Variabilidad de tuberosas andinas en comunidades altoandinas tradicionales. Caso: Oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), Cuenca de mito, Provincia de Huánuco, Región Huánuco
Gallardo Meneses, Maruja Elena
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivos contribuir al conocimiento de la variabilidad del cultivo oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), en 5 comunidades altoandinas de la cuenca Mito, ubicada en el distrito Kichki, provincia y región Huánuco; registrar el conocimiento local campesino de la variabilidad de las ocas, a través del registro de los nombres locales de las variedades y el estado de conservación del cultivo; la estructura de la variabilidad presente en la cuenca; y finalmente, la comparación de la variabilidad con la de la Colección Nacional de Tuberosas Andinas, conservadas en la Estación Experimental Agraria Andenes, del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) Cusco. El registro de nombres locales se realizó durante las visitas a nueve agricultores a través de preguntas abiertas sobre las principales características de las muestras colectadas. Para indagar sobre la erosión genética, se adicionaron preguntas orientadas a la existencia o no de pérdida de variedades locales de oca. Para conocer la estructura de la variabilidad, se caracterizaron morfológicamente tubérculos y plantes del total de muestras (accesiones) colectadas en la cuenca Mito. Se realizó un análisis de conglomerados (clusters) a diferentes distancias, para la identificación de morfotipos diferentes y grupos. Finalmente, la comparación de la variabilidad de las ocas de Mito y las ocas de la colección nacional, consistió en la homologación de ambas colecciones, a través de 18 descriptores establecidos por el IPGRI (2001) y el posterior análisis de componentes principales. Como resultados de la investigación, sobre el conocimiento local se registró un total de 78 nombres locales diferentes. En relación a la erosión genética, se infiere que existe pérdida de la diversidad de ocas en la cuenca Mito, manifestada a través de a) la pérdida de variedades por efectos de las heladas, el aumento de las plagas y enfermedades y b) el olvido de los nombres de las variedades de oca y la preocupación por este olvido. Cabe señalar que esta información es cualitativa de una posible tendencia, pero que falta cuantificar y profundizar. En relación a la estructura de la variabilidad, las accesiones se agrupan (considerando distancias establecidas arbitrariamente) de acuerdo a ciertos caracteres, entre los principales están: la forma del tubérculo, los colores predominante y secundario de la pulpa, la distribución del color secundario de la pulpa (a nivel de la caracterización en tubérculo); el color del peciolo, la pigmentación en las axilas de los tallos y el hábito de floración (a nivel de la caracterización en planta). Finalmente, en relación a la comparación de la variabilidad de las ocas de Mito y las ocas de la Colección Nacional de oca, se evidenció una alta variabilidad dentro de ambos grupos. Es importante señalar, que la caracterización morfológica, se desarrolló tan sólo en una campaña agrícola, y que debería ampliarse a por lo menos 2 a 3 campañas, porque las variaciones de colores en los tubérculos, son altamente sensibles a la exposición al sol, lo que podría generar ligeros cambios de color y registros de caracteres distorsionados. Se concluye, que existe una alta variabilidad del cultivo de oca en la cuenca Mito, respaldada en las diferentes características morfológicas identificadas tanto a nivel de tubérculos y de plantas, con valores de los descriptores muy variados.
