Propuesta de un manual HACCP para la línea de bebibles de una empresa abastecedora de desayunos escolares
Peralta Graciano, Sofía Elena
Torres Trigueros, Rosa Victoria
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal elaborar un plan HACCP (Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control) para la línea de preparación de bebibles a ser distribuidos en el Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma (PNAEQW) por el Consorcio Villa El Salvador (VES). La evaluación y diagnóstico de la empresa se realizó utilizando herramientas de calidad como listas de verificación, lluvia de ideas y matriz de selección. Se aplicó la lista de verificación que utiliza el PNAEQW la cual está basada en las directrices establecidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 007-98-SA Reglamento sobre vigilancia y control sanitario de alimentos y bebidas, la misma que se utiliza para inspeccionar todos los centros de preparación a nivel nacional. La aplicación de la lista de verificación en mención aplicada al Consorcio VES dio como resultado 77 por ciento de cumplimiento obteniendo una calificación de “Regular”. El PNAEQW exige para sus proveedores tener como resultado una calificación mínima de 93 por ciento correspondiente a una calificación de “muy bueno”. Posteriormente se elaboró un diagnostico donde se concluyó que era necesario determinar los aspectos deficitarios a fin de identificar los problemas más críticos presentes en el consorcio. Mediante la selección de ideas por multivotación y la matriz de selección se identificó que el mayor problema presente en la empresa fue la “Falta de un sistema de gestión de inocuidad”, por lo que la propuesta de mejora fue: desarrollo del Plan HACCP para la línea de preparación de bebibles del Consorcio VES. La elaboración del Plan HACCP incluye elementos como: descripción del producto, intención de uso, diagrama del proceso de elaboración del producto y la aplicación de los siete principios del sistema, entre otros. Se encontraron tres puntos críticos de control que fueron identificados y documentados: recepción de agua potable, cocción y envasado
The main objective of this work was to develop a HACCP plan (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) for the drinkable preparation’s line to be distributed in in the National Qali Warma School Feeding Program (PNAEQW) by the Villa El Salvador (VES) Consortium. The evaluation and diagnosis of the company was carried out using quality tools such as checklists, brainstorming and selection matrix. The checklist used by the PNAEQW was applied, which is based on the guidelines established in Supreme Decree No. 007-98-SA Regulation on health surveillance and control of food and beverages, which is used to inspect all health centers preparation at national level. The application of the checklist applied to the VES Consortium resulted in 77% compliance obtaining a "regular" rating. The PNAEQW requires for its suppliers to have as a result a minimum score of 93% corresponding to a rating of "very good". After that a diagnosis was made where was concluded that was necessary to determine the deficit aspects in order to identify the most critical problems present in the consortium. Through the selection of ideas by multivotation and the selection matrix it was identified that the biggest problem in the company was the "Lack of a safety management system", so the proposal for improvement was: development of the HACCP Plan for the drinkable preparation’s line of the VES Consortium. The elaboration of the HACCP Plan includes elements such as: description of products, intention to use, diagram of elaboration’s process and the application of the seven principles of the system, among others. Three critical control points were identified and documented: drinking water reception, cooking and packaging.
The main objective of this work was to develop a HACCP plan (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) for the drinkable preparation’s line to be distributed in in the National Qali Warma School Feeding Program (PNAEQW) by the Villa El Salvador (VES) Consortium. The evaluation and diagnosis of the company was carried out using quality tools such as checklists, brainstorming and selection matrix. The checklist used by the PNAEQW was applied, which is based on the guidelines established in Supreme Decree No. 007-98-SA Regulation on health surveillance and control of food and beverages, which is used to inspect all health centers preparation at national level. The application of the checklist applied to the VES Consortium resulted in 77% compliance obtaining a "regular" rating. The PNAEQW requires for its suppliers to have as a result a minimum score of 93% corresponding to a rating of "very good". After that a diagnosis was made where was concluded that was necessary to determine the deficit aspects in order to identify the most critical problems present in the consortium. Through the selection of ideas by multivotation and the selection matrix it was identified that the biggest problem in the company was the "Lack of a safety management system", so the proposal for improvement was: development of the HACCP Plan for the drinkable preparation’s line of the VES Consortium. The elaboration of the HACCP Plan includes elements such as: description of products, intention to use, diagram of elaboration’s process and the application of the seven principles of the system, among others. Three critical control points were identified and documented: drinking water reception, cooking and packaging.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Bebidas, Empresas privadas, Control de calidad, Análisis del camino crítico, Peligro para la salud, Higiene de los aimentos, Factores de riesgos, Inocuidad alimentaria, Evaluación, Perú, Proveedores, Programa Nacional de Alimentación Qali Warma, Desayunos escolares
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