Influencia de la estructura del paisaje en la regulación hídrica: Caso subcuenca Apacheta, Cuenca Cachi, Ayacucho. periodo 1994 al 2019
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Vilca Bellido, Ida
La presente investigación evaluó y analizó los cambios que se produjeron en la estructura del paisaje de subcuenca Apacheta y la influencia de dichos cambios en su capacidad de regulación hídrica en el periodo de 1994 a 2019. El paisaje está ubicado en la zona de montaña de la región Ayacucho, entre los distritos de Paras y Pillpichaca. Para este propósito, se usó imágenes Landsat TM y OLI y la leyenda de los mapas generó 6 clases. Se analizó la estructura del paisaje, mediante métricas de la composición y configuración del paisaje de subcuenca. Se calculó índice de regulación hídrica (IRH) y estadísticos de tendencia central y dispersión a la precipitación mensual y, se analizó mediante modelos lineales la capacidad que tiene la estructura del paisaje y la precipitación para explicar la capacidad de regulación hídrica de la subcuenca. En general, los resultados indican que la estructura del paisaje de subcuenca tiene una influencia significativa para explicar el IRH (R ajustado = 0.6522), donde fueron los elementos de la composición del paisaje los que resultaron significativos (clases pajonal y bofedal) y explicaron hasta (R ajustado = 0.6433). Respecto a los índices de configuración: CONTAG (u = 34%); niveles altos de dispersión e interspersión no favorecieron el IRH. LPI fue mayor para la clase suelos desnudos, por lo que SHAPE_AM (u = 7.98) tampoco favoreció el IRH. SHEI (u = 0.84); alto grado de diversidad o abundancias proporcionales entre los tipos de parches, sí favoreció el IRH. A nivel de clase: existe una moderada agregación en pajonal (u = 60%) y bofedal (u = 71%), se encontró alta interrelación en los parches de pajonal (u =73%) y baja en bofedal (u = 39%). Alto nivel de conexión física en los parches de pajonal (u = 96.2) y bofedal (u = 91.3). Finalmente, la variabilidad de la precipitación influyó significativamente en el IRH mejorando el ajuste hasta (R ajustado = 0.8031), de forma que, a mayor variabilidad de las precipitaciones, disminuye la capacidad de regulación del flujo de agua en el paisaje de subcuenca.
This research evaluated and analyzed the changes that occurred in the structure of the Apacheta sub-basin landscape and the influence of these changes on its water regulation capacity in the period from 1994 to 2019. The landscape is located in the mountain area of the Ayacucho region, between the districts of Paras and Pillpichaca. For this purpose, Landsat TM and OLI images were used and the map legend generated 6 classes. The structure of the landscape was analyzed through metrics of the composition and configuration of the sub-basin landscape. The water regulation index (HRI) and statistics of central tendency and dispersion of monthly precipitation were calculated, and the ability of the landscape structure and precipitation to explain the water regulation capacity of the sub-basin was analyzed using linear models. In general, the results indicate that the structure of the sub-basin landscape has a significant influence in explaining the IRH (R_adjusted=0.6522), where it was the elements of the landscape composition that were significant (tussock grass and wetland classes) and explained up to (R_adjusted=0.6433). Regarding the configuration indices: CONTAG (u=34%); high levels of dispersion and interspersion did not favor the IRH. LPI was higher for the bare soil class, so SHAPE_AM (u=7.98) did not favor IRH either. SHEI (u=0.84); high degree of diversity or proportional abundances between the types of patches, did favor the IRH. At the class level: there is a moderate aggregation in tussock grass and wetland classes (u=60%) and wetland (u=71%), a high interrelationship was found in patches of tussock grass and wetland classes classes (u=73%) and low in wetland (u=39%). High level of physical connection in the tussock grass and wetland classes (u=96.2) and wetland (u=91.3) patches. Finally, the variability of the precipitation significantly influenced the IRH, improving the fit up to (R_adjusted=0.8031), so that, the greater the variability of the precipitation, the capacity to regulate the flow of water in the sub-basin landscape decreases.
This research evaluated and analyzed the changes that occurred in the structure of the Apacheta sub-basin landscape and the influence of these changes on its water regulation capacity in the period from 1994 to 2019. The landscape is located in the mountain area of the Ayacucho region, between the districts of Paras and Pillpichaca. For this purpose, Landsat TM and OLI images were used and the map legend generated 6 classes. The structure of the landscape was analyzed through metrics of the composition and configuration of the sub-basin landscape. The water regulation index (HRI) and statistics of central tendency and dispersion of monthly precipitation were calculated, and the ability of the landscape structure and precipitation to explain the water regulation capacity of the sub-basin was analyzed using linear models. In general, the results indicate that the structure of the sub-basin landscape has a significant influence in explaining the IRH (R_adjusted=0.6522), where it was the elements of the landscape composition that were significant (tussock grass and wetland classes) and explained up to (R_adjusted=0.6433). Regarding the configuration indices: CONTAG (u=34%); high levels of dispersion and interspersion did not favor the IRH. LPI was higher for the bare soil class, so SHAPE_AM (u=7.98) did not favor IRH either. SHEI (u=0.84); high degree of diversity or proportional abundances between the types of patches, did favor the IRH. At the class level: there is a moderate aggregation in tussock grass and wetland classes (u=60%) and wetland (u=71%), a high interrelationship was found in patches of tussock grass and wetland classes classes (u=73%) and low in wetland (u=39%). High level of physical connection in the tussock grass and wetland classes (u=96.2) and wetland (u=91.3) patches. Finally, the variability of the precipitation significantly influenced the IRH, improving the fit up to (R_adjusted=0.8031), so that, the greater the variability of the precipitation, the capacity to regulate the flow of water in the sub-basin landscape decreases.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Ciencias Ambientales
Paisaje; Estructura; Balance hídrico; Perú; Precipitación atmosférica; Recursos naturales; Sequía; Uso del agua; Volumen
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