Análisis situacional y prospectiva de pequeños productores de cuyes asociados del valle del Mantaro
Rodriguez Caton, Tania Liset
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En un contexto de cambio climático, la producción de cuyes toma importancia en el sistema alimentario por la sostenibilidad de su crianza, la misma que puede ser mejorada fortaleciendo su gobernanza, a través de la asociación de los productores; por lo que el objetivo general del estudio fue describir la cadena de productiva de los productores de cuyes a nivel de pequeños criadores asociados en el Valle del Mantaro, lo cual permitiría identificar e incidir sobre los diversos factores relacionados con su competitividad y sostenibilidad; que, además agregaría valor a su cadena productiva. Tales factores involucran dimensiones biofísicas, tecnológicas, socioculturales, económicas, institucionales y políticas. En la presente investigación se identificaron los principales factores que limitan la producción de criadores de cuyes asociados, en el marco de la cadena productiva del cuy del valle del río Mantaro. Estas limitaciones fueron clasificadas dentro de cada una de las dimensiones antes mencionadas, y se analizó la relación entre éstas con las limitaciones de los demás actores vinculados a la cadena, y la manera en que influyen en el desarrollo de su competitividad. Se aplicó la metodología Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (RAAIS), en dos talleres participativos con representantes de: a) productores, b) sector privado, c) ONGs, d) gobierno, e) investigadores, capacitadores y extensionistas locales; posteriormente se analizó la percepción de los productores mediante la aplicación de encuestas, identificándose como principales limitaciones la desarticulación institucional (dimensión institucional), la desactualizada infraestructura de riego para pastos cultivados (dimensión biofísica), y el desconocimiento en la identificación de los cuyes enfermos entre los que ingresan al galpón, por compra o intercambio (dimensión tecnológica). Además, se encontró una alta asociación entre las dimensiones limitantes de los productores y de los demás actores; resaltando una fuerte influencia de la dimensión económica, ya que se necesita movilizar recursos técnicos y financieros desde cada actor, para optimizar sus esfuerzos a fin de fortalecer la cadena productiva del cuy.
In a context of climate change, guinea pig production takes on importance in the food system due to the sustainability of its breeding, which can be improved by strengthening its governance, therefore, the main objective of the study was to describe the production chain of guinea pig producers at the level of small associated breeders of the Mantaro river valley; through the association of producers; which would allow identifying and influencing the various factors related to its competitiveness and sustainability; which would also add value to its production chain. Such factors involve biophysical, technological, sociocultural, economic, institutional and political dimensions. In the present investigation, the main factors that limit the production of associated guinea pig breeders were identified, within the framework of the guinea pig production chain of the Mantaro river valley. These limitations were classified within each of the aforementioned dimensions, and the relationship between these with the limitations of the other actors linked to the chain, and the way in which they influence the development of their competitiveness, was analyzed. The Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (RAAIS) methodology was applied in two participatory workshops with representatives of: a) producers, b) private sector, c) NGOs, d) government, e) researchers, trainers and local extension workers; Later, the perception of the producers was analyzed through the application of surveys, identifying as main limitations the institutional disarticulation (institutional dimension), the outdated irrigation infrastructure for cultivated pastures (biophysical dimension), and the lack of knowledge in the identification of sick guinea pigs those who enter the shed, by purchase or exchange (technological dimension). Furthermore, a high association was found between the limiting dimensions of the producers and the other actors; highlighting a strong influence of the economic dimension, since it is necessary to mobilize technical and financial resources from each actor, to optimize their efforts in order to strengthen the guinea pig production chain
In a context of climate change, guinea pig production takes on importance in the food system due to the sustainability of its breeding, which can be improved by strengthening its governance, therefore, the main objective of the study was to describe the production chain of guinea pig producers at the level of small associated breeders of the Mantaro river valley; through the association of producers; which would allow identifying and influencing the various factors related to its competitiveness and sustainability; which would also add value to its production chain. Such factors involve biophysical, technological, sociocultural, economic, institutional and political dimensions. In the present investigation, the main factors that limit the production of associated guinea pig breeders were identified, within the framework of the guinea pig production chain of the Mantaro river valley. These limitations were classified within each of the aforementioned dimensions, and the relationship between these with the limitations of the other actors linked to the chain, and the way in which they influence the development of their competitiveness, was analyzed. The Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (RAAIS) methodology was applied in two participatory workshops with representatives of: a) producers, b) private sector, c) NGOs, d) government, e) researchers, trainers and local extension workers; Later, the perception of the producers was analyzed through the application of surveys, identifying as main limitations the institutional disarticulation (institutional dimension), the outdated irrigation infrastructure for cultivated pastures (biophysical dimension), and the lack of knowledge in the identification of sick guinea pigs those who enter the shed, by purchase or exchange (technological dimension). Furthermore, a high association was found between the limiting dimensions of the producers and the other actors; highlighting a strong influence of the economic dimension, since it is necessary to mobilize technical and financial resources from each actor, to optimize their efforts in order to strengthen the guinea pig production chain
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Cuyes; Crianza; Producción; Explotaciones agrarias; Producción animal; Explotación en pequeña escala; Manejo del ganado; Mercadeo; Entorno socioeconómico; Asistencia técnica; Evaluación; Perú
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