Sistema de producción de caprinos en tres zonas vulnerables al cambio climático de la Región Piura
Temoche Socola, Víctor Alexander
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El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar los componentes del sistema de producción caprina y evaluar la relación entre los niveles de estos componentes con la percepción del productor al cambio climático en tres distritos de la región Piura. Se entrevistaron a 130 productores con un cuestionario estructurado para evaluar los componentes sociocultural, productivo, económico, ambiental y ecológico. Las respuestas fueron analizadas con estadística descriptiva y se clasificaron a los productores según componente. En adición, se evaluó la correspondencia múltiple de las variables de cada componente con la percepción al cambio climático de los productores. Los resultados revelan que el 84.6 % de productores desarrollan sistemas extensivos mixtos de caprinos criollos, ovinos y otros, con una población promedio de 85 caprinos por productor. La alimentación de las cabras comprende vegetación arbórea (14 %), arbustiva (21 %) y herbácea (65 %) del bosque seco. Los análisis de clasificación permitieron agrupar a los productores en: a) condición socio-cultural alta (55.4 %) y baja (44.6 %); b) capacidad de producción alta (33.85 %), media (51.53 %), y baja (14.62 %); c) condición económica alta (50.8 %) y baja (49.2 %); d) capacidad de adaptación excelente (6.16 %), buena (23.08 %), regular (75.38 %) y mala (24.62 %); e) percepción del estado del bosque buena ( 0 %), mala (83.1 %) e igual (16.9 %); f) percepción del cambio climático mala (30.08 %), regular (56.9 %) y buena (12.3 %). Se concluye que un 70% de productores tiene mayor probabilidad de continuar desarrollando el sistema caprino y un 30% baja probabilidad. La percepción de los criadores sobre el impacto del cambio climático mejora con un mayor acceso a capacitación, educación y asociatividad.
The objective of the study was to characterize components of goat´s production system and to evaluate the relationship between levels of these components with the producers´ perception of climate change in three districts of the Piura region. 130 producers were interviewed with a structured questionnaire to evaluate the sociocultural, productive, economic, environmental and ecological components. Responses were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the producers were classified accordingly to component. In addition, the multiple correspondences of the variables of each component with the perception of the climatic change of the producers were evaluated. Results reveal that 84.6 % of producers develop mixed extensive systems of creole goats, sheep and others, with an average population of 85 goats per producer. Goats were fed with arboreal vegetation (14%), bush vegetation (21%) and herbaceous vegetation (65%) of the dry forest. The classification analysis allowed grouping the producers into: a) high (55.4%) and low (44.6%) socio-cultural condition; b) high (33.85%), medium (51.53%), and low (14.62%) production capacity; c) high (50.8%) and low (49.2%) economic condition; d) excellent (6.16%), good (23.08%), fair (75.38%) and bad (24.62%) adaptation capacity; e) good (0%), bad (83.1%) and equal (16.9%) state´s forest perception; f) bad (30.08%), regular (56.9%) and good (12.3%) climate change perception. It is concluded that 70% of producers have greater chances of continuing developing the goat system and 30% less chances. The producers’ perception of climate change improved if they have greater access to training, education and associativity.
The objective of the study was to characterize components of goat´s production system and to evaluate the relationship between levels of these components with the producers´ perception of climate change in three districts of the Piura region. 130 producers were interviewed with a structured questionnaire to evaluate the sociocultural, productive, economic, environmental and ecological components. Responses were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the producers were classified accordingly to component. In addition, the multiple correspondences of the variables of each component with the perception of the climatic change of the producers were evaluated. Results reveal that 84.6 % of producers develop mixed extensive systems of creole goats, sheep and others, with an average population of 85 goats per producer. Goats were fed with arboreal vegetation (14%), bush vegetation (21%) and herbaceous vegetation (65%) of the dry forest. The classification analysis allowed grouping the producers into: a) high (55.4%) and low (44.6%) socio-cultural condition; b) high (33.85%), medium (51.53%), and low (14.62%) production capacity; c) high (50.8%) and low (49.2%) economic condition; d) excellent (6.16%), good (23.08%), fair (75.38%) and bad (24.62%) adaptation capacity; e) good (0%), bad (83.1%) and equal (16.9%) state´s forest perception; f) bad (30.08%), regular (56.9%) and good (12.3%) climate change perception. It is concluded that 70% of producers have greater chances of continuing developing the goat system and 30% less chances. The producers’ perception of climate change improved if they have greater access to training, education and associativity.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Caprinos; Explotación en pequeña escala; Sistemas de explotación; Manejo del ganado; Cambio climático; Impacto ambiental; Entorno socioeconómico; Evaluación; Perú; Zonas vulnerables; Región Piura
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