Objetivos de selección para la crianza de alpacas Huacaya bajo cuatro escenarios económicos en la Sierra Central del Perú
Candio Lopez, Julissa Raquel
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El trabajo de investigación consistió en determinar los objetivos de selección para la crianza de alpacas bajo cuatro escenarios económicos en la Cooperativa Comunal San Pedro de Racco. El estudio se realizó en tres etapas, la primera describió la crianza de alpacas, en la segunda se elaboró la ecuación de ganancias y en la tercera se realizó el cálculo de los valores relativos económicos por derivación parcial. Los escenarios económicos fueron definidos por la forma de pago de la fibra e ingresos por venta de reproductores. Los valores relativos económicos para el peso de vellón (PVL) y peso de vellón a la primera esquila (PVL1) fueron S/.10.6 y S/. 5.85 respectivamente. El diámetro de fibra (DF) obtuvo valores de S/. -2.12 y S/. -1.94 en los escenarios económicos 2 y 4. El objetivo de selección por escenarios economicos fueron definidos por PVL, PVL1 y peso vivo a la primera esquila (P1E) para el escenario 1; por PVL, PVL1 y DF para el escenario 2; por PVL, PVL1, rizos a la primera esquila (RZ1E) y conformación a la primera esquila (CF1E) para el escenario 3; y PVL, DF, RZ1E y CF1E para el escenario 4. Se concluyó que el pago por categoría del vellón favoreció el valor relativo económico del diametro de fibra y diametro de fibra a la primera esquila, contribuyendo al afinamiento de los vellones; mientras que el peso de vellón fue el carácter que tuvo mayor magnitud del valor relativo económico en los cuatro escenarios económicos.
The research consisted on determining the selección objectives for raising alpacas under four economic scenarios in the San Pedro de Racco Community Cooperative. The study was carried out in three phases, the first one described the alpacas breeding system, the second one the elaboration of the profit equation and the third one the calculation of the relative economic values by partial derivation. The economic scenarios were defined by the form of payment of the fiber and income from stud sires sale. The relative economic values for the weight of fleece (WF) and weight of fleece at the first shearing (WF1) were S/. 10.6 and S/. 5.85 respectively. The fiber diameter (FD) obtained values of S/. -2.12 and S/. -1.94 in economic scenarios 2 and 4. The selection objective by economic scenarios were defined by WF, WF1 and live weight at first shearing (LW1S) for scenario 1; by WF, WF1 and FD for scenario 2; by WF, WF1, curls at the first shearing (C1S) and conformation at the first shearing (CF1S) for scenario 3; and WF, FD, C1S and CF1S for scenario 4. It is concluded that the payment by category of the fleece favored the relative economic value of the fiber diameter and fiber diameter at the first shearing, contributing to the thinning of the fleeces; while the weight of fleece was the character that had the greatest magnitude of the relative economic value in the four economic scenarios.
The research consisted on determining the selección objectives for raising alpacas under four economic scenarios in the San Pedro de Racco Community Cooperative. The study was carried out in three phases, the first one described the alpacas breeding system, the second one the elaboration of the profit equation and the third one the calculation of the relative economic values by partial derivation. The economic scenarios were defined by the form of payment of the fiber and income from stud sires sale. The relative economic values for the weight of fleece (WF) and weight of fleece at the first shearing (WF1) were S/. 10.6 and S/. 5.85 respectively. The fiber diameter (FD) obtained values of S/. -2.12 and S/. -1.94 in economic scenarios 2 and 4. The selection objective by economic scenarios were defined by WF, WF1 and live weight at first shearing (LW1S) for scenario 1; by WF, WF1 and FD for scenario 2; by WF, WF1, curls at the first shearing (C1S) and conformation at the first shearing (CF1S) for scenario 3; and WF, FD, C1S and CF1S for scenario 4. It is concluded that the payment by category of the fleece favored the relative economic value of the fiber diameter and fiber diameter at the first shearing, contributing to the thinning of the fleeces; while the weight of fleece was the character that had the greatest magnitude of the relative economic value in the four economic scenarios.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Alpacas; Crianza; Parámetros genéticos; Genotipos; Heredabilidad; Ganancia de peso; Selección; Mejoramiento animal; Genética; Perú; Alpaca Huacaya
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