Servicios de análisis ambientales relacionados con el sector pesquero realizados por laboratorios de ensayos basados en la NTP-ISO/IEC 17025:2017
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Chipana Carhuas, Reyna Clotilde
En el presente trabajo se describen los “Servicios de análisis ambientales relacionados con el sector pesquero realizados por laboratorios de ensayos basados en la NTP-ISO/IEC 17025:2017”, en base a las competencias adquiridas en el ejercicio de la profesión en diferentes laboratorios de ensayos. Estos laboratorios ofrecen servicios a empresas de diferentes sectores y subsectores productivos, entre ellos los ensayos ambientales. Las empresas relacionadas con el sector pesquero requieren de estos servicios para realizar gestión ambiental en sus establecimientos y dar cumplimiento a sus compromisos legales. Para estas empresas es importante contar con un laboratorio que ofrezca ensayos de calidad con métodos acreditados y muestreos en base a protocolos reconocidos, y que sean aceptados por las autoridades competentes. Hasta el año 2023, el Perú cuenta con 57 laboratorios de ensayos ambientales acreditados bajo la norma ISO/IEC 17025:2017 con INACAL y 14 con IAS, y una cantidad no determinada que aún no se encuentran acreditados. Se presentan tres estudios de casos de empresas relacionados con el sector pesquero entre los años 2018 - 2023, en donde se identificaron los servicios de monitoreos ambientales solicitados por estas empresas, las normas ambientales aplicables para el sector pesquero, entre otros. Se ejecutaron muestreos periódicos en estas empresas, tales como, las empresas privadas “EIP CHINO”, en donde se realizó el monitoreo de agua residual, aire, ruido y emisiones gaseosas; y en el “EIP SOLELINO”, monitoreo de agua potable; y en la empresa estatal “NACHITO”, monitoreo de agua de pozo y agua de mar, según los parámetros que indican las normas aplicables. Las tomas de muestras fueron realizadas por los laboratorios Incalab del Perú S.A.C. y Certificaciones y Calidad Sociedad Anónima Cerrada, y los ensayos por diferentes laboratorios ambientales acreditados, los cuales disponen de herramientas necesarias para desarrollar una gama de métodos de ensayos en matrices ambientales.
This paper describes the "Environmental analysis services related to the fishing sector performed by testing laboratories based on NTP-ISO/IEC 17025:2017", based on the competences acquired in the exercise of the profession in different testing laboratories. These laboratories offer services to companies from different productive sectors and subsectors, including environmental testing. Companies related to the fishing sector require these services to carry out environmental management in their establishments and to comply with their legal commitments. For these companies, it is important to have a laboratory that offers quality tests with accredited methods and sampling based on recognized protocols that are accepted by the competent authorities. As of 2023, Peru has 57 environmental testing laboratories accredited under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 with INACAL and 14 with IAS, and an undetermined number that are not yet accredited. Three case studies of companies related to the fisheries sector between 2018 - 2023 are presented, where the environmental monitoring services requested by these companies, the applicable environmental standards for the fisheries sector, among others, were identified. Periodic sampling was executed in these companies, such as, the private companies "EIP CHINO", where monitoring of wastewater, air, noise, and gaseous emissions was performed; and in the "EIP SOLELINO", monitoring of drinking water; and in the state company "NACHITO", monitoring of well water and sea water, according to the parameters indicated by the applicable standards. Samples were taken by Incalab del Perú S.A.C. and Certificaciones y Calidad Sociedad Anónima Cerrada laboratories, and tests were performed by different accredited environmental laboratories, which have the necessary tools to develop a range of testing methods in environmental matrices.
This paper describes the "Environmental analysis services related to the fishing sector performed by testing laboratories based on NTP-ISO/IEC 17025:2017", based on the competences acquired in the exercise of the profession in different testing laboratories. These laboratories offer services to companies from different productive sectors and subsectors, including environmental testing. Companies related to the fishing sector require these services to carry out environmental management in their establishments and to comply with their legal commitments. For these companies, it is important to have a laboratory that offers quality tests with accredited methods and sampling based on recognized protocols that are accepted by the competent authorities. As of 2023, Peru has 57 environmental testing laboratories accredited under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 with INACAL and 14 with IAS, and an undetermined number that are not yet accredited. Three case studies of companies related to the fisheries sector between 2018 - 2023 are presented, where the environmental monitoring services requested by these companies, the applicable environmental standards for the fisheries sector, among others, were identified. Periodic sampling was executed in these companies, such as, the private companies "EIP CHINO", where monitoring of wastewater, air, noise, and gaseous emissions was performed; and in the "EIP SOLELINO", monitoring of drinking water; and in the state company "NACHITO", monitoring of well water and sea water, according to the parameters indicated by the applicable standards. Samples were taken by Incalab del Perú S.A.C. and Certificaciones y Calidad Sociedad Anónima Cerrada laboratories, and tests were performed by different accredited environmental laboratories, which have the necessary tools to develop a range of testing methods in environmental matrices.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
Laboratorio de ensayo
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