El biol y su efecto en dos cultivares de Col ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.), bajo condiciones de La Molina
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Estrada Flores, Carla Stefany
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El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de dosis de biol (500 L/ha y 1000 L/ha) en el rendimiento y calidad en dos cultivares de col (‘Multima’ y ‘Marissa’). Se establecieron ocho tratamientos y se utilizó el diseño estadístico de bloques completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron número de hojas, altura de planta, días a la formación del repollo, rendimiento, porcentaje de materia seca, peso del repollo, diámetro del repollo y altura del repollo. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias significativas entre las dosis de biol empleadas dentro de cada cultivar para los parámetros evaluados, sin embargo, los mayores valores se obtuvieron a dosis de biol de 500 L/ha (T3 y T7) para rendimiento (‘Multima’: 115.20 t/ha, ‘Marissa’: 85.85 t/ha), peso del repollo (‘Multima’: 4.54 Kg, ‘Marissa’: 3.59 Kg), diámetro del repollo (‘Multima’: 25.92 cm, ‘Marissa’: 21.04 cm) y altura del repollo (‘Multima’: 19.59 cm, ‘Marissa’: 22.11 cm). A 1000 L/ha (T4 y T8) se obtuvieron los mayores valores para el porcentaje de materia seca (‘Multima’: 6.88 %, ‘Marissa’: 8.53 %). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los parámetros vegetativos.
The present research work was carried at the National Agrarian University La Molina, to evaluate the effect of biol rates (500 L/ha and 1000 L/ha) on the yield and quality in two cabbage cultivars (‘Multima’ and ‘Marissa’). There were eight treatments and a completely randomized block design with four replications was used. The variables evaluated were leaves number, plant height, days to the cabbage formation, yield, dry matter percentage, cabbage weight, cabbage diameter and cabbage height. The results indicate that there are no significant differences between the biol rates tested within each cultivar for all the parameters evaluated, however, the highest values were obtained with a biol rate of 500 L/ha (T3 and T7) getting a yield with ‘Multima’ of 115.20 t/ha, and with ‘Marissa’ a yield of 85.85 t/ha, cabbage average weight in ‘Multima’ was 4.54 Kg, and with ‘Marissa’ was 3.59 Kg, cabbage diameter in ‘Multima’ was 25.92 cm, and in ‘Marissa’ was 21.04 cm and cabbage height in ‘Multima’ was 19.59 cm and in ‘Marissa’ was 22.11 cm. At 1000 L/ha (T4 and T8) the highest values were obtained for the dry matter percentage, in ‘Multima’ was 6.88 % and in ‘Marissa’ was 8.53 %. No significant differences were found in vegetative parameters evaluated.
The present research work was carried at the National Agrarian University La Molina, to evaluate the effect of biol rates (500 L/ha and 1000 L/ha) on the yield and quality in two cabbage cultivars (‘Multima’ and ‘Marissa’). There were eight treatments and a completely randomized block design with four replications was used. The variables evaluated were leaves number, plant height, days to the cabbage formation, yield, dry matter percentage, cabbage weight, cabbage diameter and cabbage height. The results indicate that there are no significant differences between the biol rates tested within each cultivar for all the parameters evaluated, however, the highest values were obtained with a biol rate of 500 L/ha (T3 and T7) getting a yield with ‘Multima’ of 115.20 t/ha, and with ‘Marissa’ a yield of 85.85 t/ha, cabbage average weight in ‘Multima’ was 4.54 Kg, and with ‘Marissa’ was 3.59 Kg, cabbage diameter in ‘Multima’ was 25.92 cm, and in ‘Marissa’ was 21.04 cm and cabbage height in ‘Multima’ was 19.59 cm and in ‘Marissa’ was 22.11 cm. At 1000 L/ha (T4 and T8) the highest values were obtained for the dry matter percentage, in ‘Multima’ was 6.88 % and in ‘Marissa’ was 8.53 %. No significant differences were found in vegetative parameters evaluated.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Horticultura
Biocombustibles; Col; Cultivo; La Molina (dist)
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