Fertirriego en arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L) cv. Ventura cultivado en suelo, bajo condiciones del proyecto Olmos - región Lambayeque
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Custodio Llontop, Diana Marybell
El Perú actualmente es el primer agroexportador de arándanos a nivel mundial, este reconocimiento es gracias a la excelente calidad de los frutos, resaltando entre las variedades de gran potencial genético la variedad Ventura; es por ello, que un manejo adecuado de dicho cultivo es de vital importancia siendo el riego y fertirriego una de las actividades primordiales para obtener rendimientos óptimos. Es así, que el presente trabajo abordará el tema del riego y fertirriego del cultivo de arándano teniendo como objetivo exponer el manejo nutricional de dicha variedad en estudio mediante la fertilización proporcional bajo las condiciones del proyectos Olmos ubicado en la región de Lambayeque detallándose el uso de plantillas de fertilización realizándose los ajustes anuales de acuerdo a los resultados del seguimiento nutricional como análisis de solución fertirriego, sondas de succión, análisis foliares entre otros; a su vez empleando para el monitoreo la revisión de calicatas, sensores de humedad.
Peru is currently the first agroexporter of blueberries worldwide, this recognition is thanks to the excellent quality of the fruits, highlighting among the varieties of great genetic potential the Ventura variety; that is why proper management of this crop is of vital importance being irrigation and fertigation one of the primary activities to obtain optimal yields. Thus, this work will address the issue of irrigation and fertigation of blueberry crop with the objective of exposing the nutritional management of the variety under study through proportional fertilization under the conditions of Olmos project located in the region of Lambayeque detailing the use of fertilization templates making annual adjustments according to the results of nutritional monitoring as fertigation solution analysis, suction probes, foliar analysis among others; in turn using for monitoring the review of calicatas, humidity sensors.
Peru is currently the first agroexporter of blueberries worldwide, this recognition is thanks to the excellent quality of the fruits, highlighting among the varieties of great genetic potential the Ventura variety; that is why proper management of this crop is of vital importance being irrigation and fertigation one of the primary activities to obtain optimal yields. Thus, this work will address the issue of irrigation and fertigation of blueberry crop with the objective of exposing the nutritional management of the variety under study through proportional fertilization under the conditions of Olmos project located in the region of Lambayeque detailing the use of fertilization templates making annual adjustments according to the results of nutritional monitoring as fertigation solution analysis, suction probes, foliar analysis among others; in turn using for monitoring the review of calicatas, humidity sensors.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
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