Mejoramiento y ampliación del servicio de agua potable del Centro Poblado Arizona, Distrito de Vinchos
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Vento Gutierrez, Eduardo Eli
Esta tesis contempla una solución técnica para la problemática que atraviesa el Centro Poblado de Arizona, esta consiste en proponer el diseño de un sistema de agua potable que mejore y amplíe el servicio de agua existente en el centro poblado Arizona, Distrito de Vinchos, Provincia de Huamanga, Departamento de Ayacucho, utilizando el método del sistema mixto por gravedad. Este método se utilizó debido a que el centro poblado tiene tanto zonas conglomeradas, como también ramificadas. El proyecto consideró 204 lotes beneficiados incluidos sociales y estatales, para los cuales se diseñó una red de conducción de 604.60 metros lineales, una red de aducción de 475.4 metros lineales y una red de distribución de 6091.16 metros lineales. Además, se diseñaron 03 captaciones tipo manantial de ladera, con un caudal total de 2.174 L/s, cámaras rompe presión tipo – 06 y válvulas de purga y aire. Las fuentes de agua seleccionadas fueron 03; Sorana, Conconchocra y Ojoro. Estas son de tipo manantial, y su oferta cubre con la demanda de agua potable. Se realizaron los análisis químicos y biológicos, obteniéndose agua con calidad por debajo de los Límites Máximos Permisibles (LMPs) y de los Estándares de Calidad de Agua (ECAs). Para asegurar su potabilidad, se proyectó un reservorio de apoyado de 40 m3, con su respectivo sistema de desinfección por cloración. El costo directo final del proyecto ascendió a la suma de 647,587.02 soles.
This thesis contemplates a technical solution to the problems faced by the town of Arizona, which consists of proposing the design of a drinking water system to improve and expand the existing water service in the town of Arizona, District of Vinchos, Province of Huamanga, Department of Ayacucho, using the mixed gravity system method. This method was used because the town center has both conglomerate and branched areas. The project considered 204 beneficiary lots, including social and state lots, for which a conduction network of 604.60 linear meters, an adduction network of 475.4 linear meters and a distribution network of 6091.16 linear meters were designed. In addition, 03 hillside spring catchments were designed, with a total flow of 2,174 L/s, pressure chambers type - 06 and purge and air valves. The water sources selected were 03; Sorana, Conconchocra and Ojoro. These are of the spring type, and their supply meets the demand for drinking water. Chemical and biological analyses were carried out, obtaining water with quality below the Maximum Permissible Limits (MPLs) and Water Quality Standards (WQS). To ensure its potability, a 40 m3 supported reservoir was designed, with its respective chlorination disinfection system. The final direct cost of the project was 647,587.02 soles.
This thesis contemplates a technical solution to the problems faced by the town of Arizona, which consists of proposing the design of a drinking water system to improve and expand the existing water service in the town of Arizona, District of Vinchos, Province of Huamanga, Department of Ayacucho, using the mixed gravity system method. This method was used because the town center has both conglomerate and branched areas. The project considered 204 beneficiary lots, including social and state lots, for which a conduction network of 604.60 linear meters, an adduction network of 475.4 linear meters and a distribution network of 6091.16 linear meters were designed. In addition, 03 hillside spring catchments were designed, with a total flow of 2,174 L/s, pressure chambers type - 06 and purge and air valves. The water sources selected were 03; Sorana, Conconchocra and Ojoro. These are of the spring type, and their supply meets the demand for drinking water. Chemical and biological analyses were carried out, obtaining water with quality below the Maximum Permissible Limits (MPLs) and Water Quality Standards (WQS). To ensure its potability, a 40 m3 supported reservoir was designed, with its respective chlorination disinfection system. The final direct cost of the project was 647,587.02 soles.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Abastecimiento de agua; Agua potable; Analisis de costos y beneficios; Diseño; Evaluación; Gestión; Vinchos (dist); Perú; Población; Proyectos de desarrollo; Red de agua potable
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