Adopción del emparrado en Passiflora ligularis (Juss.) y su contribución al desarrollo local de Oxapampa, Perú
Beyer Arteaga, Alfredo Alberto
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Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron realizar una caracterización socioeconómica y describir el sistema productivo de granadilla del distrito de Oxapampa en la provincia de Oxapampa en la región Pasco del Perú, así como determinar el nivel de adopción del emparrado en el cultivo e identificar las necesidades de innovación entre los productores. Para esto se aplicó encuestas a 69 agricultores; se entrevistó informantes clave y se extrajo muestras de suelos para realizar análisis de suelos, hongos y nematodos. Adicionalmente, se solicitó directamente información secundaria al Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI) y al Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).Los productores de granadilla del distrito de Oxapampa trabajan mayormente en una parcela propia o prestada por algún familiar o pariente político, cuentan con estudios secundarios, en su mayoría cultivan 1.5 hectáreas de granadilla, trabajan con capital propio, cuentan con electricidad e insuficiente cobertura de servicio de desagüe. El nivel tecnológico del manejo del cultivo pasó de básico a medio tras la adopción del emparrado a partir del año 2000, comparado con el sistema tradicional asociado con pacae (Inga feuilleui). La totalidad de los productores adoptó el sistema de conducción de emparrado, el ecotipo colombiano y la selección de frutos por categorías para la comercialización. La aplicación de materia orgánica es eventual y hay un uso general de plaguicidas para el manejo fitosanitario, no se toma en cuenta el control cultural, etológico y biológico. La mayoría de productores compra plantones sin garantía de calidad injertados con patrón maracuyá listos para trasplante. Los productores de granadilla del distrito de Oxapampa no reciben servicios de extensión en el cultivo y aprendieron a manejarlo a través de la experiencia de trabajo, y la transferencia de conocimiento de agricultor a agricultor. Las principales necesidades de innovación, capacitación y apoyo son en los temas de control de plagas y enfermedades, el uso racional de plaguicidas y fertilización.
The objectives of the present study were to carry out a socioeconomic characterization and describe the granadilla productive system of Oxapampa district, as well as to determine the level of adoption of the arbor in the crop and identify the innovation needs among the producers. For this purpose, surveys were applied to 69 farmers, key informants were interviewed and soil samples were extracted to perform soil, fungal and nematode analyzes. Additionally, secondary information was requested directly from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) and the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI) of Peru. Granadilla producers in Oxapampa district mostly work in a plot of their own or provided by a family member or relative, have secondary education, cultivate less than 10 hectares of granadilla, work with their own capital and have ample electricity coverage but deficient drainage service. The technological level of the crop management went from basic to medium after the adoption of the arbor from the year 2000, in comparison with the traditional system in association with pacay (Inga feuilleui). The totality of the producers adopted the arbor management system, the colombian ecotype and the selection of fruits by categories. There is a deficient application of organic matter in the subject of fertilization, and at the same time an almost exclusive use of chemical control for the control of pests and diseases, without taking into account the cultural, ethological and biological control. The majority of producers purchase seedlings grafted with passion fruit pattern ready for transplantation, however the suppliers do not guarantee the genetic quality nor sell certified seedlings. All of the granadilla producers in Oxapampa district do not currently receive extension services in the crop, and almost all of them learned to manage it through work experience and the transfer of knowledge from farmer to farmer. The main needs for innovation, training and support are in the topics of pest and disease control, the use of pesticides specifically and in fertilization.
The objectives of the present study were to carry out a socioeconomic characterization and describe the granadilla productive system of Oxapampa district, as well as to determine the level of adoption of the arbor in the crop and identify the innovation needs among the producers. For this purpose, surveys were applied to 69 farmers, key informants were interviewed and soil samples were extracted to perform soil, fungal and nematode analyzes. Additionally, secondary information was requested directly from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) and the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI) of Peru. Granadilla producers in Oxapampa district mostly work in a plot of their own or provided by a family member or relative, have secondary education, cultivate less than 10 hectares of granadilla, work with their own capital and have ample electricity coverage but deficient drainage service. The technological level of the crop management went from basic to medium after the adoption of the arbor from the year 2000, in comparison with the traditional system in association with pacay (Inga feuilleui). The totality of the producers adopted the arbor management system, the colombian ecotype and the selection of fruits by categories. There is a deficient application of organic matter in the subject of fertilization, and at the same time an almost exclusive use of chemical control for the control of pests and diseases, without taking into account the cultural, ethological and biological control. The majority of producers purchase seedlings grafted with passion fruit pattern ready for transplantation, however the suppliers do not guarantee the genetic quality nor sell certified seedlings. All of the granadilla producers in Oxapampa district do not currently receive extension services in the crop, and almost all of them learned to manage it through work experience and the transfer of knowledge from farmer to farmer. The main needs for innovation, training and support are in the topics of pest and disease control, the use of pesticides specifically and in fertilization.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
Passiflora; Variedades; Formación de la planta; Métodos de cultivo; Adopción de innovaciones; Agricultores; Desarrollo de un producto; Análisis de costos; Evalación; Perú; Passiflora ligularis; Emparrado; Oxapampa (dist); Oxapampa (prov); Región Pasco
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