Influencia del capital social y humano en oportunidades de innovación agropecuaria del Centro Binacional de Formación Técnica Zapotepampa Loja, Ecuador
Minga León, Fadua Elizabeth
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La presente investigación identificó la influencia del capital social y humano en las oportunidades de innovación agropecuaria del Centro Binacional de Formación Técnica Zapotepampa (CBFTZ) en el periodo 2007-20017, estableciendo la relación de los capitales en estudio con la producción agropecuaria. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la influencia del capital social y humano en la innovación agropecuaria y generación de conocimiento en el centro de formación, ubicado en el cantón Paltas de la provincia de LojaEcuador., se estableció recomendaciones para fortalecimiento, considerando el análisis documental sobre el marco de los capitales, innovaciones agropecuarias, centro de producciones y prácticas agropecuarias y la extensión en la formación universitaria. El estudio se desarrolló, durante los meses de agosto a noviembre del 2017, se realizaron encuestas al personal del centro, considerando las variables explicativas nivel de conocimiento, motivación, organizacional, cooperación institucional y variables a explicar oportunidades de innovación agropecuaria, adicionalmente, se realizó entrevistas semiestructuradas, grupo focal, revisión documental y técnicas cualitativas que identificaron aspectos relevantes no establecidos en las encuestas. El análisis de los resultados identificó aspectos relevantes del capital humano y social que requieren refuerzo y a partir de esto genera conocimientos para mejorar la sostenibilidad de la encuesta organizacional, crear conciencia en los involucrados al CBFTZ y la importancia de trabajar como sistema para ser autosustentables, además, contribuye al proceso de acreditación de los colegios técnicos de la zona, tomando en cuenta que la vinculación con la colectividad, investigación docencia, formación profesional y gestión, son indicadores esenciales para el aprovechamiento de las oportunidades de innovación agropecuaria de los centros de producción del país
This research identified the influence of social and human capital on agricultural innovation opportunities of the Zapotepampa Binational Technical Training Center (CBFTZ) in the 2007-20017 period, establishing the relationship of capital under study with agricultural production. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of social and human capital in agricultural innovation and knowledge generation in the training center, located in Paltas cantón of the Loja-Ecuador province., it established recommendations for strengthening, considering the documentary analysis on the framework of capitals, agricultural innovations, center of agricultural productions and practices and the extension in university education. The study was carried out in the center, during the months of August to November 2017, surveys were carried out at center personnel, considering the explanatory variables level of knowledge, motivation, organizational, cooperation institutional and variables to explain agricultural innovation opportunities., semi-structured interviews, focus group, documentary review, and qualitativetechniques which identified relevant aspects that were not established in the surveys. The analysis of the results identified relevant aspects of human and social capital that require reinforcement and from this generates knowledge to improve the sustainability of the organizational and creates awareness among those involved in the center and the importance of working as a system to be self-sustaining. In addition, it contributes to the accreditation process of the technical colleges in the area, taking into account that the link with the community, research, teaching, professional training and management, are essential indicators for taking advantage of the agricultural innovation opportunities of the productioncenters from the country.
This research identified the influence of social and human capital on agricultural innovation opportunities of the Zapotepampa Binational Technical Training Center (CBFTZ) in the 2007-20017 period, establishing the relationship of capital under study with agricultural production. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of social and human capital in agricultural innovation and knowledge generation in the training center, located in Paltas cantón of the Loja-Ecuador province., it established recommendations for strengthening, considering the documentary analysis on the framework of capitals, agricultural innovations, center of agricultural productions and practices and the extension in university education. The study was carried out in the center, during the months of August to November 2017, surveys were carried out at center personnel, considering the explanatory variables level of knowledge, motivation, organizational, cooperation institutional and variables to explain agricultural innovation opportunities., semi-structured interviews, focus group, documentary review, and qualitativetechniques which identified relevant aspects that were not established in the surveys. The analysis of the results identified relevant aspects of human and social capital that require reinforcement and from this generates knowledge to improve the sustainability of the organizational and creates awareness among those involved in the center and the importance of working as a system to be self-sustaining. In addition, it contributes to the accreditation process of the technical colleges in the area, taking into account that the link with the community, research, teaching, professional training and management, are essential indicators for taking advantage of the agricultural innovation opportunities of the productioncenters from the country.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
Agricultura alternativa; Capital; Recursos humanos; Innovación; Explotación agraria colectiva; Datos de producción; Evaluación; Ecuador; Capital social y humano; Producción agropecuaria; Innovación agropecuaria; Centro Binacional de Formación Técnica Zapotepampa; Loja (prov); Ecuador
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