Perfil de metabolitos secundarios en representantes peruanos de la tribu Mentheae (Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae) y obtención de los componentes mayoritarios
Serrano Flores, Carlos Alberto
Las Mentheae (Lamiaceae) del Perú están representadas por los géneros Clinopodium, Hedeoma, Lepechinia, Minthostachys y Salvia. Los metabolitos de Mentheae los podemos clasificar en lipofílicos (mono, sesqui, di y triterpenoides) e hidrofílicos (fenilpropanoides, flavonoides, ácidos salvianólicos), algunos de estos metabolitos son característicos solo para la familia Lamiaceae y otros poseen propiedades biológicas importantes lo que ha determinado el uso fitoterápico de las plantas estudiadas. Los objetivos del presente trabajo de investigación fueron identificar, cuantificar y obtener algunos compuestos fenólicos y terpenoidales a partir de los extractos alcohólicos de trece especies de la tribu Mentheae (Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae) procedentes de la sierra de cinco departamentos del Perú, y así los objetivos específicos fueron: 1) La determinación de su capacidad antioxidante total, su contenido de fenoles totales, de flavonoides totales y de ácidos hidroxicinnámicos totales así como su concentración en ácido rosmarínico y de los ácidos triterpénicos oleanólico y ursólico. 2) El perfil de metabolitos fenólicos y terpenoidales mediante cromatografía líquida de ultra desempeño acoplada a espectrometría de masas de alta resolución en tándem UHPLC-ESI-MSMS, 3) El desarrollo de métodos preparativos para la obtención de metabolitos bioactivos en aquellas plantas con alta concentración en éstos, y 4) La evaluación de la capacidad antioxidante, el contenido de ácido rosmarínico y de ácidos triterpénicos en las infusiones acuosas, forma tradicional de uso. Los resultados más importantes fueron que todas las especies estudiadas tienen actividad antioxidante directamente relacionada con su contenido en fenoles totales y particularmente con su contenido en ácido rosmarínico. También es notable la presencia, en todas las muestras, de los ácidos triterpénicos, oleanólico y ursólico. Los metabolitos determinados por UHPLCESI-MSMS son los flavonoides, terpenoides y notablemente los derivados de los ácidos cafeico y el 3,4-dihidroxifenil-láctico, entre los cuales resaltan los ácidos monocafeoilquínicos o ácidos clorogénicos y los llamados ácidos salvianólicos, siendo el ácido rosmarínico el más importante de ellos y a partir del cual se producen los ácidos salvianólicos A, B y F, el ácido litospérmico, el ácido yunnaneico E, el ácido sagerínico y el ácido clerodendranoico H. Los ácidos salvianólicos Ay B son particularmente útiles por su efecto contra las fibrosis, patología siempre presente en cánceres y el decaimiento neurodegenerativo. La planta Lepechinia meyenii se mostró como la mejor fuente de ácidorosmarínico mientras que Clinopodium revolutum como la mejor en ácido ursólico, dos moléculas farmacológicamente importantes. Además las especies de Lepechinia muestran la presencia de los terpenoides fenólicos, ácido carnósico, el rosmanol y carnosol que también son moléculas bioactivas muy importantes. Por otro lado Lepechinia floribunda y Clinopodium sericeum son las especies con mayor diversidad en ácidos salvianólicos. Así las Mentheae peruanas son potencialmente útiles como agentes fitoterapeúticos tal como sus equivalentes asiáticos y europeos. Posteriormente se muestra el desarrollo de métodos preparativos optimizados de extracción y purificación, sobre Lepechinia meyenii para ácido rosmarínico mediante cristalización por deshidratación al vacío y sobre Clinopodium revolutum para ácido ursólico mediante recristalización por enfriamiento, obteniéndose en ambos casos productos de alta pureza. Finalmente, se determinó la capacidad antioxidante total y las concentraciones de ácido rosmarínico y de ácidos triterpénicos en las infusiones acuosas de las trece plantas, encontrándose el ácido rosmarínico en todas ellas más al contrario, en ninguna, la presencia de los ácidos triterpénicos oleanólico y ursólico. Solamente en la decocción de Clinopodium revolutum se ha detectado trazas de estos triterpenoides. Por eso, la presencia de estas sustancias en los preparados acuosos justifican en parte el uso que se hace de ellas. Las plantas de mayor tradición etnofarmacológica son precisamente las de mayor concentración en ácido rosmarínico y en ácidos triterpénicos.
