Efecto de un bioestimulante de algas marinas sobre los niveles de ácido indol-3-acético en plantas de pimiento (Capsicum annuum L.) expuestas a estrés por cadmio
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Siadén Peña, Kelly Zully Sofía
La acumulación de metales pesados en suelos agrícolas como resultado de actividades mineras, industriales y agrícolas, ha sido durante mucho tiempo un problema ambiental importante que ha desencadenado numerosas investigaciones en búsqueda de remediar esta situación. El cadmio, resulta de principal interés debido a su facilidad de absorción y posterior migración hacia órganos comestibles que provocan la entrada de este elemento a la cadena alimenticia ocasionando daños crónicos en la salud. Frente a esta problemática, se desarrolló este estudio con el objetivo principal de evaluar el efecto del bioestimulante a base de algas marinas “PROSOIL EA1” sobre plantas de pimiento (Capsicum annuum L.) expuestas a estrés por cadmio; para ello se establecieron tres tratamientos con tres concentraciones de cadmio: Control (0 ppm),1.4 ppm y 2.0 ppm; y para cada tratamiento, dos grupos, uno con aplicación (PR) y otro sin aplicación (SPR) de PROSOIL EA1. Se evaluaron parámetros de crecimiento: peso seco y fresco de hojas y frutos, altura de la planta y número de hojas y frutos. Los niveles de cadmio y la aplicación del bioestimulante no tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre las muestras, a excepción del peso fresco de frutos donde la acción del bioestimulante fue notoria. Las plantas más pequeñas fueron las cultivadas con 2.0 ppm de cadmio. Asimismo, en los órganos vegetales se observó que la acumulación de cadmio sigue el orden de: raíces > tallos > hojas > frutos, siendo la menor absorción en las muestras con aplicación de PROSOIL EA1. A nivel foliar, el Tratamiento 2 con aplicación de bioestimulante (PR 1.4) redujo en 99% el acumulo de cadmio; tal efecto aliviador del bioestimulante fue reafirmado al verificarse el incremento de actividad antioxidante y compuestos fenólicos en las muestras foliares. Además, se evaluaron los niveles de pigmentos fotosintéticos: Clorofila a, b y carotenoides en donde la aplicación de PROSOIL EA1 no tuvo efecto significativo. Los niveles foliares de Ácido Indol-3-Acético (AIA), mostraron una relación directa entre los mayores niveles de cadmio y la promoción de síntesis de AIA como una respuesta al estrés; estos niveles de AIA disminuyeron con la aplicación de PROSOIL EA1. En consecuencia, se pudo determinar que PROSOIL EA1 representa una alternativa agrícola prometedora frente a la problemática del cadmio.
The heavy metals accumulation in agricultural soils as a result of mining, industrial and agricultural activities have long been a major environmental problem that has triggered numerous investigations in search of remedying this situation. Cadmium is of main interest due to its ease uptake and subsequent migration to edible organs that cause this element to enter the food chain, causing health chronic damage. Faced with this problem, this study was developed with the main objective of evaluating the effect of the seaweed based biostimulant “PROSOIL EA1” on pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) exposed to cadmium stress; for this, three treatments were established with three cadmium concentrations: Control (0 ppm), 1.4 ppm and 2.0 ppm; and for each treatment, two groups, one with (PR) and the other without (SPR) application of PROSOIL EA1. Growth parameters were evaluated: dry and fresh of leaves and fruits weight, plant height and number of leaves and fruits. The cadmium levels and the application of the biostimulant did not have a significant effect on the samples, except for the fruit fresh weight of where the action of the biostimulant was notable. The smallest plants were those grown with 2.0 ppm of cadmium. Likewise, in plant organs it was observed that the cadmium accumulation follows the order of roots > stems > leaves > fruits, with the lowest uptake in the samples with PROSOIL EA1 application. At the foliar level, Treatment 2 with biostimulant application (PR 1.4) decreased cadmium accumulation by 99%; such relieving effect of the biostimulant was reaffirmed when verifying the increase in antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in the foliar samples. In addition, the levels of photosynthetic pigments were evaluated: Chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoids where the PROSOIL EA1 application had no significant effect. Leaf levels of Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) showed a direct relationship between higher levels of cadmium and the promotion of IAA synthesis as a response to stress; these IAA levels decreased with the PROSOIAL EA1 application. Consequently, it was determined that PROSOIL EA1 represents a promising agricultural alternative to the cadmium problem.
The heavy metals accumulation in agricultural soils as a result of mining, industrial and agricultural activities have long been a major environmental problem that has triggered numerous investigations in search of remedying this situation. Cadmium is of main interest due to its ease uptake and subsequent migration to edible organs that cause this element to enter the food chain, causing health chronic damage. Faced with this problem, this study was developed with the main objective of evaluating the effect of the seaweed based biostimulant “PROSOIL EA1” on pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) exposed to cadmium stress; for this, three treatments were established with three cadmium concentrations: Control (0 ppm), 1.4 ppm and 2.0 ppm; and for each treatment, two groups, one with (PR) and the other without (SPR) application of PROSOIL EA1. Growth parameters were evaluated: dry and fresh of leaves and fruits weight, plant height and number of leaves and fruits. The cadmium levels and the application of the biostimulant did not have a significant effect on the samples, except for the fruit fresh weight of where the action of the biostimulant was notable. The smallest plants were those grown with 2.0 ppm of cadmium. Likewise, in plant organs it was observed that the cadmium accumulation follows the order of roots > stems > leaves > fruits, with the lowest uptake in the samples with PROSOIL EA1 application. At the foliar level, Treatment 2 with biostimulant application (PR 1.4) decreased cadmium accumulation by 99%; such relieving effect of the biostimulant was reaffirmed when verifying the increase in antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in the foliar samples. In addition, the levels of photosynthetic pigments were evaluated: Chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoids where the PROSOIL EA1 application had no significant effect. Leaf levels of Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) showed a direct relationship between higher levels of cadmium and the promotion of IAA synthesis as a response to stress; these IAA levels decreased with the PROSOIAL EA1 application. Consequently, it was determined that PROSOIL EA1 represents a promising agricultural alternative to the cadmium problem.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Biología
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