Variables que determinan la fidelización del cliente en las ventas de la empresa La Granjita E.I.R.L.
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Aybar Alvarez, Lilian Aracely
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El estudio de investigación tuvo por objetivo principal identificar si las variables relacionadas con la fidelización de los clientes tienen un impacto en las ventas de la empresa La Granjita E.I.R.L., especializada en venta de por mayor y menor de alimentos balanceados para aves y la compra - venta de pollos BB, así también productos veterinarios y afines. La investigación se desarrolló bajo un diseño experimental, ya que se manipuló la variable independiente de manera intencionada para determinar su influencia en la variable dependiente. Para esto, se realizó un diagnóstico de la percepción de los clientes de la empresa mediante una encuesta a 60 clientes, y en base a esto se implementó una estrategia de fidelización de clientes que consistió en la capacitación de los vendedores y un seguimiento post venta. Las variables de fidelización del estudio son: Diferenciación, personalización, satisfacción del cliente, fidelidad y habitualidad; con las cuales se determinó la influencia y los resultados del estudio concluyeron que estos componentes de la fidelización influyen directamente en incrementar las ventas de la empresa La Granjita. Posterior a la implementación de la estrategia de fidelización se obtuvo un incremento de ventas en los meses del estudio que fueron de agosto a diciembre del 2019, obteniéndose los incrementos de 10%, 11%, 12%, 8% y 7% respectivamente comparados a los mismos meses del año 2018. Esto reflejó un incremento total del 10.04% en el periodo analizado.
The main objective of the research study was to identify whether the variables related to customer loyalty have an impact on the sales of the company La Granjita E.I.R.L., specialized in wholesale and retail sale of balanced feed for birds and the purchase - sale of BB chickens, as well as veterinary and related products. The research was developed under an experimental design, since the independent variable was manipulated intentionally to determine its influence on the dependent variable. For this, a diagnosis of the company's customer perception was carried out through a survey of 60 customers, and based on this, a customer loyalty strategy was implemented that consisted of training salespeople and post sales follow-up. The loyalty variables of the study are: Differentiation, personalization, customer satisfaction, loyalty and habituality; with which the influence was determined and the results of the study concluded that these components of loyalty directly influence increasing the sales of the La Granjita company. After the implementation of the loyalty strategy, an increase in sales was obtained in the months of the study that were from August to December 2019, obtaining increases of 10%, 11%, 12%, 8% and 7% respectively compared to the same months of 2018. This reflected a total increase of 10.04% in the period analyzed.
The main objective of the research study was to identify whether the variables related to customer loyalty have an impact on the sales of the company La Granjita E.I.R.L., specialized in wholesale and retail sale of balanced feed for birds and the purchase - sale of BB chickens, as well as veterinary and related products. The research was developed under an experimental design, since the independent variable was manipulated intentionally to determine its influence on the dependent variable. For this, a diagnosis of the company's customer perception was carried out through a survey of 60 customers, and based on this, a customer loyalty strategy was implemented that consisted of training salespeople and post sales follow-up. The loyalty variables of the study are: Differentiation, personalization, customer satisfaction, loyalty and habituality; with which the influence was determined and the results of the study concluded that these components of loyalty directly influence increasing the sales of the La Granjita company. After the implementation of the loyalty strategy, an increase in sales was obtained in the months of the study that were from August to December 2019, obtaining increases of 10%, 11%, 12%, 8% and 7% respectively compared to the same months of 2018. This reflected a total increase of 10.04% in the period analyzed.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión Empresarial
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