Modelo hidrológico para la determinación de la erosión y sedimentación que fluye en la cuenca Yanango - La Merced - Chanchamayo
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Vicente Cisinaro, Juriko Sofía
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La presente tesis se enfoca en la evaluación integral de la erosión y sedimentación en la Cuenca Yanango, ubicada en el distrito de La Merced, Provincia de Chanchamayo, cuyo objetivo principal fue comprender los patrones y procesos que interviene en las tasas de erosión y de sedimentación, esta investigación involucró la recopilación de datos de campo, análisis geoespaciales y modelamiento hidrológico. Esta investigación cobra relevancia debido al historial de riesgo asociado con la erosión y sedimentación en la cuenca, incluyendo el colapso del puente atirantado Yanango en la carretera Tarma - La Merced en el año 2005. Se determinaron los Factores RUSLE mediante herramientas GIS para luego ser utilizadas en el modelo Hec-HMS y calcular la producción de sedimentos, se encontró que las subcuencas aguas abajo, en particular aquellas en proximidad al Túnel Yanango, presentan tasas significativamente más altas tanto de erosión como de sedimentación. Esto se debe a factores topográficos como pendientes pronunciadas, falta de cobertura vegetal, y factores climáticos. Estos hallazgos subrayan la importancia de implementar medidas específicas de conservación del suelo y restauración en las subcuencas críticas aguas abajo, para abordar los desafíos de erosión y sedimentación y asegurar la sostenibilidad de la Cuenca Yanango en su conjunto. Además, se recomienda un monitoreo continuo y la participación de la comunidad local en la gestión de recursos hídricos y la conservación del suelo.
The present thesis focuses on the comprehensive assessment of erosion and sedimentation in the Yanango Basin, located in the district of La Merced, Province of Chanchamayo, with the main objective of understanding the patterns and processes involved in erosion and sedimentation rates. This research involved the collection of field data, geospatial analysis, and hydrological modeling. This research is relevant due to the historical risk associated with erosion and sedimentation in the basin, including the collapse of the Yanango cable-stayed bridge on the Tarma - La Merced road in 2005. The RUSLE Factors were determined using GIS tools to then be used in the Hec-HMS model and calculate sediment production. It was found that the downstream sub-basins, particularly those in proximity to the Yanango Tunnel, present significantly higher rates of both erosion and sedimentation. This is due to topographical factors such as steep slopes, lack of vegetation cover, and climatic factors. These findings underscore the importance of implementing specific soil conservation and restoration measures in critical downstream sub-basins to address the challenges of erosion and sedimentation and ensure the sustainability of the Yanango Basin as a whole. Additionally, continuous monitoring and the involvement of the local community in water resource management and soil conservation are recommended
The present thesis focuses on the comprehensive assessment of erosion and sedimentation in the Yanango Basin, located in the district of La Merced, Province of Chanchamayo, with the main objective of understanding the patterns and processes involved in erosion and sedimentation rates. This research involved the collection of field data, geospatial analysis, and hydrological modeling. This research is relevant due to the historical risk associated with erosion and sedimentation in the basin, including the collapse of the Yanango cable-stayed bridge on the Tarma - La Merced road in 2005. The RUSLE Factors were determined using GIS tools to then be used in the Hec-HMS model and calculate sediment production. It was found that the downstream sub-basins, particularly those in proximity to the Yanango Tunnel, present significantly higher rates of both erosion and sedimentation. This is due to topographical factors such as steep slopes, lack of vegetation cover, and climatic factors. These findings underscore the importance of implementing specific soil conservation and restoration measures in critical downstream sub-basins to address the challenges of erosion and sedimentation and ensure the sustainability of the Yanango Basin as a whole. Additionally, continuous monitoring and the involvement of the local community in water resource management and soil conservation are recommended
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola.
Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
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