Determinación de la cuantía de alambre en el sistema conductivo de soporte para uva de mesa en Villacurí-Ica
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Portilla Estrada, Edwin Bryan
El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la cuantía de alambre por hectárea para el cultivo de uva de mesa considerando lo importante que es realizar correctamente estos cálculos para optimizar los materiales y sus respectivas características físicas que garanticen una mayor durabilidad de las estructuras de soporte y conducción en la vid. El desarrollo de este trabajo tuvo lugar en el Villacuri- Ica, la cual es una de las zonas agrícolas con mayor cantidad de hectáreas sembradas de vid del país. Para el cálculo de la cuantía óptima de alambre por hectárea trabajamos directamente con el marco de plantación, variedad de uva y la carga de producción por hectárea. La cuantía de alambre de acero por hectárea para uva de mesa óptima para un marco de plantación de 3m x 2.5 m es de 959.54 kg, y este resultado variara dependiendo de los factores mencionados. Asimismo, se detalla el tipo de alambre recomendado en función a su recubrimiento, espesor y resistencia.
The objective of this work is to determine the amount of wire per hectare for the cultivation of table grapes, considering how important it is to correctly carry out these calculations to optimize the materials and their specific physical characteristics that will guarantee a greater durability of the support and conduction structures on the vine. The development of this work took place in Villacuri-Ica, which is one of the agricultural areas with the largest number of hectares planted with vines in the country. To calculate the optimal amount of wire per hectare, he worked directly with the plantation framework, grape variety and the production load per hectare. The optimum amount of steel wire per hectare for table grapes for a 3m x 2.5m planting frame is 959.54kg, and this result will vary depending on the factors mentioned. Likewise, the type of wire recommended is detailed according to its coating, thickness and resistance.
The objective of this work is to determine the amount of wire per hectare for the cultivation of table grapes, considering how important it is to correctly carry out these calculations to optimize the materials and their specific physical characteristics that will guarantee a greater durability of the support and conduction structures on the vine. The development of this work took place in Villacuri-Ica, which is one of the agricultural areas with the largest number of hectares planted with vines in the country. To calculate the optimal amount of wire per hectare, he worked directly with the plantation framework, grape variety and the production load per hectare. The optimum amount of steel wire per hectare for table grapes for a 3m x 2.5m planting frame is 959.54kg, and this result will vary depending on the factors mentioned. Likewise, the type of wire recommended is detailed according to its coating, thickness and resistance.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Marco de plantación
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