Comportamiento de una celda francesa combinada con dos humedales construidos de flujo horizontal y vertical
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Guevara Velazco, Brenda Raisa
Un sistema francés conformado por una celda francesa combinada con dos humedales construidos de flujo horizontal y vertical, se operó durante 9 meses, en el campus de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. El objetivo fue evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de contaminantes presentes en aguas residuales domésticas. La investigación se realizó durante dos campañas, estando estas sujetas a dos cargas hidráulicas diferentes: 1.0 m d-1 y 0.25 m d-1. Las eficiencias de remoción de la celda francesa, presentaron variaciones de acuerdo a la carga aplicada. Las mejores eficiencias se reportaron cuando se aplicó la carga de 0.25 m d-1. En el caso del efluente del humedal sub-superficial de flujo vertical, se registraron mejores resultados de remoción que en el humedal de flujo horizontal, con valores de 87.4%, 94.3%, 86.2%, 93.4%, para SST, turbidez, DQO y DBO5, respectivamente. El análisis estadístico, demostró que existen diferencias significativas entre los efluentes de los humedales de flujo vertical y horizontal, para los parámetros de SST, turbidez, DQO y DBO5, ya que el valor de significancia encontrado fue menor a 0.001 (p < 0.001). En cuanto a los parámetros microbiológicos, los coliformes termotolerantes (CT) registraron un valor de 2.6 x 104 NMP ml-1 y los huevos de helmintos (HH) se mantuvieron por debajo de 1 N° l-1. En relación al efluente del humedal horizontal, se registraron valores de 79.4%, 86.9%, 81.6%, 88.6%, para SST, Turbidez, DQO y DBO5, respectivamente. En lo referente a los parámetros microbiológicos, los CT se encontraron en un rango de 2.2 x 104 NMP ml-1 y los HH por debajo de 1 N° l-1. Se discuten los resultados con relación al reúso de efluente.
A French system consisting of a French cell combined with two constructed wetlands, horizontal and vertical flow, was operated for 9 months on the campus of the National Agrarian University La Molina. The objective was to evaluate the efficiency of contaminant removal from domestic wastewater. The research was conducted over two campaigns, subject to two different hydraulic loads: 1.0 m d-1 and 0.25 m d-1. In the case of the effluent from the vertical flow sub-surface wetland, better removal results were recorded compared to the horizontal flow wetland, with values of 87.4%, 94.3%, 86.2%, and 93.4% for TSS, turbidity, COD, and BOD5, respectively. The statistical analysis showed that there are significant differences between the effluents from vertical and horizontal flow wetlands for the parameters of TSS, turbidity, COD, and BOD5, as the significance value found was less than 0.001 (p<0.001). Regarding microbiological parameters, thermotolerant coliforms (TC) registered a value of 2.6 x 104 MPN ml-1, and helminth eggs (HE) remained below 1 N° l-1. For the horizontal wetland effluent, values of 79.4%, 86.9%, 81.6%, and 88.6% were recorded for TSS, turbidity, COD, and BOD5, respectively. Concerning microbiological parameters, TC were found in a range of 2.2 x 104 MPN ml-1, and HE were below 1 N° l-1. The results are discussed in relation to the reuse of effluent.
A French system consisting of a French cell combined with two constructed wetlands, horizontal and vertical flow, was operated for 9 months on the campus of the National Agrarian University La Molina. The objective was to evaluate the efficiency of contaminant removal from domestic wastewater. The research was conducted over two campaigns, subject to two different hydraulic loads: 1.0 m d-1 and 0.25 m d-1. In the case of the effluent from the vertical flow sub-surface wetland, better removal results were recorded compared to the horizontal flow wetland, with values of 87.4%, 94.3%, 86.2%, and 93.4% for TSS, turbidity, COD, and BOD5, respectively. The statistical analysis showed that there are significant differences between the effluents from vertical and horizontal flow wetlands for the parameters of TSS, turbidity, COD, and BOD5, as the significance value found was less than 0.001 (p<0.001). Regarding microbiological parameters, thermotolerant coliforms (TC) registered a value of 2.6 x 104 MPN ml-1, and helminth eggs (HE) remained below 1 N° l-1. For the horizontal wetland effluent, values of 79.4%, 86.9%, 81.6%, and 88.6% were recorded for TSS, turbidity, COD, and BOD5, respectively. Concerning microbiological parameters, TC were found in a range of 2.2 x 104 MPN ml-1, and HE were below 1 N° l-1. The results are discussed in relation to the reuse of effluent.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en
Ciencias Ambientales
Palabras clave
Celda francesa
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