- amilasa y α-glucosidasa; Identificar y cuantificar compuestos fenólicos, mediante cromatografía liquida de alta eficiencia con detector de arreglo de diodos HPLC/DAD, Además, se seleccionó dos extractos con mejores resultados en compuestos en fenólicos y flavonoides totales, actividad antioxidante (in-vitro) y que presenten resultado de inhibición enzimática de α-amilasa y α-glucosidasa para evaluar los efectos en un modelo pre-clínico in-vivo con Ratas Sprague-Dawley (machos) para evaluar si tiene un efecto en la reducción de glucosa. Los granos fueron molidos y se realizó una extracción con etanol (80 por ciento p/v) y luego los extractos se purificaron mediante extracción en fase sólida con una columna de empaque ENVITM-18. Las variedades de cañihua presentaron aproximadamente 1,46; 1,57 y 3,90 veces más contenido de polifenoles totales, flavonoides totales y actividad antioxidante (in vitro), respectivamente; en comparación con las variedades de quinua. En cuanto a la actividad hipoglucémica (in vitro), enzima α-glucosidasa fue de 42,92 por ciento a 500 µg de ESP/ml en quinua Negra Collana; 25,26 por ciento a 500 µg de ESP/ml en cañihua Cupi y 21,13 por ciento a 250 µg de ESP/ml en cañihua ILLPA INIA. Mientras que la inhibición de la enzima α-amilasa en Cañihua ILLPA (CII) fue de 27,04 por ciento a de 50 µg de ESP/ml; en quinua de Salcedo (QSI) fue de 21,62 por ciento a de 500 µg de ESP/ml y de cañihua Cupi (CCC) fue de 21,39 por ciento a 250 µg de ESP/ml. los ensayos de inhibición revelan que, tanto de la α-amilasa como de la α-glucosidasa revelan mejores resultados para la cañihua ILLPA INIA y cañihua Cupi. Durante la identificación de compuestos bioactivos por HPLC/DAD, se observó la presencia de ácido gálico, rutina y ácido clorogénico, siendo este último el más relevante ya que su contenido era 4,5 veces más en las variedades de cañihua en comparación con las variedades de quinua. La actividad antioxidante presentó una correlación significativa con el contenido de polifenoles totales, flavonoides totales y ácido clorogénico (r = 0,97; r = 0,93 y r = 0,91 respectivamente; P<0.01) La actividad hipoglucemiante medida por la inhibición de la α-glucosidasa y la α- amilasa no mostró correlación con ninguna de las variables evaluadas. En el estudio pre- clínico, las ratas fueron inducidas a obesidad con comida alta en grasa e inducidas a diabetes con estreptozotocina. Posteriormente, se evaluó la tolerancia a la glucosa, una vez inducidas a diabetes, se procedió a dar ingesta con los extractos de cañihua ILLPA INIA y Cupi por un período de 28 días, dando como resultado con la ingesta del extracto CII, 3 de 5 individuos redujeron sus niveles de glucosa y con la ingesta del extracto Cañihua Cupi (CCC), 2 de 5 individuos redujeron sus niveles de glucosa. Dichos resultados sugieren que se requieren más estudios para identificar los compuestos bioactivos presentes en los extractos de quinua y cañihua responsables de la actividad hipoglucémica in vitro, así como usar una dosis más alta de extractos en la ingesta.
