Comparación de dos programas de mejoramiento genético para llamas (Lama glama) K'ara en la provincia de Pasco, Perú
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Valentin Guillermo, Roy Elias
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Las llamas contribuyen de forma importante a la economía de las familias rurales de los Andes. Sin embargo, la crianza de llamas se caracteriza por la baja productividad, que podría incrementarse con diversas medidas como la mejora de la sanidad animal, la alimentación y programas de mejoramiento genético. Los objetivos fueron: 1) desarrollar una propuesta técnica de selección de llamas machos para la producción de carne y 2) simular la respuesta a la selección de dos programas de mejoramiento genético. El estudio se realizó en la provincia Pasco, distrito Simón Bolívar. La propuesta técnica de la prueba de rendimiento y selección de machos jóvenes, se elaboró en base a la información de la literatura, tomando en cuenta el reglamento de registros genealógicos de alpacas y llamas del Perú. En la simulación se comparó 2 escenarios, donde se evaluó la ganancia genética del peso vivo y el incremento de la consanguinidad. La ganancia genética del peso vivo al año se utilizó como base para la comparación de los 2 escenarios. En el escenario de solo un estrato participaron 40 productores y se estableció un centro de prueba de rendimiento para machos candidatos de selección. 40 machos jóvenes (uno por criador) son evaluados, de los cuales 14 son seleccionados como reemplazo por año. En el escenario de núcleo central participan 40 productores y la Cooperativa San Pedro de Racco, donde la cooperativa funcionó como un núcleo central. El núcleo se forma por machos que provienen de la cooperativa y hembras que provienen de los criadores y de la cooperativa. Además, en el núcleo se establece un centro de prueba de rendimiento para 60 machos y 77 hembras, de los cuales 21 y 27 son seleccionados al año, respectivamente. El progreso genético por generación para la ganancia del peso vivo fue 0.756 kg y 0.954 kg en el escenario de solo un estrato y núcleo central, respectivamente. El incremento de consanguinidad por generación fue para el escenario de solo un estrato de 0.3 por ciento y para el núcleo central de 0.6 por ciento. La estrategia de un núcleo genético conlleva a un mayor progreso genético, sin embargo, requiere una mejor vinculación y organización con los criadores beneficiarios.
Llamas make an important contribution to the economy of rural families in the Andes. However, llama breeding is characterized by low productivity, which could be increased with various measures such as improved animal health, feeding and genetic improvement programs. The objectives of the study were: 1) to develop a technical proposal for the selection of male llamas for meat production and 2) to simulate the response to the selection of two breeding programs. The study was carried out in the Pasco province, Simón Bolívar district. The technical proposal for the performance test and selection of young males was elaborated based on information from the literature, taking into account the regulations of the Peruvian alpaca and llama genealogical registers. In the simulation, two scenarios were compared, where the genetic gain in live weight and the increase in inbreeding were evaluated. The genetic gain in live weight per year was used as the basis for the comparison of the two scenarios. In scenario 1, 40 llama breeders participated and a performance test center was established for male selection candidates. 40 young males (one per breeder) are evaluated, of which 14 are selected as replacements per year. Scenario 2 involves 40 breeders and the Cooperative San Pedro de Racco, where the cooperative functioned as a central nucleus. The nucleus is formed by males coming from the cooperative and females coming from the breeders and the cooperative. In addition, a performance testing center is established in the nucleus for 60 males and 77 females, of which 21 and 27 are selected per year, respectively. The genetic progress per generation for live weight gain was 0.756 kg and 0.954 kg in scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. The increase in inbreeding per generation was 0.3 percent for scenario 1 and 0.6 percent for scenario 2. The nucleus strategy leads to greater genetic progress, however, it requires better linkage and organization with the beneficiary breeders.
Llamas make an important contribution to the economy of rural families in the Andes. However, llama breeding is characterized by low productivity, which could be increased with various measures such as improved animal health, feeding and genetic improvement programs. The objectives of the study were: 1) to develop a technical proposal for the selection of male llamas for meat production and 2) to simulate the response to the selection of two breeding programs. The study was carried out in the Pasco province, Simón Bolívar district. The technical proposal for the performance test and selection of young males was elaborated based on information from the literature, taking into account the regulations of the Peruvian alpaca and llama genealogical registers. In the simulation, two scenarios were compared, where the genetic gain in live weight and the increase in inbreeding were evaluated. The genetic gain in live weight per year was used as the basis for the comparison of the two scenarios. In scenario 1, 40 llama breeders participated and a performance test center was established for male selection candidates. 40 young males (one per breeder) are evaluated, of which 14 are selected as replacements per year. Scenario 2 involves 40 breeders and the Cooperative San Pedro de Racco, where the cooperative functioned as a central nucleus. The nucleus is formed by males coming from the cooperative and females coming from the breeders and the cooperative. In addition, a performance testing center is established in the nucleus for 60 males and 77 females, of which 21 and 27 are selected per year, respectively. The genetic progress per generation for live weight gain was 0.756 kg and 0.954 kg in scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. The increase in inbreeding per generation was 0.3 percent for scenario 1 and 0.6 percent for scenario 2. The nucleus strategy leads to greater genetic progress, however, it requires better linkage and organization with the beneficiary breeders.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Comunidades rurales; Diseño; Ganadería biológica; Pasco; Llama K'ARA; Llama; Mejoramiento animal; Mejoramiento genético animal; Perú; Programa comunitario
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