The Mentheae (Lamiaceae) of Perú are represented by the genera Clinopodium, Hedeoma, Lepechinia, Minthostachys, and Salvia. Mentheae metabolites can be classified into lipophilic (mono, sesqui, di and triterpenoids) and hydrophilic (phenylpropanoids, flavonoids, salvianolic acids), some of these metabolites are characteristic only for the Lamiaceae family and others have important biological properties, which has been determined the phytotherapic use of the plants studied. The objectives of this research work were to identify, quantify and obtain some phenolic and terpenoidal compounds from the alcoholic extracts of thirteen species the Mentheae tribe (Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae) from the highlands of five departments of Peru, and thus the specific objectives were: 1) The determination of its total antioxidant capacity, its content of total phenols, total flavonoids and total hydroxycinnamic acids as well as its concentration in rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids, oleanolic and ursolic. 2) The profile of phenolic and terpenoidal metabolites by ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry in tandem UHPLC-ESI-MSMS. 3) The development of preparative methods for obtaining bioactive metabolites in those plants with high concentration in these, and 4) The evaluation of the antioxidant capacity, the content of rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids in aqueous infusions, the traditional way of use. All the species studied have antioxidant activity directly related to their total phenol content and particularly to their rosmarinic acid content. The presence of triterpenic acids, oleanolic and ursolic is also notable in all samples. The metabolites determined by UHPLC-ESI-MSMS are flavonoids, terpenoids and notably those derived from caffeic and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-lactic acids, among which the monocaffeoylquinic acids or chlorogenic acids and the so-called salvianolic acids stand out, being the rosmarinic acid, the most important of them and from which salvianolic acids A, B and F, lithospermic acid, yunnaneic acid E, sagerinic acid and clerodendranoic acid H are produced. Salvianolic acids A and B are particularly useful for their effect against fibrosis, a pathology always present in cancers and neurodegenerative decay. The herb Lepechinia meyenii was shown as the best source of rosmarinic acid while Clinopodium revolutum as the best in ursolic acid, two pharmacologically important molecules. In addition, Lepechinia species show the presence of phenolic terpenoids,carnosic acid, rosmanol and carnosol, which are also very important bioactive molecules. On the other hand, Lepechinia floribunda and Clinopodium sericeum are the species with the greatest diversity in salvianolic acids. Thus the Peruvian Mentheae are potentially useful as phytotherapeutic agents just like their Asian and European counterparts. Subsequently, the development of optimized preparative extraction and purification methods is shown, on Lepechinia meyenii for rosmarinic acid by crystallization by vacuum dehydration and on Clinopodium revolutum for ursolic acid by recrystallization by cooling, obtaining in both cases high purity products. Finally, the total antioxidant capacity and the concentrations of rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids in the aqueous infusions of the thirteen plants were determined, finding rosmarinic acid in all of them, more to the contrary, in none, the presence of triterpenic acids, oleanolic and ursolic. Traces of these triterpenoids have only been detected in the decoction of Clinopodium revolutum. For this reason, the presence of these substances in aqueous preparations partially justifies the use made of them. The plants with the greatest ethnopharmacological tradition are precisely those with the highest concentration of rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids
The Mentheae (Lamiaceae) of Perú are represented by the genera Clinopodium, Hedeoma, Lepechinia, Minthostachys, and Salvia. Mentheae metabolites can be classified into lipophilic (mono, sesqui, di and triterpenoids) and hydrophilic (phenylpropanoids, flavonoids, salvianolic acids), some of these metabolites are characteristic only for the Lamiaceae family and others have important biological properties, which has been determined the phytotherapic use of the plants studied. The objectives of this research work were to identify, quantify and obtain some phenolic and terpenoidal compounds from the alcoholic extracts of thirteen species the Mentheae tribe (Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae) from the highlands of five departments of Peru, and thus the specific objectives were: 1) The determination of its total antioxidant capacity, its content of total phenols, total flavonoids and total hydroxycinnamic acids as well as its concentration in rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids, oleanolic and ursolic. 2) The profile of phenolic and terpenoidal metabolites by ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry in tandem UHPLC-ESI-MSMS. 3) The development of preparative methods for obtaining bioactive metabolites in those plants with high concentration in these, and 4) The evaluation of the antioxidant capacity, the content of rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids in aqueous infusions, the traditional way of use. All the species studied have antioxidant activity directly related to their total phenol content and particularly to their rosmarinic acid content. The presence of triterpenic acids, oleanolic and ursolic is also notable in all samples. The metabolites determined by UHPLC-ESI-MSMS are flavonoids, terpenoids and notably those derived from caffeic and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-lactic acids, among which the monocaffeoylquinic acids or chlorogenic acids and the so-called salvianolic acids stand out, being the rosmarinic acid, the most important of them and from which salvianolic acids A, B and F, lithospermic acid, yunnaneic acid E, sagerinic acid and clerodendranoic acid H are produced. Salvianolic acids A and B are particularly useful for their effect against fibrosis, a pathology always present in cancers and neurodegenerative decay. The herb Lepechinia meyenii was shown as the best source of rosmarinic acid while Clinopodium revolutum as the best in ursolic acid, two pharmacologically important molecules. In addition, Lepechinia species show the presence of phenolic terpenoids,carnosic acid, rosmanol and carnosol, which are also very important bioactive molecules. On the other hand, Lepechinia floribunda and Clinopodium sericeum are the species with the greatest diversity in salvianolic acids. Thus the Peruvian Mentheae are potentially useful as phytotherapeutic agents just like their Asian and European counterparts. Subsequently, the development of optimized preparative extraction and purification methods is shown, on Lepechinia meyenii for rosmarinic acid by crystallization by vacuum dehydration and on Clinopodium revolutum for ursolic acid by recrystallization by cooling, obtaining in both cases high purity products. Finally, the total antioxidant capacity and the concentrations of rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids in the aqueous infusions of the thirteen plants were determined, finding rosmarinic acid in all of them, more to the contrary, in none, the presence of triterpenic acids, oleanolic and ursolic. Traces of these triterpenoids have only been detected in the decoction of Clinopodium revolutum. For this reason, the presence of these substances in aqueous preparations partially justifies the use made of them. The plants with the greatest ethnopharmacological tradition are precisely those with the highest concentration of rosmarinic acid and triterpenic acids
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Ciencias e Ingeniería Biológicas
Lamiaceae; Componentes; Metabolitos; Metabolitos secundarios; Evaluación; Identificación
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