Operación de un sistema francés para la depuración de aguas residuales domésticas en clima árido
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Salguedo Cordova, Diana Carolina
En el año 2011, se construyó el primer “Sistema Francés” en Perú, para tratar las aguas residuales domésticas producidas en el hogar de ancianos Santa Ana y San Joaquín, ubicado en Chincha-Ica. Hoffmann et al. (2013) reportaron altos rendimientos en el segundo año de operación de este sistema (99% de remoción de DBO5, DQO, SST y 100% para amonio). Transcurridos ocho años de este primer monitoreo, surgió la inquietud de evaluar cómo habían variado los rendimientos de este sistema y analizar la influencia de la capa de lodo acumulada. Fueron monitoreados tres puntos para caracterizar las aguas residuales crudas, el efluente de la primera etapa y el efluente de la segunda etapa del Sistema Francés. Las remociones obtenidas en todo el sistema fueron de 98.3%, 99.1%, 99.5%, 100% y 19.8% en los parámetros de DQO, DBO5, SST, NH4-N y PTOTAL respectivamente. Se determinó que la capa de lodo sobre la superficie de la celda francesa se acumuló en una relación de 1.05 cm por año, obteniéndose una altura promedio de 9.4 cm. Los parámetros microbiológicos del efluente sugieren una calidad de agua apta para uso en riego restringido y para otro tipo de riego requiere de un proceso de desinfección. Finalmente, de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, se observó que habiendo transcurrido más de ocho años, el sistema mantiene una alta eficiencia de tratamiento y en comparación con sus primeros años de operación sólo ha descendido ligeramente (<1%), lo cual además demuestra que el Sistema Francés es una buena alternativa de tratamiento sostenible.
In 2011, the first “French System” was built in Peru, to treat domestic wastewater produced in the Santa Ana and San Joaquín nursing home, located in Chincha-Ica. Hoffmann et al. (2013) reported high yields in the second year of operation of this system (99% removal of BOD5, COD, TSS and 100% for ammonium). Eight years after the first monitoring, the concern arose to evaluate how the yields of this system had changed and to analyze the influence of the accumulated layer of sludge. Three points were monitored to characterize the raw wastewater, the effluent from the first stage and the effluent from the second stage of the French System. The removals obtained throughout the system were 98.3%, 99.1%, 99.5%, 100% and 19.8% in the COD, BOD5, TSS, NH4-N and PTOTAL parameters, respectively. The sludge layer on the French cell surface accumulated at a rate of 1.05 cm/year, obtaining an average height of 9.4 cm. The microbiological parameters of the effluent suggest a quality of water suitable for use in restricted irrigation and for other types of irrigation it requires a disinfection process. Finally, according to the results obtained, it was observed that after more than eight years, the system maintains a high treatment efficiency and compared to its first years of operation it has only decreased slightly (<1%), which also demonstrates that the French System is a good alternative for sustainable treatment.
In 2011, the first “French System” was built in Peru, to treat domestic wastewater produced in the Santa Ana and San Joaquín nursing home, located in Chincha-Ica. Hoffmann et al. (2013) reported high yields in the second year of operation of this system (99% removal of BOD5, COD, TSS and 100% for ammonium). Eight years after the first monitoring, the concern arose to evaluate how the yields of this system had changed and to analyze the influence of the accumulated layer of sludge. Three points were monitored to characterize the raw wastewater, the effluent from the first stage and the effluent from the second stage of the French System. The removals obtained throughout the system were 98.3%, 99.1%, 99.5%, 100% and 19.8% in the COD, BOD5, TSS, NH4-N and PTOTAL parameters, respectively. The sludge layer on the French cell surface accumulated at a rate of 1.05 cm/year, obtaining an average height of 9.4 cm. The microbiological parameters of the effluent suggest a quality of water suitable for use in restricted irrigation and for other types of irrigation it requires a disinfection process. Finally, according to the results obtained, it was observed that after more than eight years, the system maintains a high treatment efficiency and compared to its first years of operation it has only decreased slightly (<1%), which also demonstrates that the French System is a good alternative for sustainable treatment.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Sistema frances
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