Comparación del comportamiento hidráulico de disipadores de energía adaptados a vertederos tipo Creager con pendientes variables en condiciones de laboratorio
Komiya Yokota, Elizabeth Marleni
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El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar y comparar el rendimiento hidráulico de cuatro tipos de disipadores de energía que se conectan a un vertedero de demasías aguas abajo, conocidos como Spillway toe (A), Ski Jump (B), Energy dispenser with pegs (C) y Gravel box stop Logs (D). Los experimentos se realizaron en un canal de sección rectangular con un lecho inclinado y horizontal con pendientes de 1% y 2%, y dos flujos de agua de 11 l/s y 13 l/s. Para el estudio, se dividieron los disipadores en dos categorías: los disipadores de superficies lisas (A y B) y los disipadores de superficies con fricción (C y D). Los hallazgos del estudio revelaron una fuerte correlación entre las curvas características del salto hidráulico y los datos obtenidos en los experimentos en el canal horizontal. Se logró la mayor disipación de energía, 69.7% en condiciones de fricción (disipador D) y una pendiente del 1%. La mayor eficiencia del salto se obtuvo con 0.726, también en condiciones de fricción (disipador C) y una pendiente del 1%.
The main objective of this research was to analyze and compare the hydraulic performance of four types of energy dissipators connected to a downstream overflow spillway, namely Spillway toe (A), Ski Jump (B), Energy dispenser with pegs (C), and Gravel box stop logs (D). The experiments were conducted in a rectangular section channel with inclined and horizontal bed with slopes of 1% and 2% and two water flows of 11 l/s and 13 l/s. For the study, the dissipators were divided into two categories: smooth surface dissipators (A and B) and dissipators with friction surfaces (C and D). The findings of the study revealed a strong correlation between the characteristic curves of the hydraulic jump and the data obtained in the experiments in the horizontal channel. The highest energy dissipation was achieved, 69.7% under friction conditions (dissipator D) and a 1% slope. The highest jump efficiency was obtained with 0.726, also under friction conditions (dissipator C) and a 1% slope.
The main objective of this research was to analyze and compare the hydraulic performance of four types of energy dissipators connected to a downstream overflow spillway, namely Spillway toe (A), Ski Jump (B), Energy dispenser with pegs (C), and Gravel box stop logs (D). The experiments were conducted in a rectangular section channel with inclined and horizontal bed with slopes of 1% and 2% and two water flows of 11 l/s and 13 l/s. For the study, the dissipators were divided into two categories: smooth surface dissipators (A and B) and dissipators with friction surfaces (C and D). The findings of the study revealed a strong correlation between the characteristic curves of the hydraulic jump and the data obtained in the experiments in the horizontal channel. The highest energy dissipation was achieved, 69.7% under friction conditions (dissipator D) and a 1% slope. The highest jump efficiency was obtained with 0.726, also under friction conditions (dissipator C) and a 1% slope.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
Resalto hidráulico
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