Uso de nitrógeno en el cultivo de arroz (Oriza sativa L.) en dos métodos de riego, Valle Chancay - Lambayeque
Caballero Ibarra, Brian Cristopher
La presente investigación se realizó en la Estación Experimental Vista Florida del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA), Lambayeque, durante la campaña 2016-2017. El objetivo fue evaluar las respuestas de rendimiento en grano de la interacción de niveles de nitrógeno por métodos de riego en el cultivo de arroz en siembra directa. Los métodos de riego utilizados fueron: riego por inundación continua y riego de alternar humedecimiento y secado. Los niveles de nitrógeno fueron: 0, 240 y 360 Kg N ha-1 . El diseño usado fue parcelas divididas con 4 repeticiones. Se utilizó el cultivar IR-43. Los resultados mostraron que no hubo diferencias estadísticas en el rendimiento en grano, entre los métodos de riego utilizados ni entre la interacción de ambos factores en estudio. Los niveles de nitrógeno aumentaron significativamente los rendimientos en grano. Los consumos de agua fueron de 10 874 m3 ha-1 , para inundación continua y 7 510 m3 ha-1 para riego de alternar humedecimiento y secado. Se obtuvo una productividad de agua de 30.94% mayor en el método de riego de alternar humedecimiento y secado respecto al riego por inundaciones continuas. El máximo rendimiento (10.06 t ha-1 ) y materia seca (21.5 t ha-1 ) fue obtenido con el nivel 360 Kg N ha -1 . En el índice de cosecha no se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticas tanto en método de riego como niveles de nitrógeno. La eficiencia agronómica, fisiológica y productividad parcial para métodos de riego no fueron significativos, obteniendo valores promedio de 23.03 Kg de arroz producido por Kg de N aplicado, 34.23 Kg de arroz producido por Kg N acumulado y 35.13 Kg de arroz producido por Kg de N aplicado respectivamente, y entre los niveles 240 y 360 Kg N ha-1 se tuvo diferencia significativa entre ambos niveles para eficiencia agronómica y productividad parcial con valores entre 27.19 y 18.86 Kg de arroz producido por Kg de N aplicado y 41.72 y 28.54 Kg de arroz producido por Kg N acumulado respectivamente, mientras que para eficiencia fisiológica los niveles 240 y 360 Kg N ha-1 no presentaron diferencia significativa con los valores 36.98 y 31.48 Kg de arroz producido por Kg de N aplicado respectivamente.
This research was carried out at the Vista Florida Experimental Station of the Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria - INIA (National Institute of Agrarian Innovation), Lambayeque, during the growing season 2017-I. The main of this project was to evaluate the responses in grain yield between interaction of nitrogen levels and irrigation methods in rice crop in direct sowing. The irrigation methods used were: continuous flood irrigation and intermittent flood irrigation. The nitrogen levels were: 0. 240 and 360 Kg N ha-1 . The experimental design used for this work was Split Plot design with 4 replicates. The cultivar was used IR-43. The results showed that there were no statistical differences in grain yield, between the irrigation methods used neither between the interaction of both factors under study. Nitrogen levels significantly increased grain yield. Water consumption was 10874 m3 ha-1 , for continuous flooding and 7510 m3 ha-1 for intermittent flood irrigation. Water productivity of 30.94% higher was obtained in the intermittent flood irrigation method compared to continuous flood irrigation. The maximum yield (10.06 t ha-1 ) and dry matter (21.5 t ha-1 ) was obtained with the level 360 Kg N ha-1 . In the harvest index no statistical differences were obtained in both irrigation method and nitrogen levels. There were no statistical significance among the agronomic, physiological efficiency and partial productivity for irrigation methods, obtaining average values of 23.03 Kg of rice produced per Kg of N applied, 34.23 Kg of rice produced per Kg N accumulated and 35.13 Kg of rice produced per Kg of N applied respectively, and between levels 240 and 360 Kg N ha-1 there was a significant difference between both levels for agronomic efficiency and partial productivity with values between 27.19 and 18.86 Kg of rice produced per Kg of applied N and 41.72 and 28.54 Kg of rice produced per Kg N accumulated respectively, while for physiological efficiency levels 240 and 360 Kg N ha-1 have no significant difference with the values 36.98 and 31.48 Kg of rice produced per Kg of N applied respectively.
This research was carried out at the Vista Florida Experimental Station of the Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria - INIA (National Institute of Agrarian Innovation), Lambayeque, during the growing season 2017-I. The main of this project was to evaluate the responses in grain yield between interaction of nitrogen levels and irrigation methods in rice crop in direct sowing. The irrigation methods used were: continuous flood irrigation and intermittent flood irrigation. The nitrogen levels were: 0. 240 and 360 Kg N ha-1 . The experimental design used for this work was Split Plot design with 4 replicates. The cultivar was used IR-43. The results showed that there were no statistical differences in grain yield, between the irrigation methods used neither between the interaction of both factors under study. Nitrogen levels significantly increased grain yield. Water consumption was 10874 m3 ha-1 , for continuous flooding and 7510 m3 ha-1 for intermittent flood irrigation. Water productivity of 30.94% higher was obtained in the intermittent flood irrigation method compared to continuous flood irrigation. The maximum yield (10.06 t ha-1 ) and dry matter (21.5 t ha-1 ) was obtained with the level 360 Kg N ha-1 . In the harvest index no statistical differences were obtained in both irrigation method and nitrogen levels. There were no statistical significance among the agronomic, physiological efficiency and partial productivity for irrigation methods, obtaining average values of 23.03 Kg of rice produced per Kg of N applied, 34.23 Kg of rice produced per Kg N accumulated and 35.13 Kg of rice produced per Kg of N applied respectively, and between levels 240 and 360 Kg N ha-1 there was a significant difference between both levels for agronomic efficiency and partial productivity with values between 27.19 and 18.86 Kg of rice produced per Kg of applied N and 41.72 and 28.54 Kg of rice produced per Kg N accumulated respectively, while for physiological efficiency levels 240 and 360 Kg N ha-1 have no significant difference with the values 36.98 and 31.48 Kg of rice produced per Kg of N applied respectively.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia
Oryza sativa, Manejo del cultivo, Características agronómicas, Aplicación de abonos, Trasplante, Abonos nitrogenados, Dosis de aplicación, Fecha de tratamiento, Respuesta de la planta, Rendimiento de cultivos, Experimentación en campo, Evaluación, Perú, Valle Chancay, Lambayeque (dpto)
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