La materia orgánica y su interacción con el fósforo en la absorción de cadmio por plantones de cacao
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Mansilla Minaya, Luis Germán
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de dos fertilizantes fosfatados (superfosfato triple y fosfato diamónico) y materia orgánica (estiércol de vacuno) en la concentración y absorción de Cd por plantas de cacao y Cd disponible del suelo, se condujo un experimento en invernadero, utilizándose suelo de un inceptisol, con bajo contenido de materia orgánica y P disponible. El suelo extraído después de separar el horizonte orgánico de la colina de un cacaotal, fue secado al aire, molido y tamizado con malla de 4 mm y luego de pesar 1.5 kg en bolsas de polietileno negro, se aplicó 0 ó 5 por ciento de estiércol y 100 ó 200 ppm de P de cada fuente fosfatada, según los tratamientos, dispuestos en diseño completo al azar. Los suelos fueron bien mezclados con los fertilizantes y estiércol, humedecidos hasta su capacidad de campo y dejados en incubación por dos semanas. Luego de pregerminar semillas de cacao, se sembró una semilla por bolsa dejándose crecer por 4 meses; durante el crecimiento la humedad del suelo fue mantenida por control gravimétrico. Después del tiempo indicado, las plantas fueron cortadas al nivel del cuello, lavadas con agua de caño, luego con solución 0.03 N de HCl y enjuagadas con agua destilada, y secadas a 105 – 110 °C, para determinar su peso seco a la estufa. Luego fueron molidas para determinar su contenido de Cd total por ataque con HNO3: HClO4 (4:1) y leído el extracto en espectrofotómetro de absorción atómica. En el suelo se determinó el Cd disponible. Sin adición de estiércol, la concentración y absorción total de Cd en las plantas fue mayor en los tratamientos con ST y menor en el FDA mientras que la adición de estiércol incrementó significativamente el rendimiento de materia seca, la concentración y la absorción total de Cd en los tejidos vegetales de las plantas de todos los tratamientos. En relación con el Cd disponible del suelo, la materia orgánica lo incrementó en todos los tratamientos en general.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of two phosphate fertilizers (triple superphosphate and diammonium phosphate) and organic matter (cow manure) on the concentration and absorption of cadmium by cocoa plants and available Cd of the soil, was conducted an experiment in greenhouse, using soil from an inceptisol, with a low content of organic matter and available P. The soil extracted after separating the organic horizon from the hill of a cocoa plantation, was air-dried, ground and sieved with a 4 mm mesh, and after weighing 1.5 kg of soil in black polyethylene bags, 0 or 5 percent of manure and 100 or 200 ppm P of each phosphate source was applied, according to the treatments, arranged in a complete random design. Soils were well mixed with fertilizers and manure, moistened to field capacity, and left to incubate for two weeks. After pregerminating cocoa seeds, one seed per bag was sown, allowing it to grow for 4 months; during growth soil moisture was maintained by gravimetric control. After the indicated time, the plants were cut at the level of the neck, washed with tap water, then with a 0.03 N HCl solution and rinsed with distilled water and dried at 105 – 110 °C to determine their dry weight in the oven. They were then ground to determine their total Cd content by etching with HNO3: HClO4 (4:1) and read the extract in EAA. In the soil was determined the available Cd. Without addition of manure, the concentration and absorption of total Cd in the plants was higher in the treatments with ST and lower with the FDA, while the addition of manure significantly increased the yield of dry matter, the concentration and the total absorption of cadmium in plant tissues of all treatments. In relation to the Cd available from the soil, the organic matter increased it in all the treatments in general.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of two phosphate fertilizers (triple superphosphate and diammonium phosphate) and organic matter (cow manure) on the concentration and absorption of cadmium by cocoa plants and available Cd of the soil, was conducted an experiment in greenhouse, using soil from an inceptisol, with a low content of organic matter and available P. The soil extracted after separating the organic horizon from the hill of a cocoa plantation, was air-dried, ground and sieved with a 4 mm mesh, and after weighing 1.5 kg of soil in black polyethylene bags, 0 or 5 percent of manure and 100 or 200 ppm P of each phosphate source was applied, according to the treatments, arranged in a complete random design. Soils were well mixed with fertilizers and manure, moistened to field capacity, and left to incubate for two weeks. After pregerminating cocoa seeds, one seed per bag was sown, allowing it to grow for 4 months; during growth soil moisture was maintained by gravimetric control. After the indicated time, the plants were cut at the level of the neck, washed with tap water, then with a 0.03 N HCl solution and rinsed with distilled water and dried at 105 – 110 °C to determine their dry weight in the oven. They were then ground to determine their total Cd content by etching with HNO3: HClO4 (4:1) and read the extract in EAA. In the soil was determined the available Cd. Without addition of manure, the concentration and absorption of total Cd in the plants was higher in the treatments with ST and lower with the FDA, while the addition of manure significantly increased the yield of dry matter, the concentration and the total absorption of cadmium in plant tissues of all treatments. In relation to the Cd available from the soil, the organic matter increased it in all the treatments in general.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Suelos
Absorción de sustancias nutritivas; Análisis del suelo; Cacao; Cadmio; Contenido de materia; Experimentación; Materia orgánica del suelo; Oligoelementos; Perú
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