Incertidumbre y calibración del método de sedimentación para determinación de distribución de tamaño de partículas utilizando aprendizaje estadístico
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Vásquez Regalado, Jonathan
La distribución de tamaño de partículas del suelo es una propiedad del suelo usada para las diversas actividades humanas como la construcción, agricultura, geología, sedimentología, cartografía, etc., con una relación significativa con los coeficientes hídricos y la densidad aparente. La exacta cuantificación de la propiedad resulta clave para disminuir el error de predicción en propiedades asociadas y/o sus usos específicos. El laboratorio de suelos de la UNALM (LASPAF) usa el método modificado de Bouyoucos de lecturas de 40 segundos y 4 horas para arena y arcilla según USDA, sin la eliminación del material interferente. Sin embargo, estudios históricos han demostrado el error significativo que tienen la aplicación de los tiempos de medición y la no eliminación de materiales interferentes. Se buscó realizar una comparación entre los métodos LASPAF y el método de la pipeta de USDA con criterios de ISO 11277 para establecer un factor de corrección y estimar el error asociado con la incertidumbre. Adicionalmente, se hizo una recategorización de las clases texturales hasta en el 41% de las observaciones. Se demostró que el método de LASPAF sobrestima los contenidos de arena y arcilla en 75,5% y 68,5% de las observaciones, mientras el limo es subestimado en el 81%. Finalmente, para establecer una relación entre las partículas de ambos métodos para un ajuste de los resultados, se obtuvo un factor de corrección para arena de 0,9511 con un RMSE de 78,506 g kg-1, mientras para la arcilla fue 0,975 con RMSE de 62,392 g kg-1. Estos ajustes pueden ser útiles para mejorar la emisión de resultados del laboratorio tanto en rendimiento como calidad, mejorando la rentabilidad del laboratorio sin modificar el método pre establecido.
Soil particle size distribution is a soil property used for various human activities such as construction, agriculture, geology, sedimentology, cartography, etc., with a significant relationship with water coefficients and apparent density. The exact quantification of the property is key to reducing the prediction error in associated properties and/or their specific uses. The UNALM soil laboratory (LASPAF) uses the modified Bouyuocos method of 40 second and 4 hour readings for sand and clay according to USDA, without the elimination of interfering material. However, historical studies have demonstrated the significant error in the application of measurement times and the failure to eliminate interfering materials. A comparison was sought between the LASPAF methods and the USDA pipette method with ISO 11277 criteria to establish a correction factor and estimate the error associated with uncertainty. Additionally, a recategorization of the textural classes was made in up to 41% of the observations. It was shown that the LASPAF method overestimates sand and clay contents in 75.5% and 68.5% of the observations, while silt is underestimated in 81%. Finally, to establish a relationship between the particles of both methods for an adjustment of the results, a correction factor was obtained for sand of 0.9511 with an RMSE of 78.506 g kg-1, while for clay it was 0.975 with an RMSE of 62.392 g kg-1. These adjustments can be useful to improve the issuance of laboratory results in both performance and quality, improving the profitability of the laboratory without modifying the pre-established method.
Soil particle size distribution is a soil property used for various human activities such as construction, agriculture, geology, sedimentology, cartography, etc., with a significant relationship with water coefficients and apparent density. The exact quantification of the property is key to reducing the prediction error in associated properties and/or their specific uses. The UNALM soil laboratory (LASPAF) uses the modified Bouyuocos method of 40 second and 4 hour readings for sand and clay according to USDA, without the elimination of interfering material. However, historical studies have demonstrated the significant error in the application of measurement times and the failure to eliminate interfering materials. A comparison was sought between the LASPAF methods and the USDA pipette method with ISO 11277 criteria to establish a correction factor and estimate the error associated with uncertainty. Additionally, a recategorization of the textural classes was made in up to 41% of the observations. It was shown that the LASPAF method overestimates sand and clay contents in 75.5% and 68.5% of the observations, while silt is underestimated in 81%. Finally, to establish a relationship between the particles of both methods for an adjustment of the results, a correction factor was obtained for sand of 0.9511 with an RMSE of 78.506 g kg-1, while for clay it was 0.975 with an RMSE of 62.392 g kg-1. These adjustments can be useful to improve the issuance of laboratory results in both performance and quality, improving the profitability of the laboratory without modifying the pre-established method.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en
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