Predicción de ventas de departamentos en el distrito de Miraflores de una empresa inmobiliaria de lima utilizando el modelo de ensamble por medias
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Cruz Paredes, Gabriela Pilar
El mercado inmobiliario es un indicador de desarrollo importante en la economía de los países, cuyos principales factores que afectan a este mercado son los económicos y financieros, pero también los políticos pesan mucho, además de las condiciones propias de cada mercado. En el Perú, la situación del mercado inmobiliario fue afectado por la pandemia del COVID19 debido a la paralización de obras de construcción atrasando la entrega de los inmuebles, firmas de minutas con clientes, desembolsos crediticios y otros factores más, razones por la cual empresas del rubro inmobiliario empezaron a cambiar sus estrategias para llegar al cliente final. A pesar de la coyuntura, el mercado inmobiliario ha sido uno de los mercados resilientes, pues la necesidad de vivienda sigue siendo de importancia para las personas, sea para uso propio o para generar otros ingresos. En el presente trabajo se utilizó el modelo de ensamble de medias para estimar las futuras ventas de inmuebles dentro del distrito de Miraflores, el cual primero se usaron el Modelo ARIMA, Modelo de regresión lineal múltiple y por último la combinación de resultados de los modelos por la media simple. Con el método de ensamble por medias se obtuvo un valor de predicción del 85% para las ventas estimadas de departamentos en el distrito de Miraflores, el cual permitirá tomar decisiones en la empresa como continuar invirtiendo en mejorar sus sistemas de marketing, canales de ventas, inversión en terrenos, etc.
The real estate market is an important development indicator in the economy of countries, whose main factors that affect this market are economic and financial, but political factors also weigh heavily, in addition to the conditions of each market. In Peru, the situation of the real estate market was affected by the COVID19 pandemic due to the paralysis of construction works, delaying the delivery of properties, signing of minutes with clients, credit disbursements and other factors, reasons why companies in the real estate sector began to change their strategies to reach the end customer. Despite the situation, the real estate market has been one of the resilient markets, since the need for housing continues to be important for people, whether for their own use or to generate other income. In this work, the ensemble model of means was used to estimate future real estate sales within the Miraflores district, which first used the ARIMA Model, Multiple Linear Regression Model and finally the combination of results from the models by the simple mean. With the assembly method by means, a prediction value of 85% was obtained for the estimated sales of apartments in the Miraflores district, which will allow the company to make decisions such as continuing to invest in improving its marketing systems, sales channels, investment in land, etc.
The real estate market is an important development indicator in the economy of countries, whose main factors that affect this market are economic and financial, but political factors also weigh heavily, in addition to the conditions of each market. In Peru, the situation of the real estate market was affected by the COVID19 pandemic due to the paralysis of construction works, delaying the delivery of properties, signing of minutes with clients, credit disbursements and other factors, reasons why companies in the real estate sector began to change their strategies to reach the end customer. Despite the situation, the real estate market has been one of the resilient markets, since the need for housing continues to be important for people, whether for their own use or to generate other income. In this work, the ensemble model of means was used to estimate future real estate sales within the Miraflores district, which first used the ARIMA Model, Multiple Linear Regression Model and finally the combination of results from the models by the simple mean. With the assembly method by means, a prediction value of 85% was obtained for the estimated sales of apartments in the Miraflores district, which will allow the company to make decisions such as continuing to invest in improving its marketing systems, sales channels, investment in land, etc.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Estadística e Informática
Análisis económico; Empresas inmobiliarias; Empresas; Estrategias de marketing; Marca comercial; Perú; Promoción de ventas; Técnicas de mercadeo
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