Razas de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici aisladas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) proveniente de Costa Central del Perú
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Huarhua Zaquinaula, Medali Heidi
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Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) causa la marchitez vascular solo en tomate. Aunque, las especies de Fusarium pueden ser identificadas por características morfológicas, los tipos patogénicos o formas especiales y razas de Fusarium oxysporum (Fo) no se pueden. Por lo que, la presente investigación planteó como objetivo: Implementar un método molecular para la detección e identificación de razas de Fol presentes en la costa peruana. La metodología inicio con la evaluación morfológica de ocho aislamientos de Fusarium aislados de tomate, seguido de los análisis filogenéticos basados en los espacios Intergénicos del ADN r (IGS); además, se realizó la detección de genes de avirulencia (AVR1 =SIX4, AVR2=SIX3 y AVR3=SIX1) y fragmentos de los genes endo (pg1) y exo (pgx4) poligalacturonasa del patógeno. La prueba de patogenicidad fue realizada en cultivares diferenciales de tomates (Ponderosa, Momotaro, Momotaro 8 y Block) para confirmación de presencia de razas de Fol. Los resultados obtenidos con estas técnicas moleculares y pruebas de patogenicidad, mostraron que solo un aislamiento, HEI 11, fue patogénico y pertenece a Fol raza 1.
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) causes wilt symptoms on tomato. Although Fusarium species can be identified by morphological characteristics, Fusarium oxysporum pathogenic types or special forms and races can not. Therefore, the objective was to implement a molecular method to detect and identify Fol races present in the Peruvian coast. Morphological evaluation of eight Fusarium isolates from tomato were done followed by phylogenetic analysis based on the intergenic spaces (IGS) of DNA r. In addition, avirulence genes (AVR1 = SIX4, AVR2 = SIX3 and AVR3 = SIX1) and fragments of the endo (pg1) and exo (pgx4) polygalacturonase genes of the pathogen were detected. Pathogenicity tests were carried out on tomato differential cultivars (Ponderosa, Momotaro, Momotaro 8 and Block) to confirm the presence of Fol races. Results obtained with these molecular techniques and pathogenicity tests, showed that only HEI 11 isolate was pathogenic and belongs to Fol race 1.
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) causes wilt symptoms on tomato. Although Fusarium species can be identified by morphological characteristics, Fusarium oxysporum pathogenic types or special forms and races can not. Therefore, the objective was to implement a molecular method to detect and identify Fol races present in the Peruvian coast. Morphological evaluation of eight Fusarium isolates from tomato were done followed by phylogenetic analysis based on the intergenic spaces (IGS) of DNA r. In addition, avirulence genes (AVR1 = SIX4, AVR2 = SIX3 and AVR3 = SIX1) and fragments of the endo (pg1) and exo (pgx4) polygalacturonase genes of the pathogen were detected. Pathogenicity tests were carried out on tomato differential cultivars (Ponderosa, Momotaro, Momotaro 8 and Block) to confirm the presence of Fol races. Results obtained with these molecular techniques and pathogenicity tests, showed that only HEI 11 isolate was pathogenic and belongs to Fol race 1.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Fitopatología
Solanum lycopersicum; Fusarium oxysporum; Especies; Métodos de ensayo; Marchitez; Enfermedades fungosas; Costa; Perú; Identificación de razas; Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
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