Diseño hidráulico de las obras de protección y conducción en las quebradas El Carmen y Seca, distrito El Carmen, Ica
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Uchasara Casavilca, Katherin Denisse
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El presente trabajo expone el diseño hidráulico de las obras de protección y conducción que se proyectaron en las áreas vulnerables de las quebradas El Carmen y Seca, como medida preventiva frente al movimiento de masas e inundaciones. La primera parte del trabajo comprende la revisión bibliográfica de los conceptos de peligro, evaluación de riesgos y criterios para la construcción de obras de protección, asimismo el uso del modelo hidráulico como herramienta que ayuda en la planificación de infraestructuras para reducir el impacto ante posibles inundaciones, y por último se revisó la teoría de conceptos básicos para el diseño hidráulico. En la segunda parte se presenta el desarrollo del trabajo para el diseño hidráulico de las obras que resultaron del planteamiento del esquema de obras, la cual consta de cuatro etapas. En la etapa 1: revisión de la información básica del proyecto, se tiene el periodo de diseño óptimo de 25 años y los caudales de diseño para las quebradas El Carmen y Seca de 7.67m3/s y 0.54m3/s, respectivamente. En la etapa 2: revisión y evaluación de los modelos hidráulico en HEC-RAS con proyecto, se tienen los resultados de los rasters de velocidades, tirantes y cota de superficie de agua para el TR de 25 años, los cuales permitirán determinar los parámetros de diseño a partir de un eje de muestreo que se trazará paralelo al eje de la estructura proyectada. En la etapa 3: determinación de los parámetros hidráulicos, se definen los parámetros hidráulicos para diques, canales y obras de arte. Para los diques se consideran el borde libre, la elevación de la corona y la profundidad de la socavación. Para los canales se considera el borde libre. En la etapa 4: diseño definitivo de las obras, se presenta el dimensionamiento final de las obras y la verificación hidráulica.
This paper presents the hydraulic design of the protection and conduction works that were projected in the vulnerable areas of the El Carmen and Seca streams, as a preventive measure against the movement of masses and floods. The first part of the work includes the bibliographic review of the concepts of hazard, risk assessment and criteria for the construction of protection works, as well as the use of the hydraulic model as a tool that helps in the planning of infrastructures to reduce the impact of possible floods, and finally the theory of basic concepts for hydraulic design was reviewed. In the second part, the development of the work for the hydraulic design of the works that resulted from the approach of the works scheme is presented, which consists of four stages. In stage 1: review of the basic information of the project, the optimal design period of 25 years and the design flows for the El Carmen and Seca streams of 7.67m3/s and 0.54m3/s, respectively, are available. In stage 2: review and evaluation of the hydraulic models in HEC-RAS with project, the results of the rasters of velocities, tie rods and water surface elevation for the 25year TR are available, which will allow the design parameters to be determined from a sampling axis that will be drawn parallel to the axis of the projected structure. In stage 3: determination of hydraulic parameters, hydraulic parameters for dikes, canals and works of art are defined. For dikes, the free edge, the elevation of the crown and the depth of the scour are considered. For channels, the free edge is considered. In stage 4: final design of the works, the final dimensioning of the works and the hydraulic verification are presented.
This paper presents the hydraulic design of the protection and conduction works that were projected in the vulnerable areas of the El Carmen and Seca streams, as a preventive measure against the movement of masses and floods. The first part of the work includes the bibliographic review of the concepts of hazard, risk assessment and criteria for the construction of protection works, as well as the use of the hydraulic model as a tool that helps in the planning of infrastructures to reduce the impact of possible floods, and finally the theory of basic concepts for hydraulic design was reviewed. In the second part, the development of the work for the hydraulic design of the works that resulted from the approach of the works scheme is presented, which consists of four stages. In stage 1: review of the basic information of the project, the optimal design period of 25 years and the design flows for the El Carmen and Seca streams of 7.67m3/s and 0.54m3/s, respectively, are available. In stage 2: review and evaluation of the hydraulic models in HEC-RAS with project, the results of the rasters of velocities, tie rods and water surface elevation for the 25year TR are available, which will allow the design parameters to be determined from a sampling axis that will be drawn parallel to the axis of the projected structure. In stage 3: determination of hydraulic parameters, hydraulic parameters for dikes, canals and works of art are defined. For dikes, the free edge, the elevation of the crown and the depth of the scour are considered. For channels, the free edge is considered. In stage 4: final design of the works, the final dimensioning of the works and the hydraulic verification are presented.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
Diseño hidráulico
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