Entomofauna benéfica asociada al cultivo de tomate orgánico con refugios de algodón y trigo sarraceno, en el Huerto – UNALM
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Vega Garay, Roger Junior
El rol de la entomofauna benéfica es fundamental en los agroecosistemas para la regulación de los insectos fitófagos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la diversidad de los enemigos naturales en refugios vegetales de algodón (T₁) y trigo sarraceno (T₂), en un cultivo de tomate orgánico (T₀) de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, y el rendimiento de este último en los distintos tratamientos. Se realizaron colectas semanales con redadas y trampas de caída. Para el análisis de diversidad se emplearon los índices de diversidad alfa de Shannon y Simpson, y el índice de diversidad beta de Jaccard; y se utilizó el software R para el procedimiento. El grupo funcional predadores presentó para el tomate monocultivo un Índice de Shannon de 1.1192, para algodón 2.1567 y para trigo sarraceno 1.7328. El grupo funcional parasitoides presentó un Índice de Shannon para el tomate monocultivo de 1.7329, 2.6296 para el algodón y 2.5694 para el trigo sarraceno. El tomate monocultivo y el algodón presentaron un Índice de similitud de Jaccard de 0.2857, el tomate monocultivo y el trigo sarraceno un 0.2692 y el algodón y trigo sarraceno presentaron un Índice de Jaccard de 0.3056. La asociación del cultivo de tomate con trigo sarraceno (T₂) tuvo un efecto positivo en el rendimiento. Se obtuvo un rendimiento comercial de 43.65 ton/ha, mayor al rendimiento comercial del tomate monocultivo con 33.75 ton/ha y mayor a la asociación con algodón de 24.83 ton/ha.
The role of beneficial entomofauna is essential in agroecosystems for the regulation of phytophagous insects. The objective of this work was to determine the diversity of natural enemies in cotton (T₁) and buckwheat (T₂) plant refuges in an organic tomato (T₀) crop at the National Agrarian University La Molina, and the yield of the tomato crop in the different treatments. Weekly collections were made with roundups and pitfall traps. For the diversity analysis, the Shannon and Simpson alpha diversity indices and the Jaccard beta diversity index were used; and the R software was used for the procedure. The predators functional group presented a Shannon Index of 1.1192 for the tomato monocrop, 2.1567 for cotton and 1.7328 for buckwheat. The parasitoids functional group presented a Shannon Index of 1.7329 for the tomato monoculture, 2.6296 for cotton and 2.5694 for buckwheat. Monocrop tomato and cotton had a Jaccard Similarity Index of 0.2857, monocrop tomato and buckwheat had 0.2692, and cotton and buckwheat had a Jaccard Similarity Index of 0.3056. The association of tomato crop with buckwheat (T₂) had a positive effect on yield. A commercial yield of 43.65 ton/ha was obtained, higher than the commercial yield of the monocrop tomato with 33.75 ton/ha and higher than the association with cotton with 24.83 ton/ha.
The role of beneficial entomofauna is essential in agroecosystems for the regulation of phytophagous insects. The objective of this work was to determine the diversity of natural enemies in cotton (T₁) and buckwheat (T₂) plant refuges in an organic tomato (T₀) crop at the National Agrarian University La Molina, and the yield of the tomato crop in the different treatments. Weekly collections were made with roundups and pitfall traps. For the diversity analysis, the Shannon and Simpson alpha diversity indices and the Jaccard beta diversity index were used; and the R software was used for the procedure. The predators functional group presented a Shannon Index of 1.1192 for the tomato monocrop, 2.1567 for cotton and 1.7328 for buckwheat. The parasitoids functional group presented a Shannon Index of 1.7329 for the tomato monoculture, 2.6296 for cotton and 2.5694 for buckwheat. Monocrop tomato and cotton had a Jaccard Similarity Index of 0.2857, monocrop tomato and buckwheat had 0.2692, and cotton and buckwheat had a Jaccard Similarity Index of 0.3056. The association of tomato crop with buckwheat (T₂) had a positive effect on yield. A commercial yield of 43.65 ton/ha was obtained, higher than the commercial yield of the monocrop tomato with 33.75 ton/ha and higher than the association with cotton with 24.83 ton/ha.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento
Académico de Entomología
Refugios vegetales
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