Segmentación de clientes digitales del ecommerce de una empresa del sector retail con algoritmos de análisis cluster
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Caycho Huamaní, Lucila Noemí
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Las empresas del sector retail cuentan no solo con canales de venta física sino también con canales de venta digital que permiten llegar a cualquier usuario con conexión a internet de forma sencilla, segura y directa para cubrir alguna necesidad, ya sea de consumo, de educación, de entretenimiento, de salud, etc. La empresa del sector retail en la cual me baso en el presente documento no fue la excepción, ya que en el período posterior al COVID-19, tuvo que repotenciar su canal de venta digital (ecommerce) de forma ágil, para continuar siendo una de las empresas con mayor presencia en el mercado peruano. En la gerencia de Ecommerce, dentro de la dirección de Marketing, tenemos como objetivo principal brindar una excelente experiencia omnicanal de nuestros clientes, mediante la explotación de la información y experimentación constante. Nosotros consolidamos toda la información que recabamos de las plataformas de publicidad (como Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.), las plataformas de analítica digital (cómo Google Analytics, Hotjar, Google Optimize), las plataformas administradoras de activos digitales (cómo VTEX,), para convertirlos en insights que ayuden a la toma de decisiones. En el presente trabajo se presentará un proyecto que tiene como objetivo armar una estrategia de CRM en base a la identificación de segmentos de los clientes digitales de productos de consumo masivo mediante el uso de algoritmos estadísticos. En una primera fase se consideró todo el proceso ETL que permite disponibilizar los datos de manera limpia y ordenada para luego realizar el análisis de clusterización mediante el algoritmo K-Means en el software gratuito R. Se identificaron 3 segmentos de clientes, a los cuáles se les comunicaron beneficios y ofertas afines a sus preferencias, logrando aumentar las redenciones, así como las interacciones con los canales de comunicación.
Companies in the retail sector have not only physical sales channels but also digital sales channels that allow them to reach any internet-connected user easily, securely, and directly to fulfill various needs, whether they be related to consumption, education, entertainment, health, and more. The retail company that I am focusing on in this document was no exception. In the period following COVID-19, it had to swiftly enhance its digital sales channel (e-commerce) to continue being one of the most prominent players in the Peruvian market. In the Ecommerce management under the Marketing department, our primary goal is to provide an excellent omnichannel experience for our customers by leveraging information and continuous experimentation. We consolidate all the data we gather from advertising platforms (such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.), digital analytics platforms (like Google Analytics, Hotjar, Google Optimize), and digital asset management platforms (such as VTEX) to transform them into insights that aid in decision-making. This paper will present a project that aims to create a CRM strategy based on the identification of segments within the digital customers of fast-moving consumer goods, using statistical algorithms. In the initial phase, the entire ETL process was considered, which enables data to be made available in a clean and organized manner for subsequent cluster analysis using the k means algorithm in the free software R.Four customer segments were identified, to whom relevant benefits and offers were communicated based on their preferences, resulting in increased redemptions as well as interactions through communication channels.
Companies in the retail sector have not only physical sales channels but also digital sales channels that allow them to reach any internet-connected user easily, securely, and directly to fulfill various needs, whether they be related to consumption, education, entertainment, health, and more. The retail company that I am focusing on in this document was no exception. In the period following COVID-19, it had to swiftly enhance its digital sales channel (e-commerce) to continue being one of the most prominent players in the Peruvian market. In the Ecommerce management under the Marketing department, our primary goal is to provide an excellent omnichannel experience for our customers by leveraging information and continuous experimentation. We consolidate all the data we gather from advertising platforms (such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.), digital analytics platforms (like Google Analytics, Hotjar, Google Optimize), and digital asset management platforms (such as VTEX) to transform them into insights that aid in decision-making. This paper will present a project that aims to create a CRM strategy based on the identification of segments within the digital customers of fast-moving consumer goods, using statistical algorithms. In the initial phase, the entire ETL process was considered, which enables data to be made available in a clean and organized manner for subsequent cluster analysis using the k means algorithm in the free software R.Four customer segments were identified, to whom relevant benefits and offers were communicated based on their preferences, resulting in increased redemptions as well as interactions through communication channels.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Estadística e Informática
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