Modelación matemática - WEAP mensual para la evaluación de los recursos hídricos en 03 ejes de represamiento en la cuenca alta del río Mala
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Castillo Baldeon, Nancy Elizabeth
El presente proyecto tiene como principal objetivo determinar la capacidad de almacenamiento hidrológico en 03 ejes propuestos para represamiento ubicados en la cuenca alta del rio mala, mediante los modelos matemáticos como es el modelo precipitación escorrentía denominado “soil moisture method” que utiliza el sistema informático Water Evalution and Planning (WEAP), con el fin de evaluar la oferta hídrica para almacenar y poder cubrir los requerimientos en tiempos de déficit hídrico. Para ello, se desarrollaron cinco etapas: primero, se identificaron los tres ejes de almacenamiento a partir de un modelo de elevación digital (DEM) utilizando ArcGis. Luego, se realizó un análisis estadístico y mediante el método de Thiessen, se calcularon las precipitaciones mensuales totales para cada subcuenca. En la tercera etapa, se propuso un modelo hidrológico para generar los caudales medios mensuales en los tres ejes. En la cuarta etapa, se calibró y validó el modelo con datos de la estación de aforo "La Capilla", obteniendo capacidades hidrológicas de 85.86 MM3 en el eje 01, 40.60 MM3 en el eje 02 y 126.01 MM3 en el eje 03. Tras redistribuir los volúmenes, se ajustaron a 45.0 MM3 en el eje 01, 40.60 MM3 en el eje 02 y 40.0 MM3 en el eje 03. Finalmente, se determinaron las curvas altura-volumen de las presas a partir de la topografía de la zona, utilizando Google Earth Pro, obteniendo alturas de diseño hidráulico de 151 m en el eje 01, 102 m en el eje 02 y 138 m en el eje 03. El sistema fue simulado en la plataforma WEAP para evaluar su operación conjunta
The main objective of this project is to determine the hydrological storage capacity in 03 axes proposed for damming located in the upper basin of the mala river, using mathematical models such as the rainfall-runoff model called “soil moisture method” that uses the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) computer system, in order to evaluate the water supply for storage and to be able to meet the requirements in times of water deficit. To this end, five stages were developed: first, the three storage axes were identified from a digital elevation model (DEM) using ArcGis. Then, a statistical analysis was performed and using Thiessen method, the total monthly rainfall for each sub-basin was calculated. In the third stage, a hydrological model was proposed to generate monthly mean flows in the three axes. In the fourth stage, the model was calibrated and validated with data from the “La Capilla” gauging station, obtaining hydrologic capacities of 85.86 MM3 in axis 01, 40.60 MM3 in axis 02 and 126.01 MM3 in axis 03. After redistributing the volumes, they were adjusted to 45.0 MM3 on axis 01, 40.60 MM3 on axis 02 and 40.0 MM3 on axis 03. Finally, the height-volume curves of the dams were determined from the topography of the area, using Google Earth Pro, obtaining hydraulic design heights of 151 m in axis 01, 102 m in axis 02 and 138 m in axis 03. The system was simulated in the WEAP platform to evaluate their joint operation.
The main objective of this project is to determine the hydrological storage capacity in 03 axes proposed for damming located in the upper basin of the mala river, using mathematical models such as the rainfall-runoff model called “soil moisture method” that uses the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) computer system, in order to evaluate the water supply for storage and to be able to meet the requirements in times of water deficit. To this end, five stages were developed: first, the three storage axes were identified from a digital elevation model (DEM) using ArcGis. Then, a statistical analysis was performed and using Thiessen method, the total monthly rainfall for each sub-basin was calculated. In the third stage, a hydrological model was proposed to generate monthly mean flows in the three axes. In the fourth stage, the model was calibrated and validated with data from the “La Capilla” gauging station, obtaining hydrologic capacities of 85.86 MM3 in axis 01, 40.60 MM3 in axis 02 and 126.01 MM3 in axis 03. After redistributing the volumes, they were adjusted to 45.0 MM3 on axis 01, 40.60 MM3 on axis 02 and 40.0 MM3 on axis 03. Finally, the height-volume curves of the dams were determined from the topography of the area, using Google Earth Pro, obtaining hydraulic design heights of 151 m in axis 01, 102 m in axis 02 and 138 m in axis 03. The system was simulated in the WEAP platform to evaluate their joint operation.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola.
Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
Modelamiento hidrológico
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