The objective of this research was to contribute to the knowledge of the variability of the oca crop (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), in 5 high Andean communities of the Mito watershed, located in the Kichki district, province and Huanuco region; register the local peasant knowledge of the oca variability, through the registration of the local names of the varieties and the state of conservation of the crop; the structure of the variability present in the watershed; and finally, the comparison of the variability with that of the National Collection of Andean Tuberoses, conserved in the Andenes Agricultural Experimental Station, of the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA) Cusco. The registration of local names was carried out during visits to nine farmers through open questions about the main characteristics of the samples collected. To inquire about the genetic erosion, questions were added oriented to the existence or not of loss of local varieties of ocas. To know the structure of the variability, tubers and plants of the total number of samples (accessions) collected in the Mito watershed were morphologically characterized. An analysis of clusters (clusters) at different distances was carried out, for the identification of different morphotypes and groups. Finally, the comparison of the variability of Mito`s ocas and the ocas of the national collection consisted of the homologation of both collections, through 18 descriptors established by IPGRI (2001) and the subsequent analysis of main components. As a result of the research, a total of 78 different local names were recorded on local knowledge. In relation to genetic erosion, it is inferred that there is loss of the diversity of ocas in the Mito watershed, manifested through a) the loss of varieties due to frost, the increase in pests and diseases, and b) the forgetting of the names of the varieties of ocas and the concern about this oblivion. It should be noted that this information is qualitative of a possible trend, but that we need to quantify and deepen. In relation to the structure of the variability, the accessions are grouped (considering arbitrarily established distances) according to certain characters, among the main ones are: the shape of the tuber, the predominant and secondary colors of the pulp, the distribution of the secondary color of the pulp (at the level of tuber characterization); the color of the petiole, the pigmentation in the armpits of the stems and the habit of flowering (at the level of plant characterization). Finally, in relation to the comparison of the variability of the ocas of Mito and the ocas of the National Collection, a high variability was evidenced within both groups. It is important to point out that the morphological characterization was developed only in an agricultural campaign, and that it should be extended to at least 2 to 3 campaigns, because the variations of colors in the tubers are highly sensitive to sun exposure. that could generate slight color changes and distorted character registers. It is concluded that there is a high variability of the oca crop in the Mito watershed, supported by the different morphological characteristics identified at both tuber and plant levels, with very varied descriptor values.
The objective of this research was to contribute to the knowledge of the variability of the oca crop (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), in 5 high Andean communities of the Mito watershed, located in the Kichki district, province and Huanuco region; register the local peasant knowledge of the oca variability, through the registration of the local names of the varieties and the state of conservation of the crop; the structure of the variability present in the watershed; and finally, the comparison of the variability with that of the National Collection of Andean Tuberoses, conserved in the Andenes Agricultural Experimental Station, of the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA) Cusco. The registration of local names was carried out during visits to nine farmers through open questions about the main characteristics of the samples collected. To inquire about the genetic erosion, questions were added oriented to the existence or not of loss of local varieties of ocas. To know the structure of the variability, tubers and plants of the total number of samples (accessions) collected in the Mito watershed were morphologically characterized. An analysis of clusters (clusters) at different distances was carried out, for the identification of different morphotypes and groups. Finally, the comparison of the variability of Mito`s ocas and the ocas of the national collection consisted of the homologation of both collections, through 18 descriptors established by IPGRI (2001) and the subsequent analysis of main components. As a result of the research, a total of 78 different local names were recorded on local knowledge. In relation to genetic erosion, it is inferred that there is loss of the diversity of ocas in the Mito watershed, manifested through a) the loss of varieties due to frost, the increase in pests and diseases, and b) the forgetting of the names of the varieties of ocas and the concern about this oblivion. It should be noted that this information is qualitative of a possible trend, but that we need to quantify and deepen. In relation to the structure of the variability, the accessions are grouped (considering arbitrarily established distances) according to certain characters, among the main ones are: the shape of the tuber, the predominant and secondary colors of the pulp, the distribution of the secondary color of the pulp (at the level of tuber characterization); the color of the petiole, the pigmentation in the armpits of the stems and the habit of flowering (at the level of plant characterization). Finally, in relation to the comparison of the variability of the ocas of Mito and the ocas of the National Collection, a high variability was evidenced within both groups. It is important to point out that the morphological characterization was developed only in an agricultural campaign, and that it should be extended to at least 2 to 3 campaigns, because the variations of colors in the tubers are highly sensitive to sun exposure. that could generate slight color changes and distorted character registers. It is concluded that there is a high variability of the oca crop in the Mito watershed, supported by the different morphological characteristics identified at both tuber and plant levels, with very varied descriptor values.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Biología
Oxalis tuberosa, Características agronómicas, Variación genética, Germoplasma, Biodiversidad, Distribución geográfica, Comunidades rurales, Zona de montaña, Evaluación, Perú, Oca, Tuberosas andinas, Comunidades altoandinas, Cuenca de Hito, Huánuco (Prov), Región Huánuco
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