The aim of the present research was to extract phenolic compounds of two varieties of: quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) and two varieties cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) using ethanolic extracts and solid phase extraction technique (SPE). As well as quantification of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity (in-vitro), Determine the hypoglycemic activity (in-vitro) in α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes; Identify and quantify phenolic compounds, using high efficiency liquid chromatography with HPLC / DAD diode array detector. In addition, two extracts with better results in compounds in total phenolic and flavonoids, antioxidant activity (in-vitro) and showing results were selected. of enzyme inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase to evaluate effects in an in-vivo pre-clinical model with Sprague-Dawley Rats (males) to evaluate whether it has an effect on glucose reduction. The grains were ground and extracted with ethanol (80 percent w/v) and then the extracts were purified by solid phase extraction with an ENVITM-18 packing column. The varieties of cañihua presented approximately 1.46; 1.57- and 3.90-times higher content of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity (in vitro), respectively; compared to quinoa varieties. Regarding hypoglycemic activity (in vitro), α-glucosidase enzyme was 42.92 percent at 500 µg ESP / ml in Quinoa Negra Collana; 25.26 percent at 500 µg ESP / ml in Cupi hemp and 21.13 percent at 250 µg ESP / ml in ILLPA INIA hemp. While inhibition of the enzyme α-amylase in Cañihua ILLPA (CII) was 27.04 percent to 50 µg ESP / ml; in Salcedo quinoa (QSI) it was 21.62 percent to 500 µg of ESP / ml and of Cañihua Cupi (CCC) it was 21.39 percent to 250 µg of ESP / ml. Inhibition assays reveal that both α-amylase and α-glucosidase reveal better results for ILLPA INIA and Cupi cannabis. During the identification of bioactive compounds by HPLC / DAD, the presence of gallic acid, rutin and chlorogenic acid was observed, the latter being the most relevant as its content was 4.5 times higher in the varieties of cañihua compared to the varieties of quinoa. Antioxidant activity showed a significant correlation with the content of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid (r = 0.97; r = 0.93 and r = 0.91 respectively; P<0.01). The hypoglycemic activity measured by the inhibition of α- glucosidase and α-amylase showed no correlation with any of the variables evaluated. In the pre-clinical study, rats were induced to obesity with high-fat food and induced to diabetes with streptozotocin. Subsequently, glucose tolerance was evaluated, once induced to diabetes, ingested with the cannabis extracts ILLPA INIA and Cupi for a period of 28 days, resulting in the intake of the extract CII, 3 of 5 individuals reduced their glucose levels and with the intake of Cañihua Cupi extract (CCC), 2 out of 5 individuals reduced their glucose levels. These results suggest that more studies are required to identify the bioactive compounds present in quinoa and cane extract responsible for hypoglycemic activity in vitro, as well as to use a higher dose of extracts in the intake.
The aim of the present research was to extract phenolic compounds of two varieties of: quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) and two varieties cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) using ethanolic extracts and solid phase extraction technique (SPE). As well as quantification of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity (in-vitro), Determine the hypoglycemic activity (in-vitro) in α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes; Identify and quantify phenolic compounds, using high efficiency liquid chromatography with HPLC / DAD diode array detector. In addition, two extracts with better results in compounds in total phenolic and flavonoids, antioxidant activity (in-vitro) and showing results were selected. of enzyme inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase to evaluate effects in an in-vivo pre-clinical model with Sprague-Dawley Rats (males) to evaluate whether it has an effect on glucose reduction. The grains were ground and extracted with ethanol (80 percent w/v) and then the extracts were purified by solid phase extraction with an ENVITM-18 packing column. The varieties of cañihua presented approximately 1.46; 1.57- and 3.90-times higher content of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity (in vitro), respectively; compared to quinoa varieties. Regarding hypoglycemic activity (in vitro), α-glucosidase enzyme was 42.92 percent at 500 µg ESP / ml in Quinoa Negra Collana; 25.26 percent at 500 µg ESP / ml in Cupi hemp and 21.13 percent at 250 µg ESP / ml in ILLPA INIA hemp. While inhibition of the enzyme α-amylase in Cañihua ILLPA (CII) was 27.04 percent to 50 µg ESP / ml; in Salcedo quinoa (QSI) it was 21.62 percent to 500 µg of ESP / ml and of Cañihua Cupi (CCC) it was 21.39 percent to 250 µg of ESP / ml. Inhibition assays reveal that both α-amylase and α-glucosidase reveal better results for ILLPA INIA and Cupi cannabis. During the identification of bioactive compounds by HPLC / DAD, the presence of gallic acid, rutin and chlorogenic acid was observed, the latter being the most relevant as its content was 4.5 times higher in the varieties of cañihua compared to the varieties of quinoa. Antioxidant activity showed a significant correlation with the content of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid (r = 0.97; r = 0.93 and r = 0.91 respectively; P<0.01). The hypoglycemic activity measured by the inhibition of α- glucosidase and α-amylase showed no correlation with any of the variables evaluated. In the pre-clinical study, rats were induced to obesity with high-fat food and induced to diabetes with streptozotocin. Subsequently, glucose tolerance was evaluated, once induced to diabetes, ingested with the cannabis extracts ILLPA INIA and Cupi for a period of 28 days, resulting in the intake of the extract CII, 3 of 5 individuals reduced their glucose levels and with the intake of Cañihua Cupi extract (CCC), 2 out of 5 individuals reduced their glucose levels. These results suggest that more studies are required to identify the bioactive compounds present in quinoa and cane extract responsible for hypoglycemic activity in vitro, as well as to use a higher dose of extracts in the intake.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Tecnología de Alimentos
Diabetes Mellitus 